View Full Version : doing my lessons

paddy quinn
19-07-11, 09:56 AM
started doing my driving lessons done my first one yesterday and got told i am a rather good driver so hopefully it wont be to long before i get on the road and will be able to attend meets

19-07-11, 11:45 AM
started doing my driving lessons done my first one yesterday and got told i am a rather good driver so hopefully it wont be to long before i get on the road and will be able to attend meets

Remember they tell every learner that to boost their confidence on the road ;)

But in all seriousness, good luck buddy! being able to drive is one of the best things possible :)

19-07-11, 12:00 PM
Being able to drive and being a good driver are two hugely different things.... good luck though

19-07-11, 12:03 PM
remember they tell every learner that to boost their confidence on the road ;)

but in all seriousness, good luck buddy! Being able to drive is one of the best things possible :)

when i learnt, they kept telling me not to hit the bloke carrying the red flag, so at least things have improved..

Are you planning to wear a short skirt for your test?

19-07-11, 12:06 PM
some people are natural drivers, you could be one but the most important advise is to relax,dont panic,and when you fek up just chill and it'll all go to plan, gd luck and dont go nuts when and if you do pass :)

19-07-11, 12:24 PM
some people are natural drivers, you could be one but the most important advise is to relax,dont panic,and when you fek up just chill and it'll all go to plan, gd luck and dont go nuts when and if you do pass :)

Couldn't agree more! I had my first lesson a couple of weeks ago and almost went into a telegraph pole, i'd panicked and instead of steering had put my foot down on the accelerator. Scared the life out of me.

19-07-11, 01:11 PM
Couldn't agree more! I had my first lesson a couple of weeks ago and almost went into a telegraph pole, i'd panicked and instead of steering had put my foot down on the accelerator. Scared the life out of me.

My little sister did the same on one of her earlier lessons, driving on a back lane, the corner came up to fast and she panicked and pressed the wrong pedal, made a nice scrape across the front of her bumper.

19-07-11, 01:18 PM
a school friends brother was being taught by his mum, who was an evil psycho school teacher bitch, and as they approached a bend, there was a tractor coming the other way, about 200yds away, and she yelled at him to watch the tractor, so he did, instead of watching where he was going, drove straight on, up a bank & stuck the car on its roof.. it happened right outside my dads house.. the lad gave up driving, and is now a missionary....

19-07-11, 03:05 PM
good luck mate,from my experience the only advice i could give you is just try and make the instructor/examiner feel safe and comfortable in the car with you behind the wheel lol ,you should be alright mate good luck.

19-07-11, 03:26 PM
The best way is to get into the learners routine and it will all fall into place. Once you are comfortable controlling the car the rest is all straight forward.

19-07-11, 10:58 PM
Just remember you are learning to pass a test, not to drive.

The learning to drive starts when you get out on your own.

19-07-11, 11:03 PM
my ex forgot to turn the wheel while learning islands lol

also, remeber slowing down at schools is correct - wolf whistlings is a definate no-no

19-07-11, 11:35 PM
I had to do an emergency stop 15 mins before the examiner asked me or I would of ran over a dog.

20-07-11, 09:04 AM
Just remember you are learning to pass a test, not to drive.

The learning to drive starts when you get out on your own.

That attitude is why there are so many bad drivers on the road

20-07-11, 09:30 AM
One of my ex's once described her lessons as "therapy sessions", as she'd spend the entire time yakking to the instructor about whatever was on her mind at the time.

She failed her test seven times. LOL

That attitude is why there are so many bad drivers on the road
IMO the lessons are there to teach you how the basics of handling the car, using the road etc. Once you've passed, the next year or so is all about learning how to handle traffic and every other fcuker on the road lol

20-07-11, 02:18 PM
i remember doing my test, i was crapping myself but when the examiner got in the car he introduced himself etc then said "im not officialy allowed to make conversation with you but if you speak to me i will reply" we blethered about football for most of the test and i passed as it made me feel alot more calm and relaxed

best thing is i know nothing about football as it dosnt interest me 1 bit

20-07-11, 03:25 PM
Also remember, aswell as watching your own driving, you have to watch everyone elses on the roads as there are surplus amounts of hopeless drivers who could cause an accident!

20-07-11, 05:38 PM
That attitude is why there are so many bad drivers on the road

People just dont pay attention to the road once they get used to driving, i notice it even more now im on a motorbike! The lessons do just teach you the basics, also how to burn out a clutch whilst waiting for the traffic lights to turn green lol

I know not all driving instuctors are the same, but i actually had to tell a woman (driving instructor) how to drive at work the other month! She was complaining that the car was struggling to reverse uphill without using the throttle!

20-07-11, 07:20 PM
Couldn't agree more! I had my first lesson a couple of weeks ago and almost went into a telegraph pole, i'd panicked and instead of steering had put my foot down on the accelerator. Scared the life out of me.

I had to do one of my tests (there was a few lol) in a courtesy car as another pupil had dumped the clutch on full lock and actually slammed into a lamppost via the drivers door, which is quite a trick imo.

20-07-11, 07:36 PM
On one of my tests I made a speeding car slow down, I got the serious fault for it, and then spent ten minutes arguing it. I failed to see how it was my fault that I made a speeding car slow down. When I started the manuvour the road was clear. As I got half way across the road, this car came screaming up the road and had to slam on the brakes as I was in the way lol.

Ah well, I've passed now. Bloody great feeling!!

20-07-11, 07:40 PM
Also remember, aswell as watching your own driving, you have to watch everyone elses on the roads as there are surplus amounts of hopeless drivers who could cause an accident!
My old instructor used to say "everyone on the road is an idiot" - so very true!

20-07-11, 07:42 PM
My mum reversed into a cyclist when she did her test..... and she still passed!! lol. Thankfully i never had any horror stories with my lessons or test. Bit boring really.

20-07-11, 09:57 PM
My old instructor used to say "everyone on the road is an idiot" - so very true!

and i bet you were the only one on the road he was talking about

20-07-11, 10:26 PM
My mum reversed into a cyclist when she did her test..... and she still passed!! lol. Thankfully i never had any horror stories with my lessons or test. Bit boring really.

i thought i was bad mounting a curb on the left hand reverse and still passing

also got a minor mark for going too slow haha think i'd make my instructor proud now