View Full Version : e16se coolant sensor wire functions

05-06-11, 07:56 PM
hi all, iv just fitted an e16se into my nova and when iv wired up my digi dash the coolant temperature isnt coming on so im wanting to wire the coolant temperature sensor in the block straight to the clocks to get a reading so does anyone know the function of the two wires which come from the sensor please? the wire colours are brown/white and brown
thanks phil

05-06-11, 08:00 PM
the coolant sensor is on the back of the manifold, in the ally box type thingy and it should still be the original one from before the conversion.. don't try to get a reading from the cts wires

05-06-11, 08:17 PM
is it the box thingy just above the starter motor on the back of the manifold?

05-06-11, 08:53 PM
cheers mowgli iv sorted it now, i found the wire hanging down at the back of the block :thumb: thanks again