View Full Version : overheating (mx5 not nova sorry)

19-06-11, 10:22 AM
Hello guys I'm having a problem after my top hose splitting on the m1 it was replaced by aa but it now overheats never done this before its been checked over and the waterpump thermostat headgasket and no pressure loss thru the coolant system I've tryed bleeding it.but the problem is still there and I've run out of idears now any help would be really helpful cheers guys

P.s the top hose they put on has a slight kink on it could this be the problem ?

19-06-11, 10:36 AM
the first thing to consider is why did the original hose split? i the system pressurising excessively? It could well be a headgasket issue, have you done a dye test to confirm/rule this out?

it could just be as simple as an airlock, so maybe try bleeding it again, heater on full and use any bleed points they give you (I can't remember of the top of my head if there is one on the stat housing or not?)

I dont think a kink would cause any problems, so long as it isn't restricting the flow

19-06-11, 10:45 AM
As above hoses only split when the pressure is to high, so either air locked or the oil/combustion pressure is pumping up the coolant!

Does sound likely to be H/G, does it have a water cooled oil cooler?

19-06-11, 10:59 AM
the hose was very old and almost rotten looking extremly worn, and its had the dye test two times and its been fine

i have tryed bleeding it atless 4 times now and nothing :/

19-06-11, 11:00 AM
forgot to add the fan kicks in aswell

19-06-11, 11:08 AM
if its a nitemare to bleed as some cars are you can drill a little hole in or beside the thermostat to overcome this, where is the stat located on said car?

19-06-11, 11:09 AM
i dont feel comftuble drilling holes in it tbh mate lol

19-06-11, 11:17 AM
no it is a last resort but people do it, means you can properly bleed the car when cold and blow the air out using your mouth, sounds stupid but ive done it a few times on a clio/R5turbo/206 etc when bleeding can be a problem,done it last week on a rover mg as the stat is at the bottom behind the block and a nitemare to bleed, a quick bit of mouth to pipe action in it was sorted:d

19-06-11, 11:18 AM
i will keep it mind lol cheers

19-06-11, 11:25 AM
you dont need to drill a hole everytime, just bleed it when hot or pour in hot water/antifreeze to open the stat then get your gums round the pipe and blow the air out, trust me you can try all the other original ways but this is the best,quickest and proven to work everytime way mate, gd luck:p

19-06-11, 11:28 AM
any videos out there on how to do it mate so i can have a look

19-06-11, 11:33 AM
Basically add hot water/antifreeze and give the header top hose a bit of head then fit the hose to the rad then refill.

19-06-11, 11:35 AM
and you guys think that will be a end to the problem then hopefully

19-06-11, 11:36 AM
no wouldnt of thought so, but as said open all bleed screws,fill system with warm/hot 50/50 mix and close each one as air clears, then run upto working temp with cap off and heaters on, switch car off,remove return hose on header tank then blow through tank cap until all air is out of each bleed screw and no air just water is coming out off return hose,i usually fill tank to top and blow excess out until correct level, its easy and quick and will bleed it properly if your having problems

19-06-11, 11:51 AM
i will give it a try when the weather dont look as scary lol might as well flush it at the same time

General Baxter
19-06-11, 12:04 PM
too much hair spray being blown around, entering the inlet, making it burn hotter :p

19-06-11, 12:11 PM
lol lol lol lol lol lol

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to General Baxter again.


19-06-11, 12:12 PM
could be mate lol really want to get it fixed as its a right laugh down the quite backroads in essex and hertfordshire lol

19-06-11, 12:15 PM
best thing is my bird dont even like the mx5 she is all about the nova lol