View Full Version : AAARRRGGGHHHH, why do I bother?!

22-04-11, 05:00 PM
Right Ive just done the headgasket on my loon and now I think the piston rings have gone, the reason I think its the rings is as I was driving along the main bypass earlier the car started missing and when I checked the rear view mirror to cross the roundabout there was a huge cloud of smoke behind me quickly followed by a burning oil smell.

So I pulled over opened the bonnet and the whole bay was covered in fresh oil.

So closed bonnet and decided to take the car home and when I tried to restart it, it took a bit longer than usual and sounded very missy all the way home.

This engine has only been in the car a few weeks and Im due to take it to germany in 3 weeks time!

I do have another engine that I can throw in but I have to replace the rear crank seal first. (by the way can this be done without removing the sump and stuff?)

So looks like my long easter weekend is going to be spent working on the car.

Anybody know if there will be something else causing this before I go swapping engines again?

22-04-11, 05:05 PM
sounds like piston rings, when the rings went in my engine it was blowing oil out the breather pipe all over the place

22-04-11, 05:11 PM
yeah that's what I thought

General Baxter
22-04-11, 05:45 PM

do you really think the piston rings have gone, how would the oil get into the engine bay, its sealed, id first check for a big hole in the block, thats how oil would get out lol

the breather pipe to go back into the engine and be sealed

22-04-11, 05:49 PM
the breather to the engine (the little 90 degree one) is sealed to the head but not to the metal pipe back down to the engine