View Full Version : Carjacking EVERYONE Beware in Manchester

06-04-11, 10:03 PM
I have just returned home after an afternoon with the police but with no luck needless to say my Mitzi Evo FQ320 is now in the hands of the forensics team in Manchester, but i doubt they will find anything useful as its all burnt out.

Im so fuc*ed off its untrue, Ive had the car from new no prangs dents scratches but to have some tw*t yank me from my car in broad daylight in the centre of Longsight during rush-hour (5:15) is beyond me, then to drive it to the backroads of Oldham to set it on fire, why!! and get this the fire brigade arrived before the police did, and the police had my tracker, and a huge thanks goes out to manc police for informing me that the tracker got to 171mph on the M62, yeah thanks for lettin me know they screwed it before torchin it!!

TBH its my own fault, when i set off from work i usually lock the doors as i dont have an active auto lock on the car, but tonight i got in locked the doors, then realised i had locked my seatbelt in the door, so i opened it to get the belt but then forgot to re-lock it again, im just more thankful to the bus driver coming the other way that he saw what was gonna happen and stopped before he put my head under his bus!

If anyone knows of anything, please let me know, cuz i will break the scrotes legs if i ever catch them.... its one thing to be carjacked, but its another by some kid who doesnt look old enough to have sex, let alone know how to drive.....

It was a silver FQ320 with orange seats, (custom) and an orange spoiler, splitters and grille mesh. if anyone did see anything that could be useful PLEASE let me know

#edit# it was around 5:15 in longsight and upto 6:00pm near oldham way via the M62

06-04-11, 10:10 PM
TBH its my own fault

Is it **** mate, don't think like that. I get more and more pissed off with this ****hole ****ing country we live in, full of jobless ****ers who can do whatever the **** they please and the ****ing law is always on the side of these ****ing cunts.

Rant over!

06-04-11, 10:11 PM
Crap news fella.

06-04-11, 10:15 PM
tbh i totally agree with your rant, i also think my post would have contained some more "choice" words if i was allowed!

Ive fortunately never have been a victim of any crime before, well nothing serious, im just so hacked off with them, that their upbringing has taught them that it is acceptable for them to act like this and to treat others possessions in this way, maybe they should get a job, earn a crust and buy their own sh*t to be nicked, and then see how they feel about it!

06-04-11, 10:18 PM
i really should change my sig now

06-04-11, 10:49 PM
Thats truly devastating man i really feel for you, it seems like bad news central out that way as only earlier today Lee H posted up that his house had been done over and cleared out in the same area :cry:

06-04-11, 10:50 PM
problem being if anything happened to them you would be the one in trouble!

Real crap news to hear :(

06-04-11, 10:52 PM
well I was kinda hoping to have a few more weeks to finish the shed, but needs must now, looks like ive got 4 days now, and if anyone attempts to nick my TD when i get it on the road, I may have to purchase a tazer to get them in their balls

06-04-11, 11:00 PM
The irony is, if we rigged up a system that sent 6000 volts through the doorhandle, and made their testicles explode into a million squishy pieces, we would be done for assault.

Did he pull a knife or something? I had some little scrote try to grab the keys to my van as I approached it in London 5 years back. Not sure what he was planning on doing, but it took 3 weeks for the cuts on my fist to heal, and i'm pretty sure he went to the dentist the day after.

06-04-11, 11:02 PM
**** mate! Sorry to hear. Unreal!

06-04-11, 11:07 PM
Sorry to hear I can't believe it happened.

06-04-11, 11:11 PM
some people say it's antisocial - but i honestly think the best place to keep your wheelbrace nowadays is down the side of the drivers seat...

06-04-11, 11:14 PM
Problem with that is al, if you got pulled by police for a routine check and they saw that, they might consider your intending to use it as a dangerous weapon (which you are) but its another reason for the police to royally bend you over.
Op cant believe what happened, thats real ****ty news :(

06-04-11, 11:15 PM
some people say it's antisocial - but i honestly think the best place to keep your wheelbrace nowadays is down the side of the drivers seat...

Thats where ford put it in the transit

06-04-11, 11:17 PM
The irony is, if we rigged up a system that sent 6000 volts through the doorhandle, and made their testicles explode into a million squishy pieces, we would be done for assault.

shame were not in south africa, ive heard its allowed there

Did he pull a knife or something? I had some little scrote try to grab the keys to my van as I approached it in London 5 years back. Not sure what he was planning on doing, but it took 3 weeks for the cuts on my fist to heal, and i'm pretty sure he went to the dentist the day after

no knife luckily, but he twa*ed me in the head with sumthin, probably a knuckle duster, had to have some dam suches put on my head, but it cudda been alot worse i supose

06-04-11, 11:44 PM
savage mate feel for you thats real bad :(

06-04-11, 11:51 PM
im now constantly thinkin, had i looked over and seen him i cudda hoofed it thru the red light, or i cudda snapped the key in the ignition or at least done somthin, i just feel so god damn useless that i did nothing at all, arrgggh if i ever see his face again i will deffinatly crack him with a length of 2x4

07-04-11, 12:09 AM
Its all down to what ifs and stuff pal, could of been worse, he could of stabbed you or something, or injured or killed another motorist or pedestrian especially the speeds he was going at. WOULD'NT blame yourself mate, if you had done something to prevent him taking your car the situation could of got alot worse

07-04-11, 12:14 AM
~~ Would blame yourself mate, if you had done something to prevent him taking your car the situation could of got alot worse

? Did u mean Wouldnt?

also theres a button Im supposed to press if i ever did get jacked, it times the immobilizer to 1 min then shutsdown and only mitzi dealer can restart it again, at least he wudnt have got far then.... cant believe i forgot about it tbh, but you always think about things like taht after i supose

07-04-11, 12:36 AM
sorry mate lol spelling error, i meant WOULD'NT :thumb:

07-04-11, 10:00 AM
sorry to hear you loss buddy

07-04-11, 10:21 AM
This country is getting worse, what a good time to cut the police force :roll:

When I was broken into they tried to get into the garage, still to this day when I'm on nights the garage door is connect to the mains electric :d tbh it's a bit naughty but no one needs touch it so if anybody does it's got to be a scumbag

Sorry to hear of your loss tho

07-04-11, 02:30 PM
When I was broken into they tried to get into the garage, still to this day when I'm on nights the garage door is connect to the mains electric :d tbh it's a bit naughty but no one needs touch it so if anybody does it's got to be a scumbag

or your neighbours cat?

07-04-11, 03:01 PM
we live in a complex of 9 flats/apartments and under the terms of ownership no pets are allowed

I did think about cats as I'm very found of them but thankfully nothing has happened

07-04-11, 03:17 PM
mate that is shocking news. but don't let the ba$7 ards get you down.

07-04-11, 05:46 PM
thanks everyone for your kind msgs, tbh if there is at least one good thing to come of it all, it was that i got to have a nice warm sunny day working on my nova, but alas..... the sun was just too tempting, so i ended up wasting all my time doin nothing...now i have until Monday to get it on the road, and i still havent started the paintwork lol

Pistol Pete
07-04-11, 05:56 PM
Shocking news about the Evo. Sorry to hear about it.

09-04-11, 11:29 PM
Gutting to read, especially with it being so pointless, AND in broad daylight.

10-04-11, 01:02 PM
shame were not in south africa, ive heard its allowed there

no knife luckily, but he twa*ed me in the head with sumthin, probably a knuckle duster, had to have some dam suches put on my head, but it cudda been alot worse i supose

you mean one of these?


or this
