View Full Version : Carmine red or Flame red?

17-07-11, 07:19 PM
Can anyone confirm if my SR is Carmine red or Flame red. Car was registered on 23 of May 1989.



craig green
17-07-11, 07:27 PM
Post the paint code from the vin plate under the bonnet.

17-07-11, 07:28 PM
Id say thats carmine as it looks darker than flame, and iirc flame is a mk2 colour!

Flame is 79L btw:thumb:

17-07-11, 07:30 PM
my mk1 is flame red, it is a may 1990 one

17-07-11, 07:31 PM
I'd be near certain it's Carmine, lookedmore like it under the lights. Should have checked the code for you that night!

17-07-11, 08:09 PM
Thanks guys for the help. It says 76L on VIN plate so must be Carmine. :thumb:

I'd be near certain it's Carmine, lookedmore like it under the lights. Should have checked the code for you that night!
Forgot to ask you about that. lol Did the backbox fit OK?

17-07-11, 09:02 PM
it'll be pink soon enough :)

17-07-11, 09:20 PM
it'll be pink soon enough :)
Doesn't look too pink for being 22 years old. :thumb:

17-07-11, 09:29 PM
carmines don't fade like flames....

17-07-11, 10:08 PM
its carmine red, doesn't fade half as much as flame red. I think vauxhall still use flame red for the pure reason it fades, therefore older vauxhalls will look scruffy and folk will buy more new ones!
YOur SR looks great btw, the condition and originallity is ace, keep it that way.

17-07-11, 11:03 PM
carmines don't fade like flames....

try telling Tom that

these two are both carmine

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/267855_10150231829647971_617982970_7250441_4443292 _n.jpg

18-07-11, 01:13 PM
its carmine red, doesn't fade half as much as flame red. I think vauxhall still use flame red for the pure reason it fades, therefore older vauxhalls will look scruffy and folk will buy more new ones!
YOur SR looks great btw, the condition and originallity is ace, keep it that way.
Cheers. :thumb:

18-07-11, 01:37 PM
try telling Tom that

these two are both carmine

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/267855_10150231829647971_617982970_7250441_4443292 _n.jpg

but what was jack singing?