View Full Version : retro help please

12-05-11, 02:07 PM
my saloon has a standard stereo with just LW and MW and just the dash speakers, of which only 1 works! I dont wanna loose the standard retro looks, but i need some music! I need a more modern stereo and some speakers in the back but dont want to ruin it, can anyone help? Any ideas? Help!
Id like to keep the standard radio in the dash, or at least the facia or something

12-05-11, 02:34 PM
Have a look at Shaun_O'Donnells saloon >LINK (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=85949&page=24)< ;)

Keep yours in place instead of the stereo blank imo.

12-05-11, 02:47 PM
cheers, that thought has crossed my mind but ive no door poclets or any other storage, i think ill have to give somethin like that a try tho

12-05-11, 04:23 PM
my dad had this problam with his mk1 escort so he just put a modern stereo in the glove box and some 6 by 9 speakers under the back seat lol

hope this helps lol

12-05-11, 04:32 PM
Get a small amp, use an iPod for the audio source conect to hidden speakers, job done,

There are a couple of threads about that in this section somewhere,

12-05-11, 06:02 PM
Get a small amp, use an iPod for the audio source conect to hidden speakers, job done,

There are a couple of threads about that in this section somewhere,
This sounds like a plan to me! I did see the threads months ago and ive forgot about them lol Im going searching now cheers :thumb:

12-05-11, 08:48 PM
If you can't find them I'm sure it was Stuart that started the one with best info, also if you have an iPod touch or iPhone you'll get an app for radio stations too

13-05-11, 02:28 PM
my dad had this problam with his mk1 escort so he just put a modern stereo in the glove box and some 6 by 9 speakers under the back seat lol

hope this helps lol

That's how I roll. Nova was the same.

Ignore the Fli speakers - OEM grilles were still to go back on. lol