View Full Version : Electrics...

03-05-11, 01:02 PM
Easiest money ever!! lol

Got 2 flip out dvd players here, the guy has taken them to around 20 sparks, audio shops etc and not one of them said they can be repaired (one the screen doesnt come out on and the other the aerial wire has been cut off) He said to me if i can fix them both he'll give me £100

Done the first one allready, wires had melted coming off the circuit board, soldered two new ones on, works super!

Onto the second one now, opened it all up, removed whats left of the aerial wire off the board, jsut need a knackered unit now to open and swipe the aerial wire off, close it back up, job done! took me 2 hours so far

Defonatley becoming a sparkie :d... looks complicated.... so simple!

03-05-11, 02:07 PM
If they're Rispeed jobs he is better off getting new ones for what it's gonna cost him by the time he pays you. lol

Fair play though! :thumb:(Loads of auto electricians are mugs, or just don't wanna know these days imo)

03-05-11, 02:15 PM
Fair play though! :thumb:(Loads of auto electricians are mugs, or just don't wanna know these days imo)

definatly, they just want to earn easy money for decoding stolen stereos etc
there not tradesmen anymore (going by the monkeys round here anyway)

03-05-11, 05:18 PM
Just think, its another 1/48th of your insurance paid off lol

03-05-11, 05:57 PM
If it melted off once it's done it for a reason.

Have you tested all circuit components? To see what failed causing the spike?

I wouldn't spend the money too quick, as when circuits fail, 90% of the time it's for a reason.

03-05-11, 05:59 PM
And you just did electriCAL work not electronics ;)

03-05-11, 06:22 PM
Wires just don't melt for no reason lol

03-05-11, 10:42 PM
If its cheap **** it prob got hot, or **** solder if thats what happened.

Never got into that kinda stuff, Most proper electrical stuff I do now is just non-charging, or small electrical faults that don't require main dealer tech, Sucks.

03-05-11, 11:38 PM
There's no need for a flip out DVD unless you have kids and do long trips