View Full Version : Photoshoot... Its Not Dead Yet

25-05-11, 06:18 PM
We had a ncie day up here yesterday so when i finished work me and a mate took a small trip out and got some nice photo's of our cars, managed to get afew of the nova aswell, im trying to keep ontop of the condition of it now as my new job is valeting lol... heres the pics anyway

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/x_novadose_x/247503_10150621080080323_595355322_18343655_740087 0_n.jpg

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/x_novadose_x/249515_10150621070425323_595355322_18343568_542142 2_n.jpg

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/x_novadose_x/248140_10150621079370323_595355322_18343649_507529 0_n.jpg

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/x_novadose_x/246824_10150621078895323_595355322_18343647_180331 1_n.jpg

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/x_novadose_x/246721_10150621079590323_595355322_18343651_797712 8_n.jpg

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/x_novadose_x/246624_10150621079785323_595355322_18343653_501198 9_n.jpg

And for some +rep, who can tell me whats significant about the pub? (the whole point we went there lol) :thumb: She still looking good? :d

25-05-11, 06:19 PM
I may be completely wrong, but archer, two pints?

25-05-11, 06:22 PM
I may be completely wrong, but archer, two pints?

I cannot +Rep untill ive spead the bumlove, but thats it! :p

25-05-11, 06:24 PM
I thought it was when I first saw it, Not watched any of two pints since series 6 iirc.

Cool though.

25-05-11, 07:26 PM
Yeah I would have to say the archer from 2 pints

Edit: read full thread before replying

Think I watched it till halfway through the series after Jonny died then got bored

25-05-11, 08:17 PM
the archer lol two pints was class!

25-05-11, 09:21 PM
Think I watched it till halfway through the series after Jonny died then got bored

Snap, Not the same without him.

Ste L
25-05-11, 09:39 PM
all these comments about a pub, and not one about the nova - i dont know!!!

Car's still looking lovely fella, :thumb:

25-05-11, 10:09 PM
You need a haircut lol

25-05-11, 10:31 PM
Oh yeah how funny

25-05-11, 11:20 PM
did you see gaz and donna lol

26-05-11, 12:46 AM
i was just watching 2 pints and was expecting to see a white nova :(


26-05-11, 12:55 AM
haha wasnt you that chav on there the other night after cassie was it dave lol

26-05-11, 01:24 AM
Looking good lad

26-05-11, 08:19 AM
I was over at Widnes start of this week doing some training for my new job :)

Nova's looking good Kissy Wissy

26-05-11, 10:37 AM
1. the nova looks fine.
2. 2pint etc.. is, was, and shall always be crap, excet the bits with liz mcdonald off corrie flirting with the bloke & really scaring him..
3. i once saw 2 blokes with jackhammers digging up the road on the runcorn bridge... just how dangerous is that???

26-05-11, 09:36 PM
nova would look nice with the speedlines done anthracite

26-05-11, 10:24 PM
2pint etc.. is, was, and shall always be crap, excet the bits with liz mcdonald off corrie flirting with the bloke & really scaring him..

It used to be worth a watch for the blonde bird with the large wabs, seems to have gone down hill with the new series due to lack of large wabs :(

26-05-11, 10:26 PM
Very nice,

26-05-11, 11:00 PM
It used to be worth a watch for the blonde bird with the large wabs, seems to have gone down hill with the new series due to lack of large wabs :(

just for you


26-05-11, 11:42 PM