View Full Version : photoshop

18-06-03, 07:06 PM
i want 2 get photoshop and i went in 2 kazaa 2 download it but there is loads on there can ne help me and tell me what 2 download

18-06-03, 08:37 PM
You want to search for "Adobe Photoshop 7"

I don't use Kazza, but I cant give you any more information other than that as to what file you want.


18-06-03, 08:41 PM
cheres 4 the help m8

18-06-03, 10:10 PM
filter the results by the number of users, the more users, the more likely it is to be what ur looking for, got my copy off KazaaLite :) works fine

18-06-03, 11:18 PM
ive downloaded it and its in my start menu but i click on it an nothing happens!!

18-06-03, 11:25 PM
i downloaded a copy on there by accident, i.e. the file i wanted, a game i think, wasnt actualyl the game, it was photshop 7. and it worked fine!!was quite big i think. my tip is, look for the file with the most users!! cos this means people havent deleted it, ie. mayb the right file. norm the case.

19-06-03, 09:19 AM
ive downloaded it and its in my start menu but i click on it an nothing happens!!

Thats probably cos you've downloaded a ripped version of the software :roll:

There will be loads of files, some that work, some that don't. Read the "readme" file and see if it tells you anything there.


19-06-03, 12:14 PM
you'd be better off using the old fashioned way and downloading the trial version from adobe.com and then finding a crack for it, or a serial number or something like that.

probably be quicker than downloading half dozen versions that dont work.

19-06-03, 01:51 PM
thats very naughty wise. not a wise idea. :evil:

BUY IT U CHEAP SKATE BABOON. I never use kazaa :lilangel:

19-06-03, 01:59 PM
I can send you a full copy of photoshop 7 if your interested. I have a spare copy that could be posted to ya.

Give us a PM if your interested.

I also have the Patch and Font disk for it if anyone wants it.

19-06-03, 02:03 PM
thats very naughty wise. not a wise idea. :evil:


actually, just so you know!!!

along with all the other adobe stuff, and the full macromedia package - for a very reasonable price including postage and packaging. (thanks mike ;))

20-06-03, 02:12 AM
u bought it :o i bought it off a mate. ?3 :lol:

its something like ?600 in shops :o

20-06-03, 09:53 AM
along with all the other adobe stuff, and the full macromedia package - for a very reasonable price including postage and packaging. (thanks mike ;))

like i said... :D

as soon as i can afford it though i am gonna buy me an original. Be one of the elite few to own a legal copy. :lol:

20-06-03, 10:37 AM
when youve got a spare ?3K for macromedia lol

then another few ?K to host a CF server ;)

i use Edonkey for software, its rather good, but tends to go in fits and starts ie i got good speed all week on one bit of software and now its at 0.01K lol( quite frustrating as its at 90%)

roll on tomorrow and 512 Bt broadband and not naff ntl bean can and string slim band

20-06-03, 10:46 AM
when youve got a spare ?3K for macromedia lol

then another few ?K to host a CF server ;)

like i said, when i can afford it :lol:
one day!!

20-06-03, 11:34 AM
not only do i have a copy of photoshop 7, ive also got a full entreprenuers edition of autocad, which i can honestly say ive never ever used.

20-06-03, 12:19 PM
i fink ive got the rite 1 now as its 164392KB

20-06-03, 12:27 PM
that actually sounds really big... but maybe its just my maths.

20-06-03, 03:12 PM
i cant wait 2 get broadband as its takin ages 2 download :evil:

20-06-03, 03:34 PM
i am gonna get broadband in the next couple of months i think.
my area finally enabled for it - just gotta make sure i can afford it before i sign on the dotted line.

20-06-03, 03:59 PM
i downloaded photoshop off of Kaza and it was that big, only took and hour on broadband :)

29-06-03, 01:18 PM
u bought it :o i bought it off a mate. ?3 :lol:
i don't remember you givin me ?3 john :|

i'm sure you know who i am now ;)

30-06-03, 10:01 AM
that actually sounds really big... but maybe its just my maths.

It's only 164MB...sounds about right.


30-06-03, 01:00 PM
yeah i seem to remember my copy being that size aswell!!!