View Full Version : pictures please!!!!

Alex J
14-07-11, 07:40 PM
can somebody post up as many pictures of my new nova they can find, im not being an ASW, just ive forgot what it looks likelol, and cant find my copy of total vauxhall with it in how it looks now:cool:...

14-07-11, 07:48 PM

Alex J
14-07-11, 07:49 PM
id never stoop that low to buy a five door!!!

14-07-11, 07:49 PM
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4XTYK3qqPIHworxSgm01PnHsLhZeGD asOJW4Z_fBWu3Sv4Q7q

Alex J
14-07-11, 07:51 PM
wrong colour!

14-07-11, 07:52 PM

:d lol

Alex J
14-07-11, 07:53 PM

:d lolmk2, FAIL

14-07-11, 08:01 PM
Clicky Billing 2010 pics (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?151396-VBOA-Billing-pics-2010)

14-07-11, 08:04 PM
Google is your friend ;)


14-07-11, 08:31 PM
mk2, FAIL

mk2 FTW :D

14-07-11, 08:33 PM
A cheap reproduction of a original classic so your wrong Ryan lol

14-07-11, 08:37 PM
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4XTYK3qqPIHworxSgm01PnHsLhZeGD asOJW4Z_fBWu3Sv4Q7q

best mod for a 5 door imo

Alex J
14-07-11, 09:10 PM
Clicky Billing 2010 pics (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?151396-VBOA-Billing-pics-2010)

thanks mr hobbit, cant wait to collect her:cool:

14-07-11, 09:11 PM
lol i have missed you merris lol

Alex J
14-07-11, 09:16 PM
lol i have missed you merris lol
so has edd, craig green , and stuart i betlol

14-07-11, 09:17 PM
true! lol

14-07-11, 09:29 PM
best mod for a 5 door imo

would be good if it was a 5 door though lol FAIL

nova danny1
14-07-11, 09:44 PM
would be good if it was a 5 door though lol FAIL

was thinking the samelol

14-07-11, 09:53 PM
A cheap reproduction of a original classic so your wrong Ryan lol

well.... thats because the mk1 was such a FAIL vauxhall thought thay would make it better and made the mk2 and thay started with the dash lol

then vauxhall FAILD and made a cav ;)

14-07-11, 09:57 PM
well.... thats because the mk1 was such a FAIL vauxhall thought thay would make it better and made the mk2 and thay started with the dash lol

then vauxhall FAILD and made a cav ;)

Good job they didn't faild at spelling, or it might have been called a cavohleer

14-07-11, 10:00 PM
he sold it then? was chatting to Brett at PVS and he was in 2 minds if he wanted to sell it lol

14-07-11, 10:08 PM
Good job they didn't faild at spelling, or it might have been called a cavohleer

is that a cheeky comment towards me?!!

14-07-11, 10:21 PM
is that a cheeky comment towards me?!!

would have said so lol

14-07-11, 10:25 PM
Brett isn't happy unless he's building/messing/modifying something and thats why I think he knew it was time to sell up, same thing happened with his Cav. Last time I spoke to his he was builing a mk4 Astra estate

14-07-11, 10:28 PM
Brett isn't happy unless he's building/messing/modifying something and thats why I think he knew it was time to sell up, same thing happened with his Cav. Last time I spoke to his he was builing a mk4 Astra estate

Thought he was doing a mini-moke too.

14-07-11, 10:35 PM
is that a cheeky comment towards me?!!

Hi, apparently you've never met me, 95% of what I say is sarcasm, 3% is bull**** and 2% is drunken incomprehensible slurring.

At least 97% is harmless though :)

14-07-11, 10:41 PM
Hi, apparently you've never met me, 95% of what I say is sarcasm, 3% is bull**** and 2% is drunken incomprehensible slurring.

At least 97% is harmless though :)

i just hate it when people have a digg at me because of my spelling ;)

14-07-11, 10:43 PM
i just hate it when people have a digg at me because of my spelling ;)

You 'faild' at spelling failed, I'm afraid that's just dancing with inevitability lol

14-07-11, 10:46 PM
i just hate it when people have a digg at me because of my spelling ;)

Like i have pointed out to you before, you will find this on this site as we like to keep the standards as high as we possibly can on here, and you had no trouble typing that last comment and spelling it correctly btw :p

14-07-11, 10:53 PM
i have had this convo with spudly before and i dont want to end up starting all over again!

