View Full Version : work.

Alex J
21-09-11, 09:14 AM
just a thread really to see who is in work and who isnt, at the moment im looking for work around here and there is about 80+ people going for one job, its doing my head in, and to add to the problem my skill is a multi drop driver and tyre fitter, and cannot drive due to medical reasons , so my c.v is usless! am i alone, or are people up and down the land as ****ed as i am, gone from 500+ a week ,to 500 a month with a child to provide for.
once you loose your licence you know who your mates are aswell, ive sat at home for the past four months and not been anywere or had any visits from anyone,:tumble: need a job BAD.

21-09-11, 09:28 AM
I'm on maternity leave at the moment but once I go back in November I'll be looking at leaving my current job and trying to find a new one. We've had a new boss since I've been gone and she's useless, won't tell me what days I'll be working which is making it hard to arrange childcare. She's taken to blanking me when I go in too :s

I've been having a peek on the job websites and im having trouble finding anything too. It's either driving work or you need previous experience. I can completely relate with the mates thing too. Good luck and I hope you find something soon.

21-09-11, 09:29 AM
That's pretty sh!t about the mates:(

I'd be totally f**ked if I lost my licence, I'd have to go back to doing actual physical labour !!! The job Market isn't too bad up here ATM but very low pay and not much overtime in a lot of places,

Alex J
21-09-11, 09:44 AM
id do 90% of physical labour jobs to put food on the table, but around here you dont even get a chance to go to an interveiw, not even a reply, to many people, not enough work!

and tanya, i can totally under stand what your saying aswell, because when my baby was born and she was ready to go back to work (EURO CARPARTS C*NTS) they drove her out because she needed to work less hours

21-09-11, 09:52 AM
See it's the total opposite for me, I'm frustrated as due to an injury i got while in my last job (in my 3 months period) the boss terminated my contract, blah blah blah I'm taking him to tribunal due to all the circumstances etc..

So Ive been singed off work since beginning of August, runs out on Saturday the 24th September, Been on £220 a month,so i will have to either get re assets, or go to JSA.
Carries been paying most the main bills etc, but the Astra's insurance is due October 5th, and Ive no cash for that...

Thing is there is LOADS of work about in my are in my trade, but due to this injury I'm going to have to look to do something els for at least 6 months to a year to make sure i don't re injure it, as it will be too weak to do any manual or heavy lifting work for a while.

Best start looking a guess..

As for mates, well mine see less of me since i moved in with the missis, as I'm sure you find the same, home life takes allot of your time up too..
but i do try to go to the pub to the quiz with mates if i can.


21-09-11, 09:52 AM
im unemployed atm, waiting on a start date from amazon though (opening a big new warehouse 2 mins up the road) been a while ive not been working, not got a lot of experiance in anything and didnt fancy college. not been driving for a year now since my last legal car was a rotten nova and wasnt repairable and tbf cant afford the insurance on the dole. but as you say u deffo know who your true mates are bud!

21-09-11, 09:58 AM
Im out of work by choice lol didnt like where I was working so walked out lol got a fiar bit of coin saved up so its not a total loss. Got a few things lined up but in no rush though.

21-09-11, 10:13 AM
I'm in work but don't want my job any more, does anyone else want it? lol

Trying to find a suitable replacement job is crap though. Everyone wants Java/.Net/C++/Perl/ASP/do-everything 'experts'. No room for ITSOs or hardware round here :(

21-09-11, 10:15 AM
What!! you quit that Fujitsu job??
Thought it was your "ideal" job?

Humm, any more plans for any CF ventures? i could do with some CF to make some bits from.


21-09-11, 10:22 AM
What!! you quit that Fujitsu job??
Thought it was your "ideal" job?

Humm, any more plans for any CF ventures? i could do with some CF to make some bits from.


Yes mate jacked it in lol job was pretty awesome but soooooon got boring. Figured out the management team were mostly @unts & decided working with drongo's certainly wasnt for me.

Ive got a few GRP ventures up my sleeve though, got put in contact with (insert very high profile F1 bodyshell manufacturing brand here), with regards to a job starting at £21.98 p/hour producing body parts for F1 cars & also a local Fiberglass manufacturing firm who are looking to branch into carbon composite now Performance Trim have ceased trading. And also a couple more avenues of investigation on the job front.

21-09-11, 10:30 AM
Yes mate jacked it in lol job was pretty awesome but soooooon got boring. Figured out the management team were mostly @unts & decided working with drongo's certainly wasnt for me.

Ive got a few GRP ventures up my sleeve though, got put in contact with (insert very high profile F1 bodyshell manufacturing brand here), with regards to a job starting at £21.98 p/hour producing body parts for F1 cars & also a local Fiberglass manufacturing firm who are looking to branch into carbon composite now Performance Trim have ceased trading. And also a couple more avenues of investigation on the job front.

