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View Full Version : Car Projects and lost interest.

27-08-11, 08:06 PM
Before ANYONE says it, I dont want to hear any variation of "If you only had one, you could concentrate on it"

Anyway, this past 12mths, I've become a father yet again, gotten married and had the misfortune to become employed again so this has taken its toll on my Cars and projects.

I've managed to either sell or scrap:

27-08-11, 08:07 PM
Too many projects doddy mate.....lol

27-08-11, 08:10 PM

And theres been 3 Corsa Bs that havent been pictured.

I suppose what it all boils down to is priority and what comes first, either that or old age.

I also know the majority of users on here have been for donkeys years, has the age thing affected you lot?

paul james
27-08-11, 08:12 PM
I think its probably beyond any one person to tackle that many cars! although if I had the space I'd probably have bought more cars than I needed too. How many do you have now?

27-08-11, 08:15 PM
Some nice cars there, i like the green nova is it a proper GTE ?

27-08-11, 08:16 PM
**** me I want to come live with you. Old skool heaven. Do you have the sr/i wheel centre caps still by any chance?

27-08-11, 08:17 PM
Scott Parker was asking about it. It was a 1.2 Carb but I had all the GTE bits there so I threw it together with the intention of Twin NE-Turbo-ing it as I had all the parts there including the front off another Nova but as the shell itself was rotten I abondoned the idea and the project. It even had a Green dash, seats and Carpet.

27-08-11, 08:23 PM
Age thing has effected me a little, once the Sport is finished I won't be building another car, I'll still do little bits as time goes by

At 33 there's other things I want to be doing with my time tbh

I don't have any kids and just bought a houses that needs work for a start

I won't say never to buying another nova lol would be a ready built one tho

27-08-11, 08:25 PM
you need to put fascias on the gable of that building in the pic-so theres summat else lol

27-08-11, 08:27 PM
Thats the narrow side of my Garage!

27-08-11, 08:30 PM
get it done lol

27-08-11, 08:34 PM
I sometimes lose interest in mine as i get too busy just living life, going out drinking,hanging out etc etc..

I think you just have to put them aside for a while sometimes, but when you do make time to work on it, work hard and fast, because if you spend too much time thats when you lose interest, i think the key is to make good progress fast, and finish it before you think about getting bored.

27-08-11, 08:41 PM
The key is to not overwhelm yourself with gear and problems with said gear-exactly what our friend doddy has done right there lol lol

27-08-11, 08:42 PM
i like the pea green nova

27-08-11, 08:44 PM
Doddy as you refer to has all the gear and all the tools, even all the contacts to do anything to finish any of these cars and never gets overwhelmed. Each car has a list of work to be done, parts to be used and parts required. Its all very well coordinated but time is the issue.

27-08-11, 08:47 PM
Still overwhelmed lol,not enough hours in the day eh?!

27-08-11, 08:50 PM
id sell up if i were you and use the spare cash and space to concentrate on 1 good project, then when its finished maybe start another.

27-08-11, 09:14 PM
Before ANYONE says it, I dont want to hear any variation of "If you only had one, you could concentrate on it"

As above. It doesnt matter where I go in life, I'll always have loads of cars and projects, I couldnt have it any other way TBH. This is just whats gone in the last year, theres still loads here remember.

Anyway, as for selling up, whats "An Unfinished Project" worth these days? Scrap value? They're worth a lot more finished and this will fund more projects once they're done, its like a snowball.

27-08-11, 09:31 PM
Your house looks like a breakers yard mate :/

27-08-11, 10:54 PM
No, my yard does. The my house is fine. All my cars and garage are at a lower level towards the back of the site. Bare in mind I'm on 3/4 of an Acre.

27-08-11, 11:05 PM
Mate you always amaze me when you sling up picture threads like this..

So how many do you actually still have?
And how many need work on to get on road/sell etc?

To be honest if i was you would of been told to move out by now! lol

All you need is one good xe/v6 cav, and one mk2 xe nova, one mk1 small block.



27-08-11, 11:27 PM
5 Corsas, (4 of which need general tidying and testing, 1 of which in a long term XE conversion) 2 Cavs (both going V6) 2x Novas (my Red SX and Irish Green Van) my E39 BMW and my e21 BMW. The plan is to get rid of everything bar the BMWs and the Nova Van and possibly get a Vectra as a runabout (got my eye on one and with a shed full of GSi Vectra bits, why not?)

As for being kicked out, if she hasnt done it by now, she never will!!

Do you still have the yellow Mk1 Scott?

27-08-11, 11:39 PM
Yes mate, the missis passed her test at the end of July and she's on the insurance to drive it, was quite surprised, we got it full comp my name her on it for £315 FC she's 24 I'm 30.

Ive got the track car and then the mk4 Astra as a daily, but at the mo Ive just gone through a fair bit of crap, hurt my back at a job in my 3 month trial, the guy cut my employment without letting me self certify for 5 days due to my back, so now Ive been off/out of work 4 weeks due to not being bale to get another job cus of my back, and have been signed off by the doctors for another 4 weeks min!

So not flush right now, once I'm back on top I'll get all of them how i want, i hate seeing cars for sale, Ive seen 4 in the last day or so i would buy if i could! lol

ben doodar
28-08-11, 12:17 PM
yh i see where your coming from dod. i was building a c20let nova and was trying to do it to a real good standard, but these things take alot of time and money. But i just dont get time these days with work, having a mrs and a 3 year old lad who id much rather spend my time with than building a steaming turbo nova.

I ended up swapping my c20let project with engine, box, mounts, shafts... well everything there to build really, for a pretty much standard nova gte this way ill still have a nova as a toy and to do a bit of work on, but its not going to take up all my time and money, + im sure ill be able to get alot more use out of it than a c20let nova, and not having to fix it on my days off + on a nice day i can take my lad out in it and not be threating that its going to break down on us.

i love my project cars but honestly think lifes to short to be a slave to a car.

28-08-11, 12:20 PM
but honestly think lifes to short to be a slave to a car.
Couldnt agree more.

28-08-11, 10:41 PM
On the flip side of that though, you need something to keep your mind working as well. Its a leasure thing that sometimes becomes a bother due to lack of time, motivation, funds etc, its like a seesaw but with a lot more things tipping the balance.

Scott, thats pretty **** mate, sorry to hear it but on the bright side, all your cars are bought and paid for and realistically as long as they're maintained, they'll hold their value and I'm sure you'll not let them go or deteriate,(sp) you've got plenty of time to look after them anyhow.

28-08-11, 10:58 PM
Ive skipped to the last page but you need to spend more time on here mr Dod, you dont post as much and youre missed:p

28-08-11, 11:06 PM
The joy of Full time work, 3 kids and a Porn addiction. lol

29-08-11, 07:16 PM
and my e21 BMW.

:wisewood: pics please :)

29-08-11, 10:42 PM
Bare in mind, work hasnt started yet, but it is a very special car. I havent got any pics of the other 2.