View Full Version : Colour ideas

26-03-11, 11:00 PM
Yes its another one of those threads where the op has limited imagination but hey hoe. Anyways next winter my nova is coming off the road for a long awaited rebuild as being used as a daily from last summer through all the winter and not undersealing it (:roll: ) has taken its toll on the wee girl, many have seen it but those who havent, below is a picture of it, as much as i love the look of my car, keeping it as oem and period as poss when building it, well tbh i am just bored of it lol, and now being the age where insuring two cars is possible i want to go more motorsport influenced with it (so buckets, 6 point cage, minimalist dash etc) without having the worry of making it too uncomfortable and practical, i also intend changing the cars colour to something abit lairy :roll: :p :cool:
As you can see (as well as i like it) the oem white/grey bumper is abit of a boring combination
Now these are my top two colours so far
Kawazaki green with white wheels
Or pauls old liquid yellow
Or maybe just mine but with lairy wheels????
So any ideas? post pics of colour (doesnt have to be a nova)
Rep awarded where possible

26-03-11, 11:44 PM
motorsport influenced
Stickers :cool:

26-03-11, 11:53 PM
Stickers :cool:
your right im doing this all wrong... in the morning i will pop down to halfords and buy a small fortunes worth of 'decals' and 'race stickers' then it will be a proven track beast ;) lol
I was thinking of having the car vinyled to split the cars colout.. hard to explain basically like this

27-03-11, 09:14 AM
Bright Orange!

27-03-11, 12:15 PM
Yea was thinking that as we got alot of orange left over from when we sprayed the pug and a sj we built, but its more the fact my hair is bright orange, and i dont really want a car that matches my hair lol
This is the orange i was on about
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/162805_476534704925_637964925_6011682_4372784_n.jp g
Was thinking about satin black with bright orange features to give it abit of a hardcore look but when i look at cars with satin/matt black paintjob i think of chavy magee sitting up maccers with his rattle-canned matt black saxo lol

General Baxter
27-03-11, 12:18 PM
these colours


27-03-11, 12:20 PM
Is that to match my number plate by any chance lol

27-03-11, 06:45 PM
Paint it orange and dye your stupid coloured hair.

27-03-11, 06:53 PM
Might just go bold

27-03-11, 06:54 PM
Paint it orange and dye your stupid coloured hair.

Win! This man gets rep. lol

27-03-11, 07:09 PM
paint it yellow but maybe not liquid yellow what about pineapple yellow or signal yellow some thing like that plus be cheaper on paint as aint mettalic

27-03-11, 08:00 PM
dont do it matt/satin, it never suits nova's. what about a dark gray, with bright coloured wheels/cage etc?

Paint it orange and dye your stupid coloured hair.

baahahaha lol lol rep for you sir :thumb:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Iain again.

aw :(

27-03-11, 08:32 PM

16v Nova Kev
27-03-11, 09:36 PM
piant it this colour 9GSE seek an find

27-03-11, 09:52 PM
i like the orange coulor .would look better mabey a littile bit darker tho, with black compomotive wheels :thumb:

oh and the reg on the green nova is my surname :d

28-03-11, 01:41 AM
piant it this colour 9GSE seek an find
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: Good choice +rep
How much is ultimate green Kev? You got a rough idea how much it would cost to buy the paint (for how much i need)

28-03-11, 03:54 AM
Keep it white but with lairy wheels IMO?

The liquid yellow is bloody awesome though!

+rep for that pic :)

28-03-11, 09:22 AM
Deffo the green......i think it really suits the nova, maybe with black wheels?

28-03-11, 09:52 AM
pineapple yellow for me

16v Nova Kev
28-03-11, 11:15 AM
connor I was going to paint my track car 9gse ultimate green. But I'm not sure. cost wise Its a 2 stage paint as in a white base or primmer then a ground coat then the effect coat. I recon 300 for materials that includes laquer.

28-03-11, 04:25 PM
After thinking about it for a while, been thinking about paint and I think I am am going to have to go for a standard gloss colour as I will be painting it myself and I am far from a painter by trade lol, and yea Paul I always wanted a liquid yellow nova since seeing yours at pv, looked awesome in the sun and I was also thinking (if I was to keep it White) was to get colour coded gsi bumpers then painting them (as near as possible) to the famous 'bus pink' as I think merris gsi looks awesome. Hmmm glad I got ages to think about this lol.

28-03-11, 04:26 PM
Ps can someone post a pic of pineapple yellow something, I'm on my phone so cba with going on google on this

28-03-11, 07:04 PM
http://i53.tinypic.com/2wpq7bd.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/15i6l4z.jpg pineaplle yellow for you mate :thumb: