View Full Version : arp conrod cap chamfer 2.0l

28-03-11, 08:25 PM
hey all, is it neccesary to make a small chamfer on the conrod caps to fit arp's? the instructions say to make sure theres adequite room for the chamfer on the bolt.

i put the bolt in one of the holes and inspected it, i put a peice of paper between the head of the bolt and the conrod cap, then i put pressure on the bolt head. the peice of paper cant be pulled out, now this to me means the bolt is sat perfectly flush with the cap and doesnt need any work to it to make the bolt fit. am i righ or wrong??

im yet to try this on all the caps/bolts but if any of them didnt act like the above then a chamfer would be needed.

help me shed some light on the subject.



28-03-11, 08:27 PM
You need to chamfer it as it stresses the cab without and more often than not cracks the cap buddy, i got mine done by the engineering company that supplied my parts, only needs to be a small chamfer of a couple of mm.

29-03-11, 07:07 PM
is it too pikey to use a drill bit? havnt got access to a countersinking tool for metal.

29-03-11, 07:19 PM
Take them to a local engineering firm pal, they should only charge a few quid for doing them