View Full Version : anybody near coxhoe/durham....

17-08-11, 04:19 PM
anybody in the area going to this car show at Sunderland tonight?

17-08-11, 04:50 PM
where and what is it mate?

17-08-11, 04:59 PM
why am i away when there is a show, typical

17-08-11, 05:24 PM
copy and paste....

Meet @ Eclipse Performance (Sunderland SR1 1XB))

Next week Chris (the owner!) is going to be featured in a Channel 4 documentary about the N.E car scene and people who are passionate about their cars so we are throwing a bit of a shindig and offering you all the chance to potentially get featured!

For anyone that doesn't know, Chris is a 20yr motorsport veteran as well as an ex WRC driver and BRC category winner.

On Wednesday 17th August we will be holding a meet at 7pm at the shop in Sunderland (SR1 1XB) to show off what we offer, our rally car and show car will be there as well as the TV crews.

We are looking for as many modded cars as possible to get on down to us, park up, have a bit of banter and show everyone why we are so passionate about our cars.

this is copy and pasted off nem forum, anyone game??

also copied and pasted from corsasport forum

17-08-11, 06:15 PM
pleased im not home, took my car there for camber to be set and tracking done on an old xe corsa, got a call expecting it to be done but one of the mechanics took it for a test drive and ripped the exhaust and sump off!!!!

17-08-11, 06:31 PM
Ooh thats a 5 minute walk i might go.

I do have a broken ankle and will be attending on a pair of crutches though lol lol

17-08-11, 06:45 PM
Since propably none of you lot will turn up ill wear my PNG Hat and represent for us lol

18-08-11, 08:38 AM
my phone was playing up so i never got many pics but here goes...

^ that black fez can shift!! ^
x2 V6 24v citroen c2, front and rear engines. was very hot inside when he pulled up lol

18-08-11, 09:01 AM
I never got the chance to go coz my mates dropped me in it, looks like i missed out.

Was there any novas ? shame i couldnt of drove mine down.

18-08-11, 09:34 AM
didnt see any at all mate