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28-03-11, 05:04 PM
Woman burnt to death after setting her own car alight in road-rage incident

Simon de Bruxelles

DIV#related-article-links P A { COLOR: #06c}DIV#related-article-links P A:visited { COLOR: #06c}It was the ultimate expression of road rage. A furious woman driver died after ramming another vehicle and spinning her wheels so fast that her own car burst into flames.
Serena Sutton-Smith, 54, burnt to death after refusing to get out of her Vauxhall Nova as she sat with her foot flat on the accelerator.
She spun the wheels so fast that her tyres disintegrated and the metal rims sent a shower of sparks into the engine, igniting the brake fluid and setting the car on fire.
Appalled onlookers urged her to get out of the car as the flames licked around her but she told them to “F*** off”, an inquest in Gloucester was told.
The road-rage attack took place on a quiet country road in the Cotswolds between Weston sub Edge and Mickleton in Gloucestershire.
The inquest heard that Paula Small was driving her Fiat Punto when Ms Sutton-Smith emerged from a side road without stopping, causing her to swerve to avoid a collision. Mrs Small was forced on the grass verge and she flashed her lights as Ms Sutton-Smith passed her.
Ms Sutton-Smith then pulled over and Mrs Small stopped a short way in front of her. She was getting out when the Vauxhall Nova rammed her car.
Mrs Small said: “I opened my door and put my foot out but as I was getting out there was a bang and I hit my head on the door frame. I was frozen with terror.” As neighbours came to investigate they saw Ms Sutton-Smith sitting with a furious expression, revving her engine and spinning her wheels.
Nicholas Willmore told the inquest that he was in his workshop at Cottage Farm Antiques when his mother alerted him to what was happening outside. As he walked across the road to the two cars he saw smoke coming from the engine of the Nova.
He said: “There was a deafening sound of an engine running as though someone had a foot stuck on the accelerator.
“The car’s front wheels were spinning and there was loads of revving. I could see a biggish person at the wheel and there was movement in the car. Flames were coming from underneath the car and I thought the person might be trapped inside although I couldn’t hear any shouting.
“I opened the driver’s door wide. It opened easily. The person looked at me, it was a big built woman. I said ’You’ve got to get out of the car. It’s going to burst into flames’
“The person replied ’F*** off, just f*** off’ and she raised her right fist towards me in a threatening manner before slamming the door shut.
“I was a bit bewildered and moved 3-4 yards back. I could see her gesturing towards me. She seemed to be in quite a rage. Both fists were raised and being shaken and the person was looking right at me.
“This was definitely done in a manner to tell me to stay away from her car.” Mr Willmore grabbed a fire extinguisher from his workshop but it failed to put out the flames. Another motorist also tried to extinguish the flames.
Mr Willmore added: “The heat was getting more and more intense and the flames were growing. I could no longer see inside. There was nothing that could be done to help the person inside.
“There was no attempt by the person to get out. In my opinion it was against all human instincts for someone to stay inside that car.” Ms Sutton-Smith was dead by the time fire fighters arrived to put out the blaze.
Fire officer Andrew Clayton said: “The circumstances indicate that this was a deliberate act. She remained in the vehicle after ramming a car and then sat with the front wheels spinning until fire developed.
“The front nearside passenger wheel gouged into the road surface by 50mm and the tyre was totally destroyed by the friction. This would have produced sparks igniting fluid, most probably brake fluid.” The inquest heard that Ms Sutton-Smith, who had previously worked behind the bar at a working men’s club in Ashton sub Edge, had a history of erratic behaviour and suffered from bipolar disorder.
Alan Crickmore, the Gloucestershire coroner, said that her mental condition meant that she failed to appreciate the danger she was in.
He said “At no time, prior to becoming incapicitated, was Serena trapped in her vehicle. She was certainly able to get out of it when Mr Willmore opened the door and invited her to do so.
“I am driven to the conclusion that if at any time she had wanted to do so before becoming incapacitated she could have got out of the car and would not have died as a result of the fire.
“I am satisfied the fire was started because of her deliberate actions. But I am far from satisfied that at that point in time it was her clear intention that death would ensue.
“I think it is more likely than not that she failed to understand the peril she was in and the consequences of her actions.” He recorded a verdict of accidental death.

28-03-11, 05:06 PM
R-r-r-r-r reeeeeeeeeepost.

28-03-11, 05:09 PM
[Stirring it]Oh and by "stupid women" it looks as though you're insinuating all women are stupid, I hope the ladies of this forum start a witch hunt[/Stirring it]



28-03-11, 05:13 PM
A good day for the gene pool :)

28-03-11, 06:08 PM
this story is very old...

unfortunately a distressed & mentally fragile person died, but the bystanders were hardly forthcoming in trying to stop her... i don't find any humour in this story at all, it must have been a horrific way to die

28-03-11, 07:34 PM
It was a real shame and best forgotten.

28-03-11, 07:54 PM
[Stirring it]Oh and by "stupid women" it looks as though you're insinuating all women are stupid, I hope the ladies of this forum start a witch hunt[/Stirring it]

28-03-11, 08:32 PM


28-03-11, 09:22 PM
So a bloke opened the door and she wouldnt get out so he left her there to burn?? :wtf: Even if it meant dragging her out kicking and screaming he should have got her out!!

29-03-11, 01:07 AM
So a bloke opened the door and she wouldnt get out so he left her there to burn?? :wtf: Even if it meant dragging her out kicking and screaming he should have got her out!!

Not if she was built like a brick shiezenhouse!!!lol although he could've possibly just turned the ignition off...........!

29-03-11, 01:07 AM
So a bloke opened the door and she wouldnt get out so he left her there to burn?? :wtf: Even if it meant dragging her out kicking and screaming he should have got her out!!

