View Full Version : Electric Windows!

20-06-03, 11:34 PM
This isnt about a Nova, but it is about the Corsa B, my mom bought one not so long ago as the c*troen zx was falling apart, you cant go wrong with Vauxhall!

anyway, its a 1.2 16v and very simple, it has manual window winders, but my mom has an injury in both arms (no idea what it is, maybe arthrightous or sumimt) anyway, she finds it difficult to wind the window and shes wants electric windows, so i said i would look into it and try to sort it!

is it possible? how does the gear cost? will i be able to fit it myself? etc!


21-06-03, 02:10 AM
i shud think its jus a case of removing the window motors and wiring from a higher spec'd corsa ?? .. try some corsa forums n ask about :P

21-06-03, 05:32 PM
goto nova-land.com read the nova guide, follow EXACTLY the same prinicples for the corsa :D except on the corsa i believe the switches are in the doors? :?

22-06-03, 01:29 AM
this is simple mate, just tel your mam,
A; never wind the windows down, or
B; wind the windows doen and never wind them up!

naaaaa, being serious if u want an electria window kit give m8auto-tec a bell or visit there website: www.m8auto-tec.com or tel: 0141 887 8777
it will cost you ?89.95 for a two door window kit! just go to the search box and type in window

Ben (lurk75)
23-06-03, 09:00 AM
I would imagine that the Nova kit would work.

24-06-03, 12:30 AM
I would imagine that the Nova kit would work.

give or take a few lengths of wire cos im bloody sure the switches are in the doors rather than the centre? never been in a bubble car meself :lol:

24-06-03, 02:25 AM
so i spose it would be better for me to buy a kit form vauxhall that will fit a corsa!

didnt the corsa a 1.6 16v GSi have leccy windows?

or if i do get a nova kit, would i be able to wire it up and put the buttons in the centre consol of the corsa?

24-06-03, 03:25 PM
yes to all your qn.

but stop be a lazy sod and just get to a scrap yard to save yourself some ???

or even fone just novas :o im recommending them!?

they got me my electric windows and central locking combined for my first nova - they do corsas all so, in fact im sure i saw one there last weekend with it in, so u may get lucky

?100 all in