View Full Version : DANGER - SLEEPWALKERS!

01-07-03, 09:48 PM
Check out BBC1 just now (think it startedd at 9pm)

About freaky sleep walking and disturbed sleep

Well bizarre!

Wife keeps talking in her sleep - well freaky!

Held a conversation with her for 5 mins the other night!

:o :lol:

01-07-03, 09:53 PM
i talk in me sleep 2 as r lass 2 fit sum floor sockets once then another time i told her sum bird was fit
me dad told me mum 2 help him change a land rover wheel once

01-07-03, 10:33 PM
i saw that the first time it was on :o

01-07-03, 11:24 PM
lmao @ the woman who was on a permanent diet but kept pilling weight on........midnight sleepwalking munchies lmao :lol: :lol:

02-07-03, 11:41 AM

I sleep walk regularly. Most of the time i wake up standing in the corner of my bedroom in total darkness. I shit myself as i have no idea where i am or where the light switch is.

02-07-03, 12:43 PM
i dont sleep walk but i talk in my sleep all the time - and the missus says i often sit up and sit on the edge of the bad staring blankly at the wall for a while and then get back into bed.

02-07-03, 07:37 PM
lol i laff in my sleep some times and also once before i sat up watchin a blank tv or summink cus my mom wlaked in my room and asked what i was doin.... i juststared at her and carried on watchin so she walked off lmao

also before i walked down stairs aswell and stood in middle of room starin at the light mother just lets me get on with it now :lol:

02-07-03, 11:06 PM
im good i dont sleep walk..... nemore i stoped yrs ago when i got out of bed n woke to find my self strangling my friends mum :o :oops: :o

02-07-03, 11:45 PM
feck :o

Phrillip -

also before i walked down stairs aswell and stood in middle of room starin at the light mother just lets me get on with it now

the reference to "mother" was a little bit too Hitchcock Psycho related for my liking

e e e e e e e e e e e e


03-07-03, 10:23 AM
mother doesnt like me having my girlfriends stay the night, i dont think you should be here, mother wouldnt be happy


neeeeeeeee neeeeeeeeeeeee neeeeeeeeeeeee neeeeeeeeeeeee