Answer your phone! lol

21-09-11, 10:37 AM
Answer your phone! lol

Ha you trying to call me lol its on silent still lol

Alex J
21-09-11, 10:44 AM
someone ring me, makes me feel important!!!

21-09-11, 11:03 AM
and tanya, i can totally under stand what your saying aswell, because when my baby was born and she was ready to go back to work (EURO CARPARTS C*NTS) they drove her out because she needed to work less hours

Pretty much same as what's happening here. There's 3 of us on maternity leave all going back within 2 weeks of each other, so they're struggling to fit hours in for everybody, especially as the old boss took on several new people not long ago.

21-09-11, 12:02 PM
I'm still working for sainsburys and still looking for another job, I know Nissan at Washington is taking on so have stuck a CV into them, Catapillar at Peterlee is/was taking on again gonna redo my CV and stick it in again.

Keep going on the job centre website but its all, You need to be time served/have CSCS card/CPCS card/ X qualifications. :(

21-09-11, 12:18 PM
I'm working, not hard to find hgv jobs though. Mrs Hobbit is currently jobless though.

21-09-11, 12:59 PM
Self employed and employ 2 others. Kate is on the cusp of redundancy mind you

21-09-11, 01:10 PM
Luckily I've been working as a delivery driver since january. Not the best job in the world, but it keeps the nova running. Just. On the plus side the insurance is gonna be dropping considerably as of next month so will be having some more monies in the pocket :)

Sometimes it's easier to bullsh!t your way through. Learn on the job so to speak. Sometimes I find previous experience required/X qualifications needed is to weed out those who are just completely stupid/been on the dole all their life. (And I'm not knocking those who genuiniely are on the dole due to losing their jobs, been there done that... Not nice :/)

21-09-11, 01:20 PM
That doesn't work in IT though; I ticked most of the boxes on an application once but then they gave me a technical interview and I was like errrrr :tard:

Time for a career change methinks lol

21-09-11, 01:29 PM
Can't win everytime Jack lol

21-09-11, 01:35 PM
Self employed sice January-slowly building up every month,cant grumble really.Im earning what i earnt at my last job and doing much,much less.

21-09-11, 01:40 PM
i work for a company that makes plastic pipe ducting, fibre optic cable and bundled fibre cable

we supply to the whole world so were pretty busy most of the time and after youve done your training its a peice of piss

plus i work 12 hour nightshifts 3 on 3 off so no boss's at work

Lee H
21-09-11, 03:35 PM
I've been tentatively looking for a new job but nothing much out there at the moment. Been here 16 months now (longest job for 6 years) but the travelling is a pain and I'm not paid enough for what I have to do.

21-09-11, 04:36 PM
i am in a family business.. i am sort of in it till i retire......... i actually managed to get a lot of experience in a lot of things, but very few qualifications.. which most people never check on anyway... i will always keep in work, cos i will always have my class 1 hgv to fall back on. i have a lot of sympathy for anyone who is searching for a job, we advertised for a van driver & there were tons of people, and they were all desperate to get back into work... this might sound odd, but we hired the least desperate one..

21-09-11, 07:05 PM
Can't win everytime Jack lol

Can if you work for Fujitsu lol lol

21-09-11, 07:10 PM
Sometimes I find previous experience required/X qualifications needed is to weed out those who are just completely stupid/been on the dole all their life. (And I'm not knocking those who genuiniely are on the dole due to losing their jobs, been there done that... Not nice :/)
I'm not completely stupid (admittedly I am a bit of a tard most of the time) and I was on the dole after I left college for about a year although I didn't get my first (and only) job til I was 19 and I'm still stuck in it, GCSE's were all D and below which is my own fault for prating about (although my BARB test results were better than my GCSE results, shame I never got in the army lol ) so what are people like me supposed to do? Going back to college is an option but when I'm needing to find a place to live as my mother doesn't want me moving with her and her soon to be husband its not really a wise idea.

In hindsight I should have took a proper course at college instead of "NCFE Preparation for entry into the uniformed services" but tbh I just expected to get into the army and hadn't planned for anything else, so I'm just stuck til I can find a decent job that pays well.

21-09-11, 07:13 PM
what stopped you going into the services?? they allow gays these days, so it can't be that........can't you re-apply.

anyway bathfart... you are young, so get sorted very soon, even if its evening classes, think of something you want, then research the best courses for it, then get on with it.... being in this position & 20 yrs older will be a lot harder to sort out.

21-09-11, 07:17 PM
Why cant you start a full time college course while still living at home?!!
You dont need to earn fukk all.
Your only optionless when you have over £1200's worth of outgoings a month with a family to support!

21-09-11, 07:27 PM
what stopped you going into the services?? they allow gays these days, so it can't be that........can't you re-apply.

Being 4 pound overweight is what stopped me, twas January 2003 iirc and I ate too much over Christmas, as funny as it sounds its true. Could have lost that easy and went in but decided to live a bit before risking a beheading in Iraq at 18 years old lol

Why cant you start a full time college course while still living at home?!!
Because I need to find somewhere to live, as I said the mother and soon to be husband don't want me in their new house, my mother said that to my face yesterday.