14-07-11, 11:21 PM
Leave the lad be! hes on a car forum, not an english lesson!

14-07-11, 11:36 PM
Leave the lad be! hes on a car forum, not an english lesson!

Yes but if he is left unchecked then he will never learn and will mis-spell and text type his entire life, we strive to rid ourselves of the chavvy-boy racer image and imo text type and blatant poor spelling only reinforces this image, so im sorry but i feel as part of the staff here it is my duty to point it out, this has come up before and i dont care, if you have a problem with me/my posts/the way i do my job on the site, then hit the report button or pm an admin.

14-07-11, 11:39 PM
so this doesn't get into a argument lol , top right of the quick reply box is a spell checker , you will have to install the add on , but it does make life easier :thumb:

14-07-11, 11:40 PM
My post had nothing to do with improving english standards or anything, I'm just a pisstaking barsteward and that was too easy lol Apologies if it was taken the wrong way, I'd be disappointed if someone didn't do the same to me with a similar mistake :p

15-07-11, 12:11 AM
calm down lads........

im sory if i started a war but at the end of the day i have been told off by spudly before about my spelling and i try as hard as i can so sory guys..;)

15-07-11, 12:15 AM
why must you all mock the million door!! :(

15-07-11, 12:26 AM
more doors aren't too bad in loon form but hatch's just look plain wrong lol

15-07-11, 12:29 AM
more doors aren't too bad in loon form but hatch's just look plain wrong lol

like a mk2 nova with a mk1 dash:thumb:

15-07-11, 12:35 AM
more doors aren't too bad in loon form but hatch's just look plain wrong lol

looks fine to me
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/270866_10150311091977845_717137844_9580963_5297130 _n.jpg

15-07-11, 12:38 AM
thats what every 5 door should get lol

btw you are a evel b£sterd, cutting up a early boot :)

15-07-11, 12:40 AM
lol you should see what he did to a brown dash lol

15-07-11, 12:42 AM
tbf, the dash was cut before i had it...all around the clock had been hacksawed but yes...i hacked the dash in half :D

i did have another bootlid :p on mk2 one i think

15-07-11, 12:43 AM
i will see you in hell then ?lol

15-07-11, 12:44 AM
oh im going there for stuff much worse than cutting a dash up lol

15-07-11, 12:45 AM
Is the hotub going in the back of that then bubba?

I think billing would be better with some sexy laydees in a hotub nova lol

15-07-11, 12:45 AM
Oops my gone has a stustutter

15-07-11, 12:46 AM
oh im going there for stuff much worse than cutting a dash up lol

lol i think you need to go sit in a corner lol

15-07-11, 12:47 AM
Is the hotub going in the back of that then bubba?

I think billing would be better with some sexy laydees in a hotub nova lol

Being a 5 door though, the only person to be seen dead in it would be a pensioner... as it'd be a walk in bath.

Please note: "Seen dead in it" may be a poor choice of words.

15-07-11, 12:51 AM
it was owned by....an elderly couple (from new) before me. so makes sense...i could make a mini one of these


Alex J
15-07-11, 06:39 AM
on topic, has anyone got pictures of said car, five pages of crap 5 door ****e, and hot tub cars, WTFlol

15-07-11, 09:55 AM
I was just thinking the same...

19-07-11, 12:12 AM
hey peeps not posted in a while i realy will miss my car verry much all the looks and coments you get everywhere is truely unbeliveable but it is pure and simply time to move forward and cut back and be sensible. i do hope alex will be pleased with the car and like everycar outhere you can always improve and put your own touch to somthing. i will get the tissues ready for wednesday morning when she drives away :(

19-07-11, 12:32 AM
You'll regret it massively mate...

Specially when in 3 months mad axe merris get bored and chops it into tinny little bits of tin! lol

Alex J
19-07-11, 08:26 AM
You'll regret it massively mate...

Specially when in 3 months mad axe merris get bored and chops it into tinny little bits of tin! lol
the axe is away now untill further notice (unless i get MEGA ****ed off) so it will be in safe hands, its only going to sit in the garage untill i can burnout once more..

19-07-11, 09:00 AM
First dibs on the wheels and snowplough when you scrap the shell lol

19-07-11, 11:05 PM

I took them the other year at Billing mate.


19-07-11, 11:09 PM
its only going to sit in the garage untill i can burnout once more..

LOL nearly fell off the chair laughing at the that lol lol some things never change ehh lol