View Full Version : Anyone on here in, or been in the RAF?

29-04-11, 09:58 PM
Im awaiting my dates for my PJRT and basic training.

How long roughly did you have to wait for basic? and what can i expect? Cos i've read the leaflet on it and they make it sound like such a leisure camp lol! What can i 'really' expect?

Im going in as a Avionics Engineer Mechanical...

29-04-11, 10:02 PM
Stoo would be the man to talk to, Jack knows his stuff too.

29-04-11, 10:32 PM
I hope you're good at golf lol

29-04-11, 10:35 PM
I hope you're good at golf lol

Shouldn't that say "I hope you're good at giving head" :confused:

29-04-11, 10:36 PM
Shouldn't that say "I hope you're good at giving head" :confused:

no that's the Navy your thinking of

29-04-11, 10:36 PM
no that's the Navy your thinking of

More gays in the RAF apparently.

29-04-11, 10:37 PM
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKlVdis86ObCN7PRTF3C9mdSn7pOj37 tgpCT1laovS8VpDREiT
O'rly?? lol

29-04-11, 10:41 PM
Dunno I've never been in, just what I was told.

29-04-11, 10:43 PM
Submariners aside, the crabs are much worse lol

29-04-11, 11:24 PM
I hope you're good at golf lol

I'm screwed!! But not by the man! Lol

11-06-11, 06:39 PM
OK, so I see WWMW is still a douche....
Nice assumption!
There are jsut as many beefers in all 3 services. No single service is more pink than any other in that respect.

Also, Jack is an MOD civilian IIRC so has no real knowledge of the armed forces bar what he sees.

Basic is Shiiite. Nothing like it used to be, bit soft now but thats laws for you.

Lots of late nights ironing kit, washing kit, polishing boots.
Lots of PT, lots of marching, lots of getting shouted at.
Learning about the RAF, history, core values, ground defence training etc

May i suggest you....
Learn to iron. Learn to listen. Learn to keep your mouth shut.
DO a bit of running (Bleep test if you can) press ups and sit ups.
Fitter you are, the easier it is.
Be the grey man. Try not to stand out or you will suffer.
You aren't going to be an avionics engineer straight away
You will join as an AMM (Aircraft Maintenance Mechanis) first, lowest of the low. 6 months or so training at Cosford and then off to your first unit.
Do a couple of years in the big bad world then go back to Cosford to do your 'Light' trade training (Avionics and Electronics)
Then you will be an SAC(T) and on quite good money.

In my 9 years, I have never once played golf, or had to give any type of sexual favour. These are common misconceptions.

It's a good life. If you can hack the BS you get from being in the military. Punctuality, presentation, obedience etc etc. Its not e civvy street job. Its a lifestyle.

Free medical, free dental, free uniform, good travel, good money.

I am leaving the RAF this year to join the Army. Not through choice (Well kinda) but because the RAF is trying to reduce numbers, and the Army are crying out for people in my job. Also, the RAF is chippy as fucck as I am discovering slowly whilst working for the Army here in Afghan AGAIN!

11-06-11, 10:02 PM
Thanks for taking the time stoo.

I understand i aint gonna be a AE(M) straight away, my apprenticeship, untill im fully qualified is 9 years!!

What are the chances of me being deployed overseas during my apprenticeship? Will i stay at one unit or will i be moved around quite abit?

I understand that you can't answer all my questions with accuracy, but i appreciate you making the effort!

Also, what do you mean that they are chippy?


11-06-11, 10:33 PM
The Raf isnt the life of luxuary and wont seem like a leisure camp but compared to the Army it would be. I know which one i would choose. Lots of people in my family are in the Army and Raf, and iv grown up round Army base Camps. :)

11-06-11, 11:48 PM
Stoo, I'm sure there will be more gays in one service compared to another, although this isn't really important, but out of all the people I know in the armed forces (quite a lot of people I went to school/college with) they all say the RAF has the most, so that's not my "assumption" its what I've been told, stop trying to hide the fact you're secretly gay :gay: you're still a hero :thumb:

12-06-11, 05:13 AM
Thanks for taking the time stoo.

I understand i aint gonna be a AE(M) straight away, my apprenticeship, untill im fully qualified is 9 years!!

What are the chances of me being deployed overseas during my apprenticeship? Will i stay at one unit or will i be moved around quite abit?

I understand that you can't answer all my questions with accuracy, but i appreciate you making the effort!

Also, what do you mean that they are chippy?


No worries mate.
Your apprenticeship could take 9 years. I'd say about 7 if you work for it!
Thats 9 weeks basic, 6 months AMM Training.
then 2-3yrs at unit, then back for your Light course.
18 months there, then off to unit where you will be employed in trade. When you have completed your NVQ (Usually around 18months - 2yrs) you will be fully Q'd

As an AMM you can/will be deployed overseas.
Depending on where you go.
If you go helicopters, then fucck yes, most definitely.
Fast jets, Yes.

Chippy - chip shop - a bit gash.

The RAF can be a life of luxury depending on where you get posted, but so can the Army. The RAF is alot easier and relaxed than the Army however.

WWMW, who actually cares. It's not illegal. It's not frowned upon. It's personal choice. Sounds like you are repressing some homosexual tendencies to me.

12-06-11, 12:49 PM
lol yes Stoo, I want to make you my bitch.

12-06-11, 02:34 PM
You will have a job princess ;)