View Full Version : -35mm Springs> Fitting?

10-01-01, 11:22 AM
Hi guys (and little pecker)

How easy is it to fit -35mm springs to a 1.3sr F reg nova? I have a basic car knowledge, so is it best left to the experts? If so, how much will they rob me?

I am also wanting to get some 15" alloys for my motor, where should I get them from? (I am after some cheap one's that are off a Vauxhall, like some calibra alloys or summit. I'm only looking to pay about ?150 with tyres. I can find some for sale in Loot etc. but then there's the issue of going half way across the country to pick them up...should I ring round a few scrappers or what?)

Cheers for answering my 101 questions ;)


10-01-01, 11:36 AM
e-mail sent about wheels

10-01-01, 11:44 AM
My advice is, if your going to lower it, and put 15's on it, try to get a vauxhall off set or as close 2 it as poss on your wheels or your have a knightmare with your arches.

10-01-01, 06:15 PM
today i personally fitted -35mm springs and dampers on my little baby, so as i feel mechanical today i say do it urself! if i little wee novachick can navigate around some springs i bloody well hope u can fit some! jack up the car take off the wheel undo the bolts and change the spring, put it all back together and begin again! the front ones are a bugger to do but the back ones are a 10min job even for a women so cummon ged do it urself,

cheers novachick