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View Full Version : Transducers!

09-07-03, 12:45 AM
in this months TV (page130 pic13) there is a transducer, but on it has 'AH' on mine, it has 'AK' is there any difference? is the 'AH' a 16v one?

my one is from a 8v, so the digi dash is as well, my bro has really put me in the shiznit, he pulled the dash and 'ducer out of the car without the loom, all i have on the 'ducer is a think black wire about a foot long, and theres nothing from the dash!

can it be used at all?

09-07-03, 03:08 PM
there are 2 typesof ducer - one for 8v and one for 16v - think the 8v one is cheaper (dont quote me on that though) - vauxhall will charge you ?70 for one (cannae remember which though - sorry)

As for wiring, providing you have the connector block, you should be able to marry it up to the existing block from your old dash - most of the wires are the same - there are one or 2 differences. Also MK1 and MK2 novas have dofferent dash connectors so depending on which one you have will depend on the wiring.

I recommend getting hold of a haynes manual and checking the wiring. They're fairly striaght fwd to trace...


09-07-03, 10:08 PM
u will need to get the white plug and black plug from the astra gte

10-07-03, 10:37 PM
no such luck there aragorn, the astra is on a scrap heap somewhere in Cornwall, well, in the south half of england really, unsure where abouts, and its prolly been squashed to the size of a suger cube!

10-07-03, 11:42 PM
u either have big sugar cubes, or a big mug to put them in :o

11-07-03, 12:07 AM
LOL, no bid suger cubes or a big mub, but after all the rust had fallen off the astra, and i had the bonnets vents, spoiler and digi dash, as well as taking the engine out, there wasnt much left of the car, there wasnt even the front arches, they had almost rusted to dust! lol it was on only the loom that was holding the car together!