View Full Version : Hot off the press !!

02-01-01, 04:49 PM
There IS a possibility of FC laydees attending the rolling road session.
The only thing is they are ?50 per hour plus 20% agents fee.

So how about it. 1 girl, 2 hours = ?100 divided by 20 cars = extra ?5 per car for a nudey rudey laydee.

So let me know what you lot think, i'm up for it and Fast Car can arrange it.

02-01-01, 06:49 PM
I could get you a prozzie cheaper than that!

Why not just pick up a girl from soho and give her 100quid for 2 hours, would be more entertaining. And draw more people...

02-01-01, 08:49 PM
hahahahaha lmfao @ sam!

02-01-01, 11:58 PM
I have to agree with Sam! Fecking hell for ?100 I could fetch a few bits of top totty for a fumble!

03-01-01, 08:10 AM
So you don't fancy seeing Holly McGuire or Ebony etc for a hundred quid for the day when they usually charge ?2500 for a full days work ?

03-01-01, 09:51 AM
I'll pay but i don't have a car for her to spread over so i guess it'll just have to be my face. Damn Shame. LOL

15 Mins for 12.50 Bargain.