Not if she was built like a brick shiezenhouse!!!lol although he could've possibly just turned the ignition off...........!

29-03-11, 01:07 AM
So a bloke opened the door and she wouldnt get out so he left her there to burn?? :wtf: Even if it meant dragging her out kicking and screaming he should have got her out!!

Not if she was built like a brick shiezenhouse!!!lol although he could've possibly just turned the ignition off...........!

29-03-11, 07:27 AM
i still think the 'expert' witness was wrong... i think flailing tyres got to the fuel lines, i've never heard of brake fluid burning hot enough to take a car..

29-03-11, 07:47 AM
Apparently she was bipolar, which is the moden way of saying she's a fruitbat

and LOL @ the google results for "Serena Sutton-Smith":

Road rage woman burned to death by ramming rival motorist and ...

Serena SUTTON-SMITH : Obituary - ThisIsAnnouncements

The bizarre death of Serena Sutton-Smith@Everything2.com

BuzzFeed: serena sutton-smith Buzz

Serena Sutton-Smith | Endofboredom.com

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Gloucestershire | Driver died sitting in ...

Woman burnt to death after setting her own car alight in road-rage ...

..then this gem of a headline comes up

Angry fat chick burns herself to death


29-03-11, 01:45 PM
lol stupid old bat!! cant believe shes got rid of another nova just because she was mad!! sounds like she was a big woman, must have been a good solid shell too if it carried her weight without any rotten floor giving way lol

29-03-11, 02:33 PM
lol stupid old bat!! cant believe shes got rid of another nova just because she was mad!! sounds like she was a big woman, must have been a good solid shell too if it carried her weight without any rotten floor giving way lol

i'm saddened that you found this funny.

to make light of someone with mental troubles committing suicide in a car like this is deplorable

29-03-11, 02:41 PM
i'm saddened that you found this funny.

to make light of someone with mental troubles committing suicide in a car like this is deplorable
I have to agree with Mowgli here..........after reading that i felt sick to the stomach thinking how she died in there, it was horrific, mental illness really is not something to be mocked, it can affect anyone at anytime and can take very little to trigger an episode like that.

29-03-11, 08:23 PM
i'm saddened that you found this funny.

to make light of someone with mental troubles committing suicide in a car like this is deplorable

if she was that mentally unstable that someone pulling out in front of her made her want to kill herself then she obviously should have been in a psychiatric ward or hospital.

there is alot of people in this country that have mental health issues and you dont see all of them pulling stunts like this.

i've had my fair share of issues, i think getting through 5 psychiatrists in 2 years says i've not had it easy but whilst its made me have attempts at my own life, its never made me react this extreme. she was obviously a very unhappy woman.

29-03-11, 08:38 PM
a man committed suicide 400yds from my brothers farm. the man had a massive motorbike smash some years before & had tried everything medical science could offer to try & get rid of the pain. he saved up his tablets, filled his car interior with petrol & lit it. when people get desperate, they go to extremes.

in our borough the woman who killed her disabled daughter & herself in a fuel filled car had been failed by social services & the police...some local scum made their lives hell.

this woman in the nova was failed by the bystanders who could have easily stopped the car.

29-03-11, 08:41 PM
I still don't know how the bystanders in this incident can live with her death on their consciences. As stated earlier, its completely against the body's natural instinct to stay in that danger - no matter how aggressive or heavy she was they could of done sumat about it :mad:

30-03-11, 08:09 AM
To be honest, if someone wants to kill themselves, they'll do it and there's not a lot you can do to stop them. I'd rather the person just took themself out in whatever way they saw fit rather than threw themselves in front of a train and derailed it, or whatever.

30-03-11, 01:16 PM
To be honest, if someone wants to kill themselves, they'll do it and there's not a lot you can do to stop them. I'd rather the person just took themself out in whatever way they saw fit rather than threw themselves in front of a train and derailed it, or whatever.


30-03-11, 02:03 PM
i agree with your point about the bystanders mowgli however, as jack pointed out, if someone wants to do it, they will.

If they had pulled her out the car, the likelihood is she would have probably started a fight with them for pulling her out and gone home and killed herself anyway so either way, they bystanders would have been to blame.
I really cant contemplate staying in a burning car through anger, its beyond me how someone could do that :(

30-03-11, 02:11 PM
i agree with your point about the bystanders mowgli however, If they had pulled her out the car, the likelihood is she would have probably started a fight with them for pulling her out and gone home and killed herself anyway :(
Surely if they had pulled her out of the burning car she would have then been taken away in an ambulance, and along with statements from said bystanders she would have been assessed and locked up for her own safety.

30-03-11, 02:14 PM
Surely if they had pulled her out of the burning car she would have then been taken away in an ambulance, and along with statements from said bystanders she would have been assessed and locked up for her own safety.
Suicide is very selfish indeed,theres plenty of help available out there.
Just gotta pick yourself up and get on with things

30-03-11, 02:20 PM
Suicide is very selfish indeed,theres plenty of help available out there.
Just gotta pick yourself up and get on with things

I totally agree, yes it is totally selfish to the people left behind to pick up the pieces, yes there is plenty of help out there if you really want it, but as said before, if someone genuinely does not want to be here and wants to die then furry muff go and do it at home alone, but i don't get why some have to do it with an audience and/or put other peoples lives in danger.

I guess the mind really is a strange thing and unless you are actually in the same frame of mind then it's never going to be easy knowing what makes someone tick/snap.

30-03-11, 02:43 PM
Surely if they had pulled her out of the burning car she would have then been taken away in an ambulance
Reports say people tried to get her out the car but she fought them off. Even if they had managed it she might have got punchy and assaulted a few people or jumped straight back in the car. As they say, there's no helping some people.