View Full Version : I have discovered why I am currently sick as a dog

08-06-11, 10:59 PM
I seem to have drank about 25 litres of Coke in approximately two weeks. :roll: :(

General Baxter
08-06-11, 11:02 PM
light weight lol

08-06-11, 11:02 PM
Have your teeth fell out lol

08-06-11, 11:04 PM
Teeth are fine. 3KG? of sugar in a fortnight isn't though!

Perma headache, aching joints, foul taste in mouth... :/

I'm no stranger to 'the stuff' but it's not usually in such copious amounts!

08-06-11, 11:08 PM
On an unrelated note, Makro have a great deal on at the moment.. 9x 3 litre bottles of Coke or Diet Coke for around £8. I suggest you do not purchase the full fat stuff. DC may be fine though. lol

08-06-11, 11:09 PM
meh, hot chocolate all the way! lol

09-06-11, 12:31 AM
meh, hot chocolate all the way! lol

Is this as a detox method or just a favourite tipple John? lol


Vacated my bowels at around 23:45 and it was then that I knew what had to be done, as it was en route regardless. Made myself sick. Was hard to get an idea on volume as it was into the basin with the cold tap running but there was a fair amount. I stopped just short of emptying the last 'batch' and it seems to be staying put as hoped. lol

I feel better though, although still mighty fcuked up. This crap is worse than drink. :roll:

*Drinking pint of cold water. :)

16v Nova Kev
09-06-11, 12:41 AM
Perma headache, aching joints, foul taste in mouth... :/


09-06-11, 07:36 AM
And the rest of the additives and other shut that in it lol take it from someone who nos what goes in it lol

09-06-11, 07:39 AM
Want me to pop round to top you back up?


09-06-11, 09:58 AM
Why the funk would you drink that much of it?

09-06-11, 10:24 AM
Why the funk would you drink that much of it?

Because where he comes from running water has not been invented :P

09-06-11, 10:40 AM
You're gonna have mega withdrawal now...

09-06-11, 12:14 PM
Impressive, even I don't usually manage a consistent just under a litre a day lol

I'd blame those huge bottles that you have to empty before it goes flat lol

09-06-11, 12:20 PM
Because there is no running water in mackem land lol