View Full Version : Abyss Kit

18-06-03, 01:14 PM
Yo whas on?
Well I havnt been on here for a while, but I have a prob. Im bored with my standard MK2 bumpers on my MK2 Nova (how ironic??) so I was considerin gettin myself a kit to spruce up its looks. After reading another thread in here I clicked the link for CCM. I looked at there prices and found that the Abyss kit they had on offer was the best price I have found for the kit.
What is everyones opinion on the kit? will it fit ok on a MK2 Nova??
Your help would be greatly appreciated as its a lotta money to splash out so I gotta get it right lol. :roll: :roll:

18-06-03, 02:19 PM
Yeah thats a good kit.... wel i recon so any way.

I was goin to get it as i recon the big mouth is cool and you can spray things on it. i thought about havin nova on it backwards and puttin lights behind it so it shines on the road but then realised nova bkwards is avon (womens beauty make) so i gave it a miss.

Yep should fit mk2

i would go for that if i was u.... subtle but nice
only problem is lots of ppl have it.

18-06-03, 04:17 PM
the abyss kit is a modified fiesta rear bumper, and a nova GSi front bumper with the big mouth mod. People that design these kits have no imagination!!! Give us variation. My advice is get a kit but mod it so its different from everyone elses. Cut and seal holes and then mesh them, or fit air intakes in the bumpers, anything, just makes you stand out a little ya think??? :wink:

19-06-03, 12:37 PM
how much?

19-06-03, 12:49 PM

prices are on there towards the bottom linz.

19-06-03, 12:52 PM

19-06-03, 01:01 PM

any1 used there 'tailgate panel' (look under prices then nova)? i'm assuming its a smooth boot thing

19-06-03, 02:19 PM
Hey you all thanks for your replies. I think I will go for it,as it will definetly look better than the bumpers that I have on there now lol. Do you think GSI side skirts will look ok with an abyss front and rear bumper? as I dont really wanna break the bank and buy it all (me being a student and all lol) :cry: :cry: