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08-07-03, 11:10 PM
Well the last 2 and a bit weeks have been hectic - virtually every spare minute spent doing summink to a Vauxhall culminating in a very long weekend but at last I've finished and had chance to get on here. I'm about fooked but happy everything seems to have been pretty much sorted. :D

Saturday was a good laff - cheers to everyone who came up to see me - was a really enjoyable day -it was nice to see everyone and its certainly a really good way to crack on and get a car fixed :D Spent most of the day trying to remember how i had put my poly carb windows in and the rest watching Stuart doing all the tricky stuff. :wink: Got to bed at 1.30am.

Sunday - was woken at 7.00am by MC. Wasnt too sure whether I was still in saturday or sunday. First job (3 cups of Coffee lol) "just" synch up the gear shift and get the valver off the ramps ready for Alex's engine swap. Turned out to be a right saga -what should have taken a few minutes took half the morning - got it sorted tho with a special CP mix'n'match Cav/Nova gearshifter mod. Next put the cav brakes on the valver whilst MC and Alex took his sick 1.2 out. By teatime the valver had been parked and the transplanted 1.6 was about ready to start. Early evening saw it eventually started but would rev properly :cry: No matter what we did it wouldnt rev. By midnight I was starting to halucinate and Alex was wishing he could curl up and die somewhere. We admitted defeat and went home.

Monday - up at 7 - (this is getting a habit). Finished off some little bits on the valver and made a phone call to Alan at Velos. It was suspected that the 1.2 i fuel pump wasnt upto the job. So stripped the fuel pump etc off the cav and rigged it up crudely to test the theory. Had a moment of doubt about which way round I had plumbed the fuel pipes following some funny noises from the pump. So stupidly I undid 1 of the hoses which pretty much exploded in my face blinding me with petrol.( this was after MC telling me that most injection cars need high pressure - about 60 - 70 psi to run right). A comedy of errors saw me stumbling blinded around the worskhop trying first water and them hand cleanser to clear the petrol from my eyes. Each attempt only made matters worse and it was sometime before I could resume work. Cleared my sinus trouble up tho :lol: Anyway by 6 pm the car was finally running properly thank god and me Alex and MC felt a whole lot better.

Anyway today after sorting out with Alex and MC first thing decided to get back to my real job ( filling in forms to get paid for not growing crops :P )
However it wasnt to be as a 1.0 12vCorsa belonging to a friend of my daughters decided to die in my driveway. Was a bit of head scratcher - had spark and petrol but battery was lazy. Seemed this had caused the ECU warning light to come on occasionally switching the car to Limp home some weeks back - women :roll: Fitted a new battery and did an ECU reset and that sorted that but by then it was teatime again.

I am now officially in retirement for the rest of the summer :lol:

Oh BTW - cant make it to Billing either - 3 line whip imposed - major family event :cry: :cry: :cry:

08-07-03, 11:18 PM
what was the problem on my valvers gears?

08-07-03, 11:22 PM
next time you get petrol in your eyes wash it out with milk, not water lol

09-07-03, 09:04 AM
Basically neither the std gear linkage off a GTE nor the Cav linkage would work. Main problem was avoiding fouling either the steering rack or the speedo union. Ended up taking the 2 apart and then mixing and matching the various bits by cutting and welding bits together. Each time I tried it out it was catching somewhere else so it took some time taking it on and off. In the end i shortened the push bar that connects to the selctor on the box so it now works fine :D I think using one off an Astra would have avoided this but i dont have one :(

09-07-03, 09:58 AM
Charles - i would have thought you would know that oil based products (ie petrol) and water/water based soap products do not mix well.

Its like trying to put out an oil file with a firemans hose - you just spread the oil (petrol) all over the place. tut tut.

Glad you got Alex's car sorted out - he did say that it wasnt sorted yet on monday, but seemed happy that he got a ride home in your car with MC :lol:

09-07-03, 03:56 PM
ive broke it again already :roll:
I have put the gte exhaust on now, but there is a leak somewhere and the car wont even start. cant be arsed to fix it till tomorrow now, as it was an effort to put it on in the first place with only a jack and two axle stands.

Thanks again MC/CP :D

09-07-03, 04:50 PM
cor 3 days work and you want to retire, these olde folk dont know they are born lol

fairplay your a workaholic lol

09-07-03, 05:10 PM

09-07-03, 05:12 PM
I reckon CP & MC should write a book on engine rebuilds.

Take pics, do haynes style (but MUCH better) and flog it - make a BOMB!