View Full Version : the final NASA shuttle launch...

Alex J
08-07-11, 02:15 PM
always wanted a go of one of these, dont know if anyone else is watching, but here is the link live from NASA hq live .... http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/

08-07-11, 03:05 PM
the closest you'll get is a walk round the static display one at the space centre. which is well worth the trip....

Alex J
08-07-11, 03:10 PM
when mini merris is a bit older, disneyland is a must, so i want to take a quick trip in , she already thinks im sad for watching the shuttle launchlol

08-07-11, 03:15 PM
it is well worth the day out there. stepping into the saturn V hall will stun you..all the family will enjoy it.

08-07-11, 03:45 PM
I watched a shuttle launch back it the '90's from a few miles away, was totally awesome, sky was clear as well, it was very noisy lol

Kennedy Space Centre is worth every penny as well, as is watching NASCAR at Daytona beach

08-07-11, 03:49 PM
Ohhhh its launching in 29 minutes :)

08-07-11, 03:50 PM
ive been to flordia twice and both times seen a shuttle launch, really interesting and would love to see another, i tried to video one of them but failed epically :D

08-07-11, 04:02 PM
How interesting :) I'm watching too.

Alex J
08-07-11, 04:07 PM
why is america scraping it, they should stop wasting money on wars, and keep this going IMO!! and isnt the shuttles top speed like 12,000 mph!

08-07-11, 04:10 PM
I'm surprised there's not more coverage if it's the last one. All that's on Sky News is Prince William and Kate being in Canada.

08-07-11, 04:13 PM
why is america scraping it, they should stop wasting money on wars, and keep this going IMO!! and isnt the shuttles top speed like 12,000 mph!

There scrapping it to put funds towards a new form of space travel

Plus the shuttles are like 30odd years old

Alex J
08-07-11, 04:28 PM
its broken already! with 30 seconds to go!!!:eek:

08-07-11, 04:57 PM
Be interesting to see what bit of kit the US govt buys off Boeing to replace it lol

08-07-11, 05:30 PM
the reason the space shuttle was sign off as a project was based on which project would give the most number of aerospace jobs in his home state, by good old president Nixon....yup, tricky dicky okayed the shuttle....

the next generation space vehicle is being worked on by a new consortium with, i believe, no boeing input.... i can't remember the blokes name, but he simply has designed a great big multi stage rocket, a bit like the saturn series, but with some funky new technology on the rocket engines...

i've always wondered why they didn't fire a rocket off an inclined railway from the mohave desert, give it a 20mile run up & then curve it to the sky, so its momentum is huge when it leaves the ground, as opposed to the stand it there, & light it method.

08-07-11, 05:40 PM
i've always wondered why they didn't fire a rocket off an inclined railway from the mohave desert, give it a 20mile run up & then curve it to the sky, so its momentum is huge when it leaves the ground, as opposed to the stand it there, & light it method.

Because all said and done you still have to get it the same height in the air, which requires the same amount of energy, and you've added in friction from running on railway lines and an aero loss from running 20 miles at full atmospheric pressure at ridiculous speeds, so you're carrying more fuel on a larger vehicle just to push it along the ground for a while which doesn't achieve anything towards the end goal.

08-07-11, 09:21 PM
the next generation space vehicle is being worked on by a new consortium with, i believe, no boeing input....

So, what Boeing equipment will they end up buying I wonder. lol