View Full Version : C20XE Bottom pulley bolt

27-07-11, 05:58 PM
I need to remove the oil pump because I've done the seal on it running too thin an oil.

Figured I may as well get the steel inner for it too while the things a part...

The bolt in question is about 16MM but has a 6 spline head - I'm just wondering what's the best way to stop the crank turning so I can get the breaker bar on it?

The box is still on btw and timing belt.

27-07-11, 06:00 PM
I suppose the correct oil would be a 10/40 semi..?

27-07-11, 07:45 PM
is it still in the car?
Ive had to grind them off out the car before,theyre a nightmare to get off!

27-07-11, 08:10 PM
If its in the car then stick it in gear, take up the slack in the transmission and then put the handbrake on.
If its out the car then starter motor off and jam the teeth on the flywheel with a big crowbar or something.

27-07-11, 09:09 PM
use the large centre internal torx as a counterhold. (internal torx on a breaker bar)

27-07-11, 10:18 PM
when i had mine on the engine stand other week and needed the pump off , haynes said use a bit of wood to jam the crank , did it a piece of piss :thumb: