View Full Version : track day noise level limits vs. wheelie bins

26-05-11, 09:33 AM
there was a thread on here recently that was going on about the limit at donington being 98dB.

well, my wheelie bin has 99dB moulded into its lid..

does anyone know why my bin should be allowed to be noisier than a car?

does that explain why bin men are so noisy at 6am?

26-05-11, 09:39 AM
Lol! Excellent! Why were you observing your bin so closely anyhow? You'll have to put a peashooter silencer on it to take it on track!

26-05-11, 09:40 AM
its a 4" square thing on the lid, i hardly went looking for it...

26-05-11, 09:42 AM
its a 4" square thing on the lid, i hardly went looking for it...

........mine doesnt have one :(

26-05-11, 09:45 AM
well, you can't take your bin on a trackday then.....

26-05-11, 09:47 AM
Damn, just ordered 888's and a GT wing for it too :(

Just out of interest, what colour is your bin?

26-05-11, 10:07 AM
brown.. i also have a black one & a black/blue, but i haven't noise checked them..

26-05-11, 10:20 AM
Not one of those ghastly purple ones? You should check them really, don't wanna end up with a section 59.

26-05-11, 10:37 AM
Any 'photoshop Mowgli riding a wheelie bin round Combe circuit' gen? lol

26-05-11, 10:42 AM
i can get you a pic of me getting it on 2 wheels if that helps

use this linky & knock yourselves out folks....swing bin racers (http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=23&t=961910&mid=0&i=0&nmt=RE%3A+Toy+Car+Genius%3A+The+%27Amazing+Swing+B in+Racer%27&mid=0)

26-05-11, 12:25 PM
This wheelie bin marking is making me curious, I may have to get out ye old db meter out this aft to see if its true. But then again I remember belching into the meter once and got 106db, so does that mean im banned from all future activities there? lol

26-05-11, 12:29 PM
please post your results. i think you need to turn it on its side & smack the base with a bat or similar to get the most noise.

26-05-11, 12:36 PM
Maybe to do with this >LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7ARy19s1M)< lol

26-05-11, 01:18 PM

lol it IS actually a noise rating...

26-05-11, 01:42 PM
At a decibel rating of 89 dB, Henkel bins are one of the quietest for noise and this is mainly attributable to the lid design.

26-05-11, 01:55 PM
I googled it, it's the noise it makes empty when you slam the lid, someone on the interwebs said they live in a very quiet area and their bins all have "soft close" style lids, rated at 6db lol

26-05-11, 01:57 PM
Pimp your bin..

I think the noise of the lid is somewhat overshadowed by the sodding bin lorry and the noisy feckers that operate them

26-05-11, 02:02 PM
Heres an intersting one for you's,see how hard you can slam your bin lid and then how long you last before you blow chunks LOL
£3.50 a month to get it cleaned is a wise investment i believe!!!!
Speaking of binmen,theyre complete fags,i had a moderately weighted bag at the side of the bin,i heard one say "nah fukk that mate,leave it,fukk em"
I was in the garage so rushed outside and launched the bag into the bin wagon.
"Why didnt you take that 'un mate??" i asked
"Too heavy boss,youve put too much in" he said
"You need to get to gym mate,our lass put that one out hahaha!!"
I then retired back to my then rotting 80's sh1tbox lol,while he went red somewhat!!

26-05-11, 02:15 PM
are these proper bin cleaners, or pikeys who wash them into your street drains?

i've never seen the point, especially after my neighbour, who gets his bin washed, complained to the council about the smell from the drain outside his house!!!!! i just put my bin away from people who want to sniff it...

26-05-11, 02:19 PM
are these proper bin cleaners, or pikeys who wash them into your street drains?
No,proper bin cleaners,a guy in a VW van with a jetwash etc.Smells real nice after its been done.
Pikeys only do tarmac and scrap round here,they dont do fascias anymore lol

26-05-11, 02:24 PM
my neighbours all got the pikeys to do their soffits & fascias.. the van even had a fake address on the side.. they look terrible now..

26-05-11, 02:24 PM
the bin cleaner monkeys round here dont do both bins as the only come once a month and get the only empty bin. And they dont do the recycling boxes.

