View Full Version : Camping stove of death

15-08-11, 03:44 PM
Just a warning to all those using the single ring style camping stove that alot use at shows , I lent mine to my mum as she was going to Cornwall camping for 2 weeks, she also bought a new one so she had 2 stoves last Tuesday while in Cornwall whilst making her and her husbands dinner outside the tent the stove with no warning blew up my mum was in the tent at the time and that went up in flames to luckily my mum got out but she did suffer burns to her face and her hair went up like micheal jacksons by all accounts after being sorted at the hospital they returned to the campsite were the owners very kindly offered them a caravan free for the remainder of the holiday they stayed 1 night and came home tho as my mum was in pain, when talking to the site owner though my mum was told they have had a number of problems with these stoves so if you use one please do it a good distance from your tent my mum is an experienced camper but this was totally unexpected she is on the mend so all is good but just wanted to let you know feel abit awful as it was the one I loaned her that blew up but I've never had a problem with it

15-08-11, 03:53 PM
Bloody hell Rich thats shocking to hear, was it the same type that we all use with the aerosol type gas bottles....

I.e. this type..


I wonder what the hell caused it to explode like that, doesnt bear thinking about if you and Heather were there with mini-Mee:eek:

15-08-11, 04:02 PM
That horrible to hear, i hope everything heals up well.

I thought it was going to be the story i read somewhere not long ago where a bloke was cold in his tent so he put the stove on inside the tent to warm it up, then turned it off and went to sleep, not letting it air the gases obviously lingered and he died. bit of a plank really!

15-08-11, 04:12 PM
That horrible to hear, i hope everything heals up well.

I thought it was going to be the story i read somewhere not long ago where a bloke was cold in his tent so he put the stove on inside the tent to warm it up, then turned it off and went to sleep, not letting it air the gases obviously lingered and he died. bit of a plank really!

Eh, how the hell, i did this @ national weekend and again @ PV this year, had it in the middle bit of my tent with the door to the sleeping compartment open, then turned it off and zipped the door closed, tents arent air tight so will air out by themselves, i think someones been telling you Jackanory's there mate!

15-08-11, 04:35 PM
these are mass produced cheap and cheerfuls arent they? Me thinks a dodgy batch from china would be to blame.

hope she gets better soon chap

15-08-11, 04:56 PM
Eh, how the hell, i did this @ national weekend and again @ PV this year, had it in the middle bit of my tent with the door to the sleeping compartment open, then turned it off and zipped the door closed, tents arent air tight so will air out by themselves, i think someones been telling you Jackanory's there mate!

well maybe he didnt have his tent door open, cant just shrug it off because you did it. but i know lingering fumes kill even in tents i cant find the specific story but
all different stories.





15-08-11, 05:02 PM
But they say the fumes came from bbq's not camping stoves, i still cant see how fumes could build up in a tent enough to kill peeps but thats not the issue here though really is it, as those didnt blow up:eek:

15-08-11, 05:23 PM
Yeh sod that! cheap Chinese crap. it ridiculous, more and more stuff like this is happening, where an almost cutting corning trend has impaired the quality of products for cheap manufacturing. well its been going on for years but still, getting worse perhaps

15-08-11, 05:42 PM
'we' arent.... well not as such.
Its the chineeese attitude thats somewhat terrible for manufacturing/changing suppliers and not testing stuff.

I've had 'cast' ali warp at 40degrees Celsius from china lol

15-08-11, 07:09 PM
I've had 'cast' ali warp at 40degrees Celsius from china lol

best aluminium is found in either Belgium or Austria ;)

15-08-11, 07:31 PM
Surely it would be a faulty cannister that causes an explosion rather than the stove itself?

either way, not good :(

15-08-11, 07:40 PM
Ye spud was like that one hence why I've posted it as I know we all use them I've used mine in the past to warm the tent never will again and when cooking I'll be well clear if I have to use one of them again, as said my mum is on the mend but is a bit shocked

15-08-11, 08:29 PM
I guess this is why we are banned from having them in our trucks. Unless you're on the telly, then you can cook away on your derv tank :roll:

Hope your Mum gets better asap :)

15-08-11, 08:38 PM
bad news rich! Hope your old dear is on the mend soon!

17-08-11, 10:02 PM
I have two of these, will have to think twice next time. iirc you can get them for like 3 quid in Poundstretcher.
Anyway, send best wishes to ya mam

17-08-11, 10:18 PM
there are some shockingly different quality canisters on the market.. i had a rogue one last year on a camping trip to rutland water, and now i only buy them from a reputable supply (ie. not from a discount shop with a name that is an anagram of M&B)

hope she recovers quick & the injuries aren't too permanent.