View Full Version : fiestaturbo.com..

30-06-03, 02:36 PM

make your own assumptions.....

30-06-03, 03:05 PM
let em get on with it.

30-06-03, 06:58 PM
least round there fuel caps will go rotton and theyll have 2 bodge it up with filler
Fords hahaha

dont know why people have problems with this site they oughta just grow up i mean dont see ne of us goin out of us ways 2 slag other cars off or goin on other sites 2 do other modders\drivers heads in

30-06-03, 10:20 PM
Dunno why they are laughing.... they own the nova equivalent of the Ford world... :roll: Know which I'd rather have...

I know a few people with Fiestas, most of them are cool... Just you do get the odd RS(Twit/Twat/Tosser etc) sadly.

01-07-03, 10:35 AM
if the lads own fiesta why do they keep uploading them to the gallery,

are the ppl abusing the fiestas and posting the pics up of them regular users of this site??

and if they are users then why are they taking the mick on other forums?? :roll:

01-07-03, 12:26 PM
I know a few people with Fiestas, most of them are cool... Just you do get the odd RS(Twit/t**t/Tosser etc) sadly.

This is the case with most cars though, novas inc. However some cars, for example, saxos, fiestas and so on appeal to the younger market hence the bad name.

01-07-03, 12:46 PM
This is the case with most cars though, novas inc.

Nope, the majority of nova owners are muppets :roll: Well they are round here anyway! :lol:

01-07-03, 12:58 PM
I agree with Breeny - Nova drivers have a bad reputation and for good reason in most cases.

01-07-03, 01:00 PM
yes most nova owners are tossers and pikeys

01-07-03, 01:28 PM
thats why i put novas inc? inc = included? :D