So I just hose the bins out twice a month and use a paper bin liner thing in the food bin. DONE.

26-05-11, 02:31 PM
my neighbours all got the pikeys to do their soffits & fascias.. the van even had a fake address on the side.. they look terrible now..
I can just imagine it now.....Amass with silicone,(cladded over,naturally) and polypins that look like they have been gatling gunned to the board.

I used to fit these (proffessionally i might add!) and was talking to a lady next door to a house i was fitting them at,who commented how much better mine were to hers,who were done by these lads who also did the drive,in the time it took her to go in town to do her shopping and back they had re tarmacced her drive.
She paid them a grand to do it and within days it cracked and chipped up,they had skimmed over the concrete.........

26-05-11, 02:41 PM
they only needed to pour £5 worth of tack-coat & brush it about before top coating too.....

but, yes you were right about the job done... the one thing that really annoys me on this is that gutters are meant to be installed flat so any crap in them should float out on the water, which should cover the bottom to keep stuff from sticking, but pikeys make theirs look like the old mousetrap game..

26-05-11, 02:46 PM
I always gutter using a 3ft level between brackets and put the bubble at the slightly on the piss to make a slight fall like [{}_] rather than dead straight at [_{}_] if that makes sense?
LOL at mouse trap game,i know what you mean!!

26-05-11, 02:52 PM
so does everyone else in the uk, but if you read the training info, it says flat... all large industrial stuff is flat.. if you have a big enough fall on the gutter, most of the water won't get caught in it!!

26-05-11, 02:58 PM
I used to do it flat with a stringline,then started using a level after moving companies and thats just whats stuck.
Fitted literally hundreds like that and never had any trouble/comebacks.
Only a very good eye can see mine are slightly out of level im talking mm not feet like some ive seen lol

26-05-11, 11:22 PM
So we cant take out wheelie bins or sheds to trackdays?? brb off to db test my plant pot's...

27-05-11, 09:03 AM
well as today was bin day and as its pi**ing it down so i cant get work done on the car, i thought it best to test this morning (all at 1 meter away)

so on the way out with a full bin it was @ 75.5dba
empty back was just @ 86.5bda
a lid slam got @ 101.0dba
and whacking it with a cricket bat got @ 106.5dba

however the dam bin waggon made a nice 101.5dba just emptying it!

other comparable noises you may encounter....
dog barking at the binmen @ 97.5dba
shutting a Nova door @ 95.5dba
shutting a Golf door @ 61.4dba
dropping a 22mm spanner off the top of a wheelie bin @ 84dba
dropping a bag of spanners from a similar height @100.5dba
a car horn @ 105.5dba
even putting a key into my ignition @44.5dba

or another way is, your not allowed to have 35ppl all to shut their car doors simultaneously there anymore as that would hit over 100dba

27-05-11, 09:10 AM
so using science, whacking a wheelie bin with a cricket bat is a better safety feature than a car hooter... sir i bow down to you.

27-05-11, 09:24 AM
so using science, whacking a wheelie bin with a cricket bat is a better safety feature than a car hooter... sir i bow down to you.

shame im not at home, otherwise id photoshop sumit like this properly lmao


27-05-11, 06:11 PM
he was half way there...lol


27-05-11, 07:52 PM
My recycling wheelie bin claims to be 89db. No markings like that on the general waste one, it's old skool though, 1994. lol

29-05-11, 12:01 PM
mine has no markings either, and i bet its even quieter! lol


29-05-11, 12:04 PM
what about when seagulls try and fly off with the bag and riiiiiippppp tin cans everywhere

29-05-11, 12:11 PM
what about when seagulls try and fly off with the bag and riiiiiippppp tin cans everywhere

lol, your worring about the noise of the cans etc falling out, them dam skyrats make more noise than my anglegrinder!

29-05-11, 03:24 PM
swedge eating toast - 49Db :)

29-05-11, 10:19 PM
sad i know but just read all this thread and couldnt resist , my bin is 98db its one of three ive got and its the only one that has a rating lol

29-05-11, 10:30 PM
sad i know but just read all this thread and couldnt resist , my bin is 98db its one of three ive got and its the only one that has a rating lol

so it can do a track day at donington..