View Full Version : Buying a phone. Online V Buying from the shop

07-09-11, 12:05 PM
I know exactly which phone I want so ordered it from 3 but was told it had been refused due to security issues and they couldn't help me further with the matter. So on the off chance there was a fault I tried applying again and this time was told no due to not passing the credit check. Am I likely to get told the same thing if I actually go instore and get it?

07-09-11, 12:17 PM
Go & see another provider.

07-09-11, 12:43 PM

...is the short answer lol Ask the company for details of the credit check (i.e. why you failed it) or if they won't play ball then pay a few quid and do one yourself. But then to fail a check for a mobile phone you must have something pretty crap on your record - which I guess you'd know about. I've known people to be CCJ'ed up to the hilt and still get approved for a mobile lol

OR its possible the original security check thing was not credit related, and if your history is weak (is it?) so the second application added enough of a dent in your record to make them refuse you. Applications for credit do go on your record.

[edit] if it is that second option, weak credit, just wait a month or so and try again.

07-09-11, 05:22 PM
i do an equifax check on myself once a year ( or near re-mortgage time )

a poor credit score and refusal of credit can also be a result of never having credit before so your score has never been built up.