21-09-11, 07:42 PM
Because I need to find somewhere to live, as I said the mother and soon to be husband don't want me in their new house, my mother said that to my face yesterday.

My dad said similiar on the evening of February 11th 1986. Im still here now....

21-09-11, 08:03 PM
Been in my job for over 15 years now.Work in a electronics distribution/warehouse.Was only ment to be a stop gap job until i went to uni
but the lure of money in my pocket was too much.Damn what a stupid mistake that was.

22-09-11, 08:38 AM
Why cant you start a full time college course while still living at home?!!
You dont need to earn fukk all.
Your only optionless when you have over £1200's worth of outgoings a month with a family to support!

Even then you can do an evening course, which was what I was planning to do, while Luke looked after Dan in the evenings :)

22-09-11, 08:58 AM
im stuck on 2 1/2 days a week at the mo as work is slow, but im looking for a new job anyway aswell as got a major self employment thing underway which just takes time.

and i know what you mean Jack, I've got a degree in web design but looking at a web design job the other day and i barely qualified for web developers bitch position lol

22-09-11, 11:11 AM
I'd have thought with a degree you'd be Ok though? As you'd do stuff like SQL, asp, java, maybe even some flash stuff? Webdev is out for me as although I can do HTML and CSS with my eyes closed I can't do any database gubbins which is what everyone wants :(

22-09-11, 11:16 AM
web design is still like timeshare was in the 90's.... there are more villains in it than there are decent straight people....

we get offers almost daily from absolute idiots. they try to tell us that our simple website is completely wrong, and we aren't on the good search lists etc....and how by spending money with them we will massively gain in our business turnover.. one tried to tell us that on horse arenas alone, there were 125000 people searching it per day in our area & we were missing out because of blah blah etc.... we build maybe 6 a year & never more than 30 miles from home.. so that means every second house must need one doing......
we gave him a guided tour of the front door...

ps. as for sql based stuff.... we run a dedicated work/invoice package for our transport business. if we use a simple custom template, it takes 5 minutes to produce an invoice, but with their own std one, it takes 5 seconds. after 20 months, nobody can still say why it does it & how to fix it.

22-09-11, 11:21 AM
Mainly through luck I managed to land a £28k job 3 years ago so I'm pretty happy atm

In some ways it makes up for all the crap/temperary/low pay jobs I've done for the 10 years prior

The mrs has just been made redundant tho, jusy after we got a sizable mortgage :eek: :( lol

I seem to be noticing a second wave of redundecies, loads a few years back now a lot again over last few months :confused:

Alex J
22-09-11, 11:29 AM
there isnt even a job at mc donalds round here!

22-09-11, 11:39 AM
there isnt even a job at mc donalds round here!

They give them jobs to skinny geeky kids who wont LOSE them profits! lol

22-09-11, 12:04 PM
i can do flash, html, css some java know SQL through my own teachings and work with dreamweaver


22-09-11, 12:42 PM
Just been on the job centre website myself, found one job that I could apply for but probably wont get so applied for it anyway. Never been a van driver yet but I've got no points and plenty of sales experience.

22-09-11, 12:59 PM
Jon, have a look on cwjobs and jobsite.co.uk - both have loads of jobs for people with skills like yours.

22-09-11, 01:04 PM
Even then you can do an evening course, which was what I was planning to do, while Luke looked after Dan in the evenings :)

The trouble with the night courses is they often dont offer the same qualification as the full time ones,well,what i wanted to do didnt anyway

22-09-11, 01:25 PM
The trouble with the night courses is they often dont offer the same qualification as the full time ones,well,what i wanted to do didnt anyway

Ahh I didn't realise that :) The one I was planning on doing did.

22-09-11, 01:32 PM
surely you can get creche facilities at your college for a day course?

22-09-11, 01:56 PM
The brother inlaws other half has her tribe in daycare FOC on her college course (that she will fail the first year of and start again with full funding and daycare.... grrr)

Jack, a degree means shag all thesedays since everywhere and 'everyone' (nearly) has one so its not a gauge of an ossum person anymore, I was on the wave of the problem back in 2003 and it took 13 months to find a career job :( Then it took me 24 months to find a replacement career job when I had the redundancy options, handily I went into deeeeefence at that point and abused them for being slow/old/rubbish lol

22-09-11, 02:36 PM
surely you can get creche facilities at your college for a day course?

I probably can but a night time course is more suited for me/Luke. Especially when I go back to work.

22-09-11, 10:33 PM
Jack, a degree means shag all thesedays since everywhere and 'everyone' (nearly) has one so its not a gauge of an ossum person anymore
I know this, but it seems employers don't lol about 10 years ago you didn't need a degree to get an IT job, but now it seems most want them unless you want to be a phone jockey helldesk drone.