View Full Version : Sending wings by courier

04-04-11, 01:57 PM
Anyone had success? I have located the holy grail, a pair of NOS wings for my Volvo that are not available anywhere anymore. Believe me I have checked!

Only issue is they are in New Hampshire (iirc) somewhere right on the south coast anyway, and about 380 miles (each way) from me, so collection isn't viable.

My question is, what's the chosen method of packaging people favour? I know K Robinson and others have had panels damaged in transit, but that seems to be more of an issue when coming from Europe, and they have been poorly packaged initially?

I was going to request as well as the original boxing that they be bubble wrapped and placed inside of another box with polystyrene or similar supports to prevent the box deforming.

My FG arch flares were delivered via RM in a box like this and they were fine.

What's the craic then people? Needless to say I am made up that I have found some for it. :d

04-04-11, 02:03 PM
i posted a set to ieland in a box, and they were fine :)

04-04-11, 02:07 PM
You get them for me, you're closer. lol

Maybe you got lucky BMW and encountered handlers and couriers that care lol

I tend to write fragile, do not stack etc on boxes like that but I'm not sure it does you any favours tbh! lol

04-04-11, 02:13 PM
I misread the title and hoped you were posting my wing mirrors. :(

Bad seller, slow delivery, avoid.

04-04-11, 02:15 PM
Get them to fly to yours.

Alternatively - where abouts exactly? Maybe someone in the local area can pickup for you

04-04-11, 02:17 PM
I misread the title and hoped you were posting my wing mirrors. :(

Bad seller, slow delivery, avoid.

lol lol

I was over the garage last weekend too! Don't worry, gotta go back in the week to sell a mk1 Fiesta quarter to a geezer with a strangr accent than yours.

IF you are lucky, I will bring the mirrors home. :)

04-04-11, 02:19 PM
where abouts exactly? Maybe someone in the local area can pickup for you

New Hampshire. :mad:

My mate in Taunton is about 80 miles away, but is busy for the next few weeks. He would usually have been my first port of call.

Who lives in/near NH then? A Nova forum member collecting Volvo parts for a blue scum poster sounds great. lol :thumb:

04-04-11, 02:21 PM
WTH is new hampshire? I only know of hampshire. Which I assume is old hampshire. Has it been renewed? lol

04-04-11, 02:23 PM
WTH is new hampshire? I only know of hampshire. Which I assume is old hampshire. Has it been renewed? lol

:d New Milton, Hampshire. Meh, same deal. :tard: lol

They can renew it if they want, just let me have my panels first. lol

04-04-11, 02:38 PM
:d New Milton, Hampshire. Meh, same deal. :tard: lol

Hi :)

Sure I'll be going up to Manc again at some point, southampton is about 40 mins away from me.

International Airmail is your best bet (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=new+hampshire&hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl)lol

04-04-11, 02:42 PM
Hi :)

Sure I'll be going up to Manc again at some point, southampton is about 40 mins away from me.

International Airmail is your best bet (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=new+hampshire&hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl)lol

:thumb: Nice one Mark, I will give you a shout if he can hang onto them and I get stuck. :cool:

Close your boot though this time eh! :( lol

04-04-11, 02:42 PM
I shall try not to dump them on the A1m or whatever that norfic road was

04-04-11, 02:44 PM
That would indeed be the A1M. Our norvern roads are easy to distinguish by their lack of SPECS cams. :d A symptom of the north/south divide? Maybe, but one that is for the best. lol One not for the best is the state of them, due to the proper winters we suffer. None of this minor sprinkling in December. lol

04-04-11, 02:49 PM
aha average speed *******s, wondered what you meant for a second lol I didn't notice at the time time but now you mention it there is indeed none, although aren't they on the cat and fiddle near manchester (I think?) now?

One thing that was noticeably different was the amount of people that understand how motorway lanes work and actually use them, I put that down to the fact that as you get closer to London everyone drives more like a prick until you get to the very centre when it's every man for himself lol

04-04-11, 02:53 PM
Yeah they do have them on that road iirc. Hopefully we won't get them anywhere for a good few years!

I like it when I get further south, as the traffic speeds up. Yeah there's a load of knobs but it's a bit of a laugh and generally means you can sit at 90 without attracting undue attention. lol

Driving in the centre of London is great! (From an occasional visitors point of view anyway) I love the every man for himself attitude that you mention, and I give as good as they can.

Take the last sentence as the usual gay reference that would be in a post on this forum by the time it makes it to two pages. lol

04-04-11, 02:53 PM
Also just noticed, on that map of New Hampshire, US... Taunton is also about 80 mile or so away lol

Road I love driving on is one in the centre of oxford which is about 4-5 lanes wide, with no markings, proper continental I'm gonna be an ass and get to the front of the queue, while someone does a sketchy U turn across 4 'lanes' driving :d

04-04-11, 02:54 PM
Was about to say I'm driving to Pompey on Wednesday so will be going (almost) right by there. But you're a blue font pooper so nyaaaahhh :p

[edit] Mk, that map is of the UK when I open it. WTF, google is watching me lol

04-04-11, 02:56 PM
[edit] Mk, that map is of the UK when I open it. WTF, google is watching me lol

That sucks :( Open as new hampshire US when I open it, even checked to make sure as the google maps thing is a bit odd, and it did point to the UK at first

04-04-11, 02:57 PM
Road I love driving on is one in the centre of oxford which is about 4-5 lanes wide, with no markings, proper continental I'm gonna be an ass and get to the front of the queue, while someone does a sketchy U turn across 4 'lanes' driving :d

st giles?.... can you even drive a car into oxford these days???

04-04-11, 03:03 PM
st giles?.... can you even drive a car into oxford these days???

That'd be it, and you can, it just takes longer than walking through it.

04-04-11, 03:08 PM
pah... i used to ride my bike thru there whenever i needed to go into the city. i'd park at my mates house & pedal in at three times the speed of the cars...

there are parking restrictions on so many roads, the last time i visited oxford, i got ticketed at 10.30 by a parking pillock on a moped

04-04-11, 03:11 PM
meanwhile, back at the thread...... volvo wings..... aren't they used as military armour?