View Full Version : Advice please Im Gutted...

22-04-11, 11:43 AM
...becasue some numpty has just drove in to my car, now i have a borken rear light and long fat scratch and dent down the side of my rear arch. Really Upset! And i was so lookign forward to 3 years no claims this year.

Any way what happend is i indicated to turn right into a road and this idiot was indicating to turn right also to come out. I came to my turn started to turn he then started to turn out, bang he hits my car. Then has the cheek to say that it was my fault for not indicating, to which i said actually i was indicating. He then said he couldnt see it to which i said, well if you couldnt see the indicator you surely could of seen me turning in before you drove into my car.

He then went and said im insured but its only a head light, to which i said no its the rear pannel as well.To which he replied its just a scratch, which is where i pointed out the debnt also do his dumb self, He then said yea but that will bang out, i then said it may just bang out but its paint as well i cant buy paint this color from the shops i have to actually buy it from vauxhall and its expensive. The dent might not bangh out and it might even need a whole pannel being replaced and parts for the car are hard to find as it is a vauxhall nova.

Cheeky sod then said well its damaged my car too, to which i replied well you shouldn of pulled out i had right of way and you should of seen me, and i was indicating.

He then went on to say well it wont cost much i will give you 40 pound that should fix it, i then said no it wont it will cost lots more i would be happy with 60 i dont want to have to claim as it affects both our insurance claims and insurance these days costs alot, he said it was too much and it was only worth 20 and i was lucky to be offerd 40, i then said 60 pounds or i will claim, he said im not giving you 60.

So i replied i will gave your details then please. He gave me his details.

what shall i do now, if i claim will the insurance write of my car??? what can i do? ill put some pics up of the damage soon

22-04-11, 11:51 AM
What a belllend that bloke was. If it was me (so imo) i would of bitten the bullet and taken the 40 as i cannot afford to lose my ncb and would just repair it at a later date or whatever. And i would be worried that the insurance would write it off seeing as the paint is expensive etc.
But i have only been knocked into one, and that was in my loon, and i just asked the bloke for 20quid lol

22-04-11, 11:58 AM
Sorry to hear it Yorkie! I'm with Connor though, it would have been best to just take that IMO. As although you had right of way (he was joining 'your' road) this is the kind of accident that would probably go 50/50 in the eyes of the insurers, and yeah your Nova would be written off straight away.

I will ask my mate what his take on this is, he works for an insurance claims departments and deals with this stuff all the time.

Chin up! From the avatar pics you use I can't imagine you never smiling lol. Look on the bright side, and be thankful it isn't heavy damage. :)


22-04-11, 12:00 PM
should have taken the money bud, as they see it to cost worthy to fix and most prob write of the car,plus its a claim

22-04-11, 12:04 PM
You had a row over £20?

What an arsehole he is! Let's face it if he give you £60, that's still cheaper then his renewal price with a claim.

Have you checked askmid to see if he actually is insured?

Hope it all gets sorted!

22-04-11, 12:50 PM
how bad is it?

Why is paint so hard to get?

Guess you saw mine at Billing?



boot wings and bonnet are all done with paint from my local auto factors.

Got some left you could have :) Not sure how much I have so it depends how bad yours is but as you can see it wasn't a bad match.

22-04-11, 12:57 PM
it would be deemed his fault as he is emerging from a minor road into a major so was blatently your right of way and he should of given way, the claim will not affect your ncd as will go none fault they may well right the car off but should only be cat d and despite what the insurers say you have the right to keep your car so they should offer you a pay out pased on you keeping the car and some cash in your pocket to sort the repairs, good luck with it but id be calling the insurance about it, his insurers will probably just hold there hands up and pay out once they have heard the circumstances, even if you wernt signaling which you were it would still be his fault as you were on the main road and he was emerging into it.

tbf i think he has tryed to take the piss with you being a girl thinking you dont know what your talking about

22-04-11, 01:49 PM
tbf i think he has tryed to take the piss with you being a girl thinking you dont know what your talking about
Agree with Rich, especially on this.

You should report it to you insurance company (and technically the police as well). Let them deal with it - as said, he was joining your road, plus he damaged the rear side of your car which generally implies he hit you, so there's a strong case against him. Don't stand for a 50/50. Any witnesses?

Anyway, he wrecked your car, you wreck his NCB :p

22-04-11, 02:14 PM

my missus was reversing up a road because another car blocked her in, then some idiot shot out of an office car park & hit her.. he then claimed she'd backed into him... lucky there were a few witnesses... the insurers were in the process of laughing at his attempts at a claim when he had the nerve to come to our house & try to 'make us see sense' followed by harassing the main witness.... it was a few years back ,but i doubt he's finished being reemed by the insurers.

stick it thru your insurers, thats what you pay them for

paddy quinn
22-04-11, 02:56 PM
if that happend to me and they started being narky about it id say right you either ay the full price for the damage you have done or im going to remove your knee caps buts thats just me as im very short tempered

22-04-11, 03:00 PM
As been said, it won't affect your NCB as you had right of way and he hit you, speak to your insurance and give them the w@nk stains details, it's worth a try like Blue peg said you'll probably be able to get it back on a cat D.

