View Full Version : MOT Rant.

27-03-11, 07:03 PM
The mot system in this country sucks balls. I've 2 experiences of vosa this week, none of which have been satisfactory imo!

First my old dears 9n polo failed it's test on console bushes. Common problem with the 9n, but she had them replaced at the vw retailer where i used to work, just over 2 years ago and has covered approx 11000 miles in that time. I inspect them to find **** all wrong with them, so appeal to vosa. My mate who is a tester at vw has a quick peep at them too and agrees, nothing wrong. It takes vosa nearly 10 days to re-inpect it, and they agree with the garage that yes they should have failed! Wtf? The man from vosa says they have excessive side to side movement, and that vw have released a modified bush to compensate for this (same story that the garage that failed it fed me) Seriously, you're failing a bush that is "designed" to have side to side movement :roll: . Man from vosa says thats that, and will see me in court if i wish to take it further. :mad:

Secondly, my mate has an old petrol 306 thats nearing the end of it's days, but decides to see if it'll do one more year. It fails on a cv gaiter, one brake pipe and emissions. It has a couple of other advisories. (other cv gaiter deteriorating and brake pipe) Man at garage tells him the emissions is down to poor oil quality/breathers blocked. We fix the fail items, fully service it and clean the breathers and t/b. he taked it back for re-test and it fails again on emissions (told this time it's the 02 sensor) I have a quick look and reckon it's the cat so we replace it. New cat on, back to same garage, and we have a pass, but now with 9 advisories, one being that the other cv gaiter is now split and leaking! :roll: wtf? that should be a a fail!

Seems to me there's no uniform testing across the board and vosa don't give a ****. :roll:

Rant over! lol

27-03-11, 07:10 PM
does sound a load of calamities..
Only one ive ever had tbh was with my old v6 vectra failing on exhaust frontpipe and brake pipes.
Cleaned and painted and regreased brake pipes up; looked at frontpipe: was fine just the heatsheild looked a lil manky- so went for retest: they told me not to bother with the retest at the reception desk as i handed the keys over; if i hadnt replaced the brake pipes then it wont pass?!
So went somehere else and it failed on a corroded/leaking petrol tank! lol.. i didnt even get an advisory on that from first garage.. but the second garage didnt give any other advisories so once a newer tank was sourced and fitted; sorted eventually lol

27-03-11, 07:15 PM
A garage by me got done by VOSA yesterday. They walked in as a friendly MOT tester issued a pass cert for a complete shed of a Suzuki Swift that had more holes in it then a Japanese nuclear power station.

27-03-11, 07:34 PM
yep the mot law certainly s**ks

27-03-11, 07:36 PM
Thats fukkin balls

27-03-11, 07:42 PM
had something similar on the nova.

one place said brakes were poor/not enough force/un even balance

took it to another place and they said about the brakes and also the hand break. like wtf

27-03-11, 07:50 PM
When i appealed, i presumed it would go to an independant place for the vosa re-inspection. Nope it goes to the same garage. I wanted for it to go to vw, who deal with them day in day out. I was also not present at the time due to work. Vosa inspectors don't work on a sat/sun after 5pm, what a surprise!

27-03-11, 07:52 PM
does sound a load of calamities..
Only one ive ever had tbh was with my old v6 vectra failing on exhaust frontpipe and brake pipes.
Cleaned and painted and regreased brake pipes up; looked at frontpipe: was fine just the heatsheild looked a lil manky- so went for retest: they told me not to bother with the retest at the reception desk as i handed the keys over; if i hadnt replaced the brake pipes then it wont pass?!
So went somehere else and it failed on a corroded/leaking petrol tank! lol.. i didnt even get an advisory on that from first garage.. but the second garage didnt give any other advisories so once a newer tank was sourced and fitted; sorted eventually lol

So basically you could be driving a car with 12 months mot, that someone else deems to be unsafe.

27-03-11, 07:54 PM
Mine got failed on corrosion on the rear arch corner as it's within x cm of the rear beam mount, but the inner arch they say is fine because it's non structural. So the rear arch corner is structural then? I just made a rough piece up and splashed some weld round it to get it through lol Plan on replacing that arch anyway, as the rest of the oh so structural arch lip is fooked, not even an advisory for that though lol

27-03-11, 07:57 PM
Its difficult to get an across the board level of standard inspection unless you have dedicated MOT centres staffed by VOSA mechanics. Plus there's the old thing of a lot of garages try it on with a few fails hoping to get a couple hundred quid of a repair bill out of you!

First MOT the GT4 had was at Mr T, they reckoned the OSF lower arm had "excessive play" and needed replacing. Had it done, but asked for the old part back. After much scrabbling around and lame excuses, they gave me the lower arm - ball joint was stiff as you like lol Didn't take it further though as I knew it'd need doing eventually.

I think one of Hayley's friends had something daft like an £800-to-pass bill from a garage for her car's MOT. She told the garage not to do it and she'd get the repairs done elsewhere - funnily enough when she turned up to collect the car from the MOT fail after work, it had magically grown a pass certificate lol

27-03-11, 08:03 PM
I took my sr to a place called budget before the mot went computerised and it failed on brake pipes and i only had to pay when it passed so i thought **** that as they looked fine and no leaks so I drove it round the corner to another garage and it passed lol

27-03-11, 08:17 PM
So basically you could be driving a car with 12 months mot, that someone else deems to be unsafe.

No, the first garage was just trying it on- nothing wrong with the exhaust or the brake pipes.. just funny how they didnt spot the genuine fault with the tank, at the time..
Second garage did spot it and agree the exhaust is ok and the work i did on the pipes was great.
so much so, they gave no advisories.

General Baxter
27-03-11, 08:20 PM
see it this way,

would you send your car for an mot at a

£25 charge garage or
£50 charge garage,

i would pick the £50 one every time

27-03-11, 09:00 PM
some testers just love it, like a powertrip. then other testers, jsut want to get the mot out the way so they can make some money on somthing else. Try to find someone you know/your mate knows, that way your 2003 car will pass without a cat :)

Ste L
27-03-11, 09:22 PM
can say that again Rich, the Joy's of having a mate who's an MOT tester...

if it fails on anything, i just pinch his ramps for a bit, while we sort it, or anything un-major, like a leaky exhaust or something it'll pass, and i'll sort it myself at home

27-03-11, 09:30 PM
we have just gone one man testing and the the shaker plate's are killers .

rear bush's that once would of past now fail!!

thing is a mot is down to the tester i worked with right pig's and some real nice one's to .

im sorry to hear that you getting so much trouble and i hope you get it sorted in the end .

27-03-11, 09:33 PM
Yep all sorted now! The most annoying bit- i work for audi, who would usually have done the test, but due to being fully booked for a month i couldn't get it in!

27-03-11, 09:43 PM
thats good , i hate mot time :(