View Full Version : why oh why did I decide to clean my engine bay

02-04-11, 01:34 PM
Just a bit of a moan about cleaning, swapping my engine today and thought while it was out I'd give the bay a bit of a clean. Now I've started and am regretting it as its really hard to shift nearly 20 years of road and engine crap. And now I've started it'll look worse than before if I stop.

Big respect to anyone who has cleaned, re sprayed or smoothed their bays.

02-04-11, 01:41 PM
get some good degreaser pal!

02-04-11, 01:51 PM
Using hyper clean

02-04-11, 02:35 PM
pictures of the filth, or it was never there :p

02-04-11, 03:41 PM
Pore a good de-greaser over it, leave it for a few mins, rub it on then jet wash it off.

02-04-11, 04:11 PM
Dont clean the muck off, it will reveal rust lol

16v Nova Kev
02-04-11, 04:38 PM
diesel is actually quite good for degreasing engine bays

02-04-11, 04:44 PM
Dont clean the muck off, it will reveal rust lol

Too late lol got as much as I could off with only the engine and box out everything else in. Hyper clean, wipe then tcut ftw lol.

Not too bad on the rust front will get some pics up when I'm at the computer however there are a few scratches/gawges from putting the engine in last time and from the air filter floating around behind the headlight.

A full bay re spray will happen at some point in the future due to these and the few rust scabs dotted around but no rush for that as yet.

Also while it was all out I painted the engine block, head, inlet manifold, exhaust manifold and gearbox. Was going to do some parts white but the white paint I got was turd so its all matt black now. :) overall a nice productive nova day. Back to it tomorrow.

02-04-11, 06:04 PM
im thinking the less dirty areas have cleaned up ok; just the oily thick dirt hasnt and stands out a bit more now..?
the old 8 valve engines (?) with so much of it exposed are a pain to clean, must admit.

05-04-11, 08:59 AM
pictures of the filth, or it was never there :p


you can imagine what lurks everywhere else as I didn't take any pics until I'd started cleaning.

05-04-11, 09:10 AM
Wow - thats pretty dirty lol.

not great when its white either lol.