Good luck though..:thumb::)

22-04-11, 03:26 PM
Agreed. It was his fault, but whatever you do, don't let the car out of your site as the chances of you seeing it again are slim once the insurers have it...

22-04-11, 03:43 PM
im going to remove your knee caps buts thats just me as im very short tempered
Be more amusing to put them on back to front for him. Ostrich legs FTW lol

22-04-11, 03:44 PM
Enough paint for a rear quarter - £15
lacquer and hardener - £ 20
sand paper/masking tape - £5
body filler if its dented - £10
Primer - £5
Tail light - £15

Total: £70

Then youve got to spend 1 to 2 days fixing it yourself (If you have the skill) which will be a paint in the ass.

To take that to a bodyshop and have just a rear quarter painted is going to cost you around 100 pounds, then youve got to pay to have the repair done so propably more than 100.

You want about 150 quid off him easy, i'd say.

NOVA saloon
22-04-11, 04:49 PM
if that happend to me and they started being narky about it id say right you either ay the full price for the damage you have done or im going to remove your knee caps buts thats just me as im very short tempered

This is me lol. Hope you get sorted asap

paddy quinn
22-04-11, 04:49 PM
Be more amusing to put them on back to front for him. Ostrich legs FTW lolyou like the way i think im guessing

22-04-11, 05:35 PM
Thanks for all the sdvise guys, we got a quote on how much it would cost to repair, so gonna ring him and tell him the qotes and say pay it or i will go thru insurers and see how that goes.

22-04-11, 05:40 PM
Thanks for all the sdvise guys, we got a quote on how much it would cost to repair, so gonna ring him and tell him the qotes and say pay it or i will go thru insurers and see how that goes.

Sound like a plan, a few extracts from the highway code may help, i.e all the rules he broke;) after all it is HIS fault, take no Bull....:thumb:

General Baxter
22-04-11, 05:44 PM
woh woh woh slow down

this is his fault, but just remember the value of your car,
it WILL be written off just for the smashed rear light
you wont loose your NCB if you clame of his insurance as hes to blame,

just remember is it worth having your nova written off for £20?

22-04-11, 05:51 PM
oh dear, I would ring him like you said and tell him the quote price, bluf if you have too! :)

BTW this is my worse nightmare

22-04-11, 06:38 PM
mine too only its now reality, well tried to haggle with him but he has said i havent got a hope in hell getting any money off him, so iv rung his insurers but they are closed because of bank holiday, so will try again tomorro. But iv written down all the details and have photos. this man has made my blood actually boil.

22-04-11, 08:58 PM
Mentioned this to my mate today as I said I would and what he said makes sense.

Although he was joining a major road from a minor one, he would no doubt tell his insurers you cut the junction. Which means it would be a 50/50.

Just try and get a few more quid out of him IMO.

22-04-11, 09:18 PM
Mentioned this to my mate today as I said I would and what he said makes sense.

Although he was joining a major road from a minor one, he would no doubt tell his insurers you cut the junction. Which means it would be a 50/50.

Just try and get a few more quid out of him IMO.

Photos of the accident should sort that?

22-04-11, 09:34 PM
make a claim dont mess around how do you know he has insurance anyway just claim and then you wont have to speek to him agian

then if you want just pm me his address and i could pop round and torch his piece of crap car (not that i condone any for of violence)haha

General Baxter
22-04-11, 09:56 PM
or, get a pipe from sams zorst and put it into his letter box lol

22-04-11, 10:03 PM
lol, i just hope his car was very new and expensive and at the end of it he is going to be coughing out more than i even offerd him brusing his pride. Got a quote of around 270 to fix it so hopefully the insurance company will see it as cheaper than scrapping it

22-04-11, 11:10 PM
Why oh why is it that whenever this subject arises, people think 'omg if i claim off the other parties insurance (as thats who's fault it is, not yours) that they will write off my car' errr hello, they are not your insurers so therefore own no claim over your car in any event of claim or loss, so they can pay you out a 'total loss claim' but cannot write off your car as they dont insure it, your insurance company do.

The other party can be with the same insurance company as you but as you are not claiming from your policy, you are claiming from the other parties policy, again your car cannot be written off!

