View Full Version : apologies/ hard night

Ben (lurk75)
20-06-03, 04:32 PM
Right i have had a look but cant find any but i went out last night and got completely wasted! i can remember very little except i posted on here when i come home, but i have no idea where and what i said, if i was out of order i am sorry.

I woke up with 4 odd phone numbers on my last dialled list all done at 2am :o and a text message saying "your a fucking weirdo" dont know who from or what its about.

Went out with a friend that i was best friends with for the first 18 years of life but havent spoken since then, i have not been so wrecked since i was 16.

I drunk over 25 cans of redbull (all had double vodkas in) i have been on a major come down all day, i dont know how i got home, when i got home or what i done.

I just asked my lodger if he heard me coming in and he burst out laughing and said "who didnt" :o

And to think i was meant to be going t total!

20-06-03, 04:55 PM
Ben, if you look in your profile you should bee a button that says 'view all posts' click on that an you'll see what you posted an when!

20-06-03, 10:08 PM
everyone does it at some point in there life dont worry bout it :D

22-06-03, 12:55 AM
sounds just like 1 of my nites out :lol: :lol:
the best bit is the next day when ur m8s tell ya what u was doing :lol:

22-06-03, 02:22 PM
lol, i do that, i've told the misses not to let me near a computer when we get in pissed lol

23-06-03, 11:07 AM
everyone does it at some point in there life dont worry bout it :D

Yeah buBen doesnt like doing that because he gets himself into trouble when he does things like that!! usually ends up half killing someone.

You got any cuts, bruises or grazes on your knuckles Ben??

23-06-03, 11:32 AM
hes counting now :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
23-06-03, 06:53 PM
Nah no fighting this week, wich was actually a suprise as a bouncer wouldnt let me in the club i worked in for years so i completely lost it and called hima few nasty things, then my mate just said please and he let us in!

I was like WTF

Still cant remeber how i got home?

Was a very weird night, good though :lol: