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View Full Version : pics of bonnet multi colour

10-05-11, 09:59 PM
has anyone sprayed a nova bonnet 2 different colours where the ridge is, if so any pics, want to see what it would look like
something along the lines of this
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b320/19mustang88/crap/2469223085_f1a0b28d12_o.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.evolutionm.net/evo-show-shine/344797-official-carbon-fiber-pics-thread.html&usg=__h_8BRTY-Lt1GRtxYc5GfArOHXOw=&h=800&w=517&sz=66&hl=en&start=152&zoom=1&tbnid=Uye6MxiyTl---M:&tbnh=168&tbnw=141&ei=qabJTbrUBZH6sgbZ2d2cAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcarbone%2Bfiber%2Breplica%26um%3D1%26 hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26tbm%3D isch0%2C4400&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=149&vpy=283&dur=61&hovh=279&hovw=180&tx=95&ty=145&page=9&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:152&biw=1366&bih=667

10-05-11, 10:34 PM
I always thought that was the best way to paint a carbon bonnet with out sticking out like an unpainted replacement bonnet

10-05-11, 10:36 PM
Dark colour centre on the bonnet, dark roof, touches like wing mirrors etc in the same colour would look good imo.

10-05-11, 10:37 PM
Konopeks RS4 engined corsa a, and yes that is a roof scoop as the intercooler is where the roof was lol


10-05-11, 10:39 PM
My brother did his astra mk3 exactly the same as that Evo looked good! I think it looks good if you follow the middle colour up and do roof aswell! You thinking of doing it?

11-05-11, 10:26 PM
My brother did his astra mk3 exactly the same as that Evo looked good! I think it looks good if you follow the middle colour up and do roof aswell! You thinking of doing it?

after seeing the pic think i will, like you said might have to go onto the roof with it, i was thinking of doing a all black bonnet and black roof but might change to this

11-05-11, 10:26 PM
Konopeks RS4 engined corsa a, and yes that is a roof scoop as the intercooler is where the roof was lol


rep +1 thanks alot

12-05-11, 05:13 AM
No probs mate, this is a thread about that car, click the various links, it was a beast of a car!!


13-05-11, 07:58 AM
Yer i think it contrasts better then as you've got more of the main colour next to the black will look nice shall look forward to seeing it!