Trust me i have first hand experience of this through claiming over a dinged door on my nova (one of many) andfrom my mates advice who was an insurance assessor at the time, bollox to ringing the guy, ring his insurance co (assuming he has given you correct details) and leave it with them and dont roll over if he tries to wriggle out of it, which he will)!

22-04-11, 11:28 PM
cheers spud manda will be very happy to read that :), she is just so worried that they will right it off, but as you say they can`t because they have no claim on her car. :) :) :)

General Baxter
22-04-11, 11:46 PM
spud, write off = total loss lol

23-04-11, 01:59 AM
Photos of the accident should sort that?

Not if they're both in the middle of the road.

23-04-11, 02:31 AM
£270 Damn.

Theres people round here would repair it for £50 lol

23-04-11, 05:10 AM
i dont know any one round here who would do it cheaper professionaly lol

23-04-11, 07:52 AM
If she has pics though he won't have a leg to stand on and spud it depends on what happens with the claim if the others party contest liability your own insurer usually sort the damage then claim back costs from other insurer once liability is decided, but just remember you own the car not the insurance company don't let them take the car an insurance assessor can be sent to your house to inspect it and if they do write it off which I doubt just stick to your guns that your keeping the car, to write the car off the damage has to be more than 66% of Market value to repair so car only needs to be worth 500 with the quote you have to not be written off and I'm sure you could argue that with the price of novas at the minute

23-04-11, 07:54 AM
Not if they're both in the middle of the road.

If they are both in the middle of the road, and the vehicle from the minor junction is over the give way/stop line...job sorted

23-04-11, 09:28 AM
If they are both in the middle of the road, and the vehicle from the minor junction is over the give way/stop line...job sorted

In an ideal world yeah. Unfortunately it doesn't always play out like that. This has 50/50 written all over it IMO.

I'm not being awkward, just letting her know what to expect as everyone on here is blowing sunshine up her ****! lol

Lewi, £50 for repair and flashing it back in? Sounds like a Shaun Price! lol I would run a mile from a quote as low as that. lol

23-04-11, 09:35 AM
I aint blowing anything I worked in insurance for 9 years

I got driven into on a round about which is the mOst likely 50/50 and that was proven none fault as he was joining the roundabout can't see your argument on this he was joining a new road has to give way

23-04-11, 09:37 AM
I aint blowing anything I worked in insurance for 9 years

Not you. lol I remember other posts from you saying you worked in insurance mate. :thumb:

Yorkie, any pics? of the accident

23-04-11, 09:41 AM
One of her previous posts says she has photos, oh and a not to everyone if you don't have a camera phone keep a disposable camera in ya glove box photos always help it's what saved mine on the roundabout from going 50/50

23-04-11, 09:47 AM
spud, write off = total loss lol

This is true IF she was claiming from her own policy, which since she is claiming from the other parties policy, they will not pay say for example £800 to repair a £500 car, so they will pay what they would if it were their own car i.e. if they insured it they would treat it as a 'total loss' and pay the £500 which is cheaper than the £800 bill.

I know this first hadn because my nova got reversed into by a customer outside me work and caused this...




After visiting a couple of bodyshops/accident repair places near me i came back with a few quotes for the guy, new door, fit and allign, prep and paint + blending into the sides aswell, cheapest was about £500, most expensive was £800+.

The guy refused to pay this so i went to his insurers, they deemed the quotes too high and paid out the market value of the car at the time, i kept my car, no VIC check was needed as they didnt/couldt write it off as they werent my insurers, and i recieved a cheque for £370 iirc, so im not blowing sunshine up anyones back end (no matter how nice it may be Manda lol) and im not talking crap either.

Stick to your guns and this is what will happen:thumb:

paddy quinn
23-04-11, 01:59 PM
at end of the day hope you get the car sorted as to many novas are being wrote off these days

23-04-11, 06:27 PM
Spud that's all well and good if the other side admits fault straight away like in yours but if not as said before your own insurance company will pay out which could write the car off then they will go into a long drawn out process of deciding liability which could involve court ( most insurers won't want this as it's very expensive so they settle 50/50 usually) once other party is found at fault which in this case would happen they then claim costs for processing the claim and for the repairs it's all a big racket to be fair and is one of the reasons insurance is stupidly priced , another exMple is my dads home insurance both buildings and contence are with loyds but the have to send 2assessors one for each they also decided to clean his curtains after the leak but instead of a local firm in Doncaster they use a company from Leicester who send 2 blokes in a sprinter who take the curtains down and take them my dad asked if it was a multiple collection from other points no just 1 collection so how much must that be costing 2 men for 5 hours each plus fuel and cleaning then 2 men for 6 hours Inc travel to put back up and fuel bet the bill for cleaning the curtains was ni on a grand

24-04-11, 08:53 AM
Thanks again everyone for all the advice