View Full Version : National Day attendees

22-05-11, 07:36 PM
Can you hurry up home please 'cause we're missing you :roll:

As much as we've enjoyed the peace and quiet, it just isn't the same here without you bunch of numpties :p

22-05-11, 07:56 PM
Can you hurry up home please 'cause we're missing you :roll:

As much as we've enjoyed the peace and quiet, it just isn't the same here without you bunch of numpties :p

It has been quiet...

22-05-11, 08:00 PM
Some of us are back...the ones that can't man 3 nights camping lol

22-05-11, 08:02 PM
we are back now, had a great time :)

22-05-11, 08:05 PM
To think we had a bad rain thunder storm an gails over night, ive got the worest sun burn in yesrs! lol

22-05-11, 08:21 PM
To think we had a bad rain thunder storm an gails over night, ive got the worest sun burn in yesrs! lol

Did notice you were a tad red but you didn't seem too bothered about avoiding it during the day so I didn't mention it lol I'm rocking some top notch panda eyes, which can only mean one thing... my sunglasses work :cool:

22-05-11, 08:30 PM
I'm glad you're all getting back :) and hope that you had a wicked time :cool:

22-05-11, 08:54 PM
Had a great time! slept right through the storm too :) avoided sun burn and had plenty to drink, all good :)

22-05-11, 08:54 PM
I'm back too, great event, great meeting you all;)

Think the SR has burned @ £80+ of super unleaded:roll: .........lol

Never missed a beat there or back steady 75ish

22-05-11, 09:06 PM
cant wait for people to get photos up :D

22-05-11, 09:11 PM
Rounders anyone??

ste porter
22-05-11, 09:19 PM
Rounders anyone??

not a chance lol

if i ever surgest that a again when weve had a gut full please just throw something at me lol

thanks for a great weekend guys was brilliant as ever and me an claire got back fine was nice to enjoy a steady ride home but still only averaged 22. mpg lol

22-05-11, 09:44 PM
Rounders anyone??

**** right off lol lol lol

22-05-11, 09:59 PM
not a chance lol

if i ever surgest that a again when weve had a gut full please just throw something at me lol

thanks for a great weekend guys was brilliant as ever and me an claire got back fine was nice to enjoy a steady ride home but still only averaged 22. mpg lol

how was the leprechaun on the way back? did he come down off all the cola ok??

22-05-11, 10:08 PM
Can you hurry up home please 'cause we're missing you :roll:

As much as we've enjoyed the peace and quiet, it just isn't the same here without you bunch of numpties :p

lynz, i take it the steam rally wasn't up to much then?

ste porter
22-05-11, 10:08 PM
lol yeah came down like a lead baloon and within 2 mile of the the camp site the burble of the cav just sent him to sleep lol

22-05-11, 10:10 PM
that was fortunate.

22-05-11, 10:15 PM
great weekend, and i realized i cant bat, or catch a ball for sh!t! Ill be booking a full weekend next time.

22-05-11, 11:51 PM
Meh you're all wimps, the hardcore few are still here lol

23-05-11, 12:05 AM
Sat at home now drinking scrumpy lol and googling random wire wheels

23-05-11, 07:04 AM
great weekend, and i realized i cant bat, or catch a ball for sh!t! Ill be booking a full weekend next time.

same. lol

23-05-11, 02:14 PM
Just landed back after an awesome weekend, hats off to Tom for his first event and the sterling job he did, and well done to everyone who came and made it such a giggle, PV next anyone lol

23-05-11, 04:33 PM
Any 'last person home' gen? lol

23-05-11, 05:01 PM
Me and Tom landed around 2 ish, properly sunburned and with two very tired dogs

23-05-11, 05:06 PM
Me and Tom landed around 2 ish, properly sunburned and with two very tired dogs

How's Phoebes paw today and is Lola any better?

23-05-11, 05:09 PM
lynz, i take it the steam rally wasn't up to much then?

It was alright, had a wee wonder about but those stationary engines are kinda boring eh!? I got some Lucas spot lights :thumb: but not sure what to put them on.

23-05-11, 05:15 PM
It was alright, had a wee wonder about but those stationary engines are kinda boring eh!? I got some Lucas spot lights :thumb: but not sure what to put them on.

I'm sure stationary engine is an oxymoron, I'm not seeing the point there lol

23-05-11, 05:21 PM
they are from the days when an engine as stationary and was used to drive various things by belt that were pulled to it on a wagon.. by horses

23-05-11, 05:28 PM
they are from the days when an engine as stationary and was used to drive various things by belt that were pulled to it on a wagon.. by horses

They didn't half to do some things backwards when you were younger.

23-05-11, 05:31 PM
some of the farm machinery we messed around with was positively lethal....

one of our old uncles had a fordson tractor with a belt pulley to power a feed mill (that would originally have been steam powered), it had belts & pulleys all over the place, and 2 holes in the wall with the input belt sticking out. he tried to stop the belt so he could get the tractor off quicker, and got pulled thru the wall and ended up in the loft..

23-05-11, 06:28 PM
Yikes! I hope he wasn't scared of heights!

23-05-11, 06:59 PM
stationary engines

How on earth do you write with an engine?

23-05-11, 07:42 PM
How on earth do you write with an engine?

They're paperweights, duh.lol

23-05-11, 08:30 PM
i always find it ironic when the mobile stationery shop pays us a visit.

23-05-11, 08:32 PM
mk999, i suggest you obtain a lister diesel engine, strip it & rebuild it. you will have a great appreciation for a lot of their engine ideas from the early 20th century... some of them are surprisingly modern.

23-05-11, 08:33 PM
Are you all taking the piss out of me?

23-05-11, 08:34 PM
lynz, that is a way more specialised fetish...

23-05-11, 08:36 PM
Tut tut!

I think you're the only person who makes me speechless, over and over again!

23-05-11, 08:36 PM
mk999, i suggest you obtain a lister diesel engine, strip it & rebuild it. you will have a great appreciation for a lot of their engine ideas from the early 20th century... some of them are surprisingly modern.

I've rebuilt and replaced enough diesel engines this year lol

23-05-11, 08:36 PM
Yikes! I hope he wasn't scared of heights!

he was the family idiot.... his was eventually got cut off in his prime aged 89, it was at his funeral where we heard the story... paying respects??? we were too busy laughing.

23-05-11, 08:44 PM
That's what a funeral should be about though eh?! :)

23-05-11, 08:50 PM
in our family, we book taxis for the end of the funeral pissup.