View Full Version : what is needed or track days?

11-09-11, 08:07 PM
What is required for track days re safety?

I have done wee local stuff but today went down to watch and observe knockhill which looked like fun.

I noticed everyone wore a helmet, what specification is required? or what is recommended.

Some guys had roll cages but, not everyone, and mine is a road car so i would rather leave the car as it is.

And seriously...is it worth doing in a 1.3 SR or will I just be a laughing stock!

11-09-11, 08:09 PM
If your car is road legal/worthy you'll be fine (for normal track days)

I couldn't find any info on helmet specs when I was looking into it, rang Donington and they said any will suffice (e.g. a bike helmet) so I went to my local bike gear store and got a helmet from there

1.3SR will be pretty slow compared to almost everything there probably but should still be fun IMO :)

vx kev
11-09-11, 08:14 PM
Anything goes on a day like today at knockhill buddy, as long as you have all wheel nuts on and tight, battery is secure and your brake lights work thats all they require for letting you out on track. Helmets can be hired from Knockhill at £1 a shot but easily pick one up of the Bay. Your 1.3 Sr may not be the quickest thing out there but it will give you some good experience and fun on track :thumb:
Gotta start somewhere eh :)

11-09-11, 08:27 PM
Thanks for that,

After youve paid your £10, do you just go the track with others or do you have to sign up first thing am etc?

next time I'm there I'll have to get the courage to go up and say Hello to anyone near a Nova too!

vx kev
11-09-11, 08:37 PM
Thanks for that,

After youve paid your £10, do you just go the track with others or do you have to sign up first thing am etc?

next time I'm there I'll have to get the courage to go up and say Hello to anyone near a Nova too!

If its a hot hatch day then yes you pay your £10 to get in and then if you want to go on track you go to the business centre, sign on and pay the fee (unless you book it online) get your drivers wrist band and thats you ready to go. If its a track night then you dont pay to get in, just to get on track.
Yeh just gotta come over and speak to anyone with a nova really and those that have PNG stickers but atleast you know what mines looks like now for future :thumb:

Was that you in the minty red sr i seen scouting about?

paul james
11-09-11, 08:44 PM
You can have fun in a 1.3 no problem, decent brakes and quality tyres will help keep you competitive with bigger engine cars.

11-09-11, 08:50 PM
get a helmet!! There has been to many tragic losses recently, I'm sure you can pick one up on ebay for 30quid.. Money well spent

vx kev
11-09-11, 08:51 PM
You can have fun in a 1.3 no problem, decent brakes and quality tyres will help keep you competitive with bigger engine cars.

Agreed, from previous years with my mates xr2. what it lacked on the straights it more than made up for in the corners with decent tyres, brakes and suspension!

11-09-11, 08:52 PM
I would allways recommend a roll cage ,even in an sr im pretty sure my brother would have suffered serious injury in my old sport without a roll cage,the bug gets you and you cant help pushing a bit and sometimes that means you are going to go off ,even with a little engine that can be at serious speed,hit a gravel trap at the wrong angle and its very easy to end up on your roof

11-09-11, 08:56 PM
get a CAR helmet FFS. bike helmets will 'do' but they arent designed for being mashed round a car in many directions.
Can get an open face for £100 or less.

11-09-11, 09:07 PM
If its a hot hatch day then yes you pay your £10 to get in and then if you want to go on track you go to the business centre, sign on and pay the fee (unless you book it online) get your drivers wrist band and thats you ready to go. If its a track night then you dont pay to get in, just to get on track.
Yeh just gotta come over and speak to anyone with a nova really and those that have PNG stickers but atleast you know what mines looks like now for future :thumb:

Was that you in the minty red sr i seen scouting about?

Yeah, that was me, probably with the usual grumpy face?

11-09-11, 09:09 PM
get a CAR helmet FFS. bike helmets will 'do' but they arent designed for being mashed round a car in many directions.
Can get an open face for £100 or less.

Thanks, thats why I asked, whats is the best thing re safety etc

11-09-11, 09:20 PM
safety first, i spent €500 on a helmet!

12-09-11, 09:10 PM
I would allways recommend a roll cage ,even in an sr im pretty sure my brother would have suffered serious injury in my old sport without a roll cage,the bug gets you and you cant help pushing a bit and sometimes that means you are going to go off ,even with a little engine that can be at serious speed,hit a gravel trap at the wrong angle and its very easy to end up on your roof

I understand what you mean, my intention is to just enter a few "slowish" events this year to see if I like it, if I do get the bug, then it will be into prepping one of my mk2s with cage, harness and all the safety stuff, oh, and an engine of course!

12-09-11, 09:34 PM
aye im thinking of it now lol. was good fun yesterday even as a passenger lol that you in the mk1 sr? looks mega clean mate

12-09-11, 09:48 PM
You don't have to pay the £10 if you pre-book your track space, so just the £65.

And I wouldn't recommend a hot hatch day as a first time track day, I would try one of their evening sessions first.

vx kev
12-09-11, 09:53 PM
[QUOTE=Mieran;1923801]You don't have to pay the £10 if you pre-book your track space, so just the £65. QUOTE]

Bonus, used to have to pay to get in aswell as for track time the last time i done a hot hatch day. But then that was a few years ago now! I had a mates season pass on sunday to get in as we still assumed you had to pay the entry fee.

12-09-11, 11:45 PM
aye im thinking of it now lol. was good fun yesterday even as a passenger lol that you in the mk1 sr? looks mega clean mate

yes, that was me, not sure if I'm mental taking that car out on a track though!

13-09-11, 06:47 AM
get a CAR helmet FFS. bike helmets will 'do' but they arent designed for being mashed round a car in many directions.
Can get an open face for £100 or less.


Plus open face = no kit car rides!