View Full Version : Car windows broken again!

10-03-11, 10:29 PM
As breifly mentioned in my WIP the other day, I had two side windows put out on my daily sh!tter Seicento on Sunday night. I was in the garage working on my Volvo and some old fella knocked on the door to to tell me. This was about 8 PM. No idea why, I have no greivances with anyone that I am aware of.

Anyway, two scrapyard pieces of glass and 2 quid in Sainsburys hoover later and I was sorted.

Until tonight! About 8 PM I heard a loud thud and looked out of the window to see some fcuking scrote taking aim at my passenger window. Second attempt and it went through. He was with a gang of about eight others and was around 17 years old! :tard:They then sauntered off as I legged it downstairs and attempted to chase after them. When they heard the door/gate open they legged it. 8 PM again! it's not even as if this is happening late at night.

I reported it to the police and then ran into them and jumped in their car as they wanted me to do a street I.D. We seen and collared two lads that seemed to fit the description from my breif glance (blue or red hoody, grey pants, 6') but I couldn't be positive it was him so nothing came of it - not that it would had it been him.

I don't really know why I am posting this on here. I need to vent some anger. If you happen to read this you (not so) little cowardly little cnut just be aware that had I seen you in the car then you would have been pinned against the nearest solid object with the 4x4 I was driving.

Fcuking w4nkers! Thankfully(?) it is just my car being targetted, but I would love to know why. I'll break the cnuts fcuking legs if I catch him at it. This isn't internet talk etc I am fully aware I will end up coming off worse in the eyes of the law. I don't care. This sh!t cannot be allowed to happen.

The car is now in the back yard. I found a piece of red driveway gravel on the drivers seat and a massive dent in the B pillar which must be what I heard initially. Fcuk knows how he can throw something that small that hard. My fcuking fist will hurt the cnut more though.

One 'upside' is I was listening to the police radio when they had someone detained (they bailed out of the car and left me in the back) and I now have a name :thumb:. Time to do some local digging and see who this cnut is.

10-03-11, 10:34 PM
ring bri cockerill lol

10-03-11, 10:37 PM
****in pricks

10-03-11, 10:40 PM
i think it would be nice of you to get him, tie him up, ling him in the boot, drive to really remote field...let him out and tell him to run before you find the shotgun...

Pistol Pete
10-03-11, 10:42 PM
Sounds like mindless vandalism. Cnuts.

10-03-11, 10:42 PM
What's the mentality behind it?! If they're so big and hard then why not have the balls to face me when they see me coming outside is what I wanna know!

I had it fixed the next day, maybe I 'insulted' them by doing this?

I have some 4mm Lexan sheet here, if it will fit in the window channels then I am going to make the side windows out of that. I don't think it will be a goer though, probs need 3mm.

Would be great to hear the ****ing mug repeatedly attempting to blag those. Would give me plenty time to get outside with a hittin stick!

10-03-11, 10:48 PM
its a bit of a downer when that happens like. had the same happen to me a few weeks back. first it was the back window following week they ran over the top and left a nice selection of dents over the roof :(

10-03-11, 10:50 PM
Nasty business Steve! I guess that's what life is like when you have zero respect and even less brain cells. :(

I couldn't give a sh!t about the car, but it's not the point is it.

10-03-11, 10:56 PM
It's cause they are going around in a gang and trying to show off to each other when really they are proving they are losers.

10-03-11, 10:57 PM
as usual though the police couldt do anything. i even managed to garage the car to keep the muddy footprints for forensice the next again morning. got a letter a while after saying they couldnt match the prints and there was nothing else they could do.

10-03-11, 11:07 PM
Thats right Brian. It must be interbreeding that creates such mongs!

Steve, there is never any point keeping anything for SOCO. They just waste your time and get that fcuking powder all over everything! Like one time I had a garage broken into and there was a hand/finger print left on sole aluminium ladders but even that was no good to them. :/

I was told to leave the car tonight but I said fcuk it.

10-03-11, 11:09 PM
Sadly nowadays you have to take the law into your own hands to sort things

Yoofs of today have very little respect for anything, smashing other peoples property is the norm for them

Danny s-p
10-03-11, 11:15 PM
were do you actually live round here i have lots frends round here may be able to spread some light for u

10-03-11, 11:16 PM
Discusting behaviour.

But in our defence, not all yoofs are into vandalism and drugs on the park.

Hope you find them limp:)

10-03-11, 11:19 PM
Like I said on another forum man, give us a shout if you get an address.

Dunno why anyone would do that to you. Think I might enjoy finding out.

10-03-11, 11:21 PM
were do you actually live round here i have lots frends round here may be able to spread some light for u

Houghton mate. It seems to be getting worse around here. Was fine a few years back. I thought when they pulled the old council estate down things would get better, but the few streets that remain are where these little ba$tards seem to live. No doubt more of them will move into the new builds as due to the current climate no-one will buy them!

Cheers Matt. Yeah, I haven't lost faith in young un's entirely. I know some good lads. :thumb:

10-03-11, 11:22 PM
Have you thought about installing a cctv camera outside?.............we had to get one at our last house to keep an eye on the scruffy trampy tw@ts that was insisting on making my kids lives hell.

Little scroats........i'd be on a mission to have them.

10-03-11, 11:25 PM
Paintbull gun ftw

10-03-11, 11:26 PM
Yeah, gonna look into CCTV. The police say that evidence wouldn't be sufficient for prosecution, but we all know that's not the way to make these people stop.

I shall indeed be in touch should I find anything out Ben! :thumb:

10-03-11, 11:26 PM
Bulletgun ftw

10-03-11, 11:32 PM

Yep. lol

The only colour people like these should be painted is red.

11-03-11, 04:23 PM
Yup, Hi power paint ball gun so they can be Id'd later then a visit with a baseball bat and kneecap the little sh*ts.

Can do much damage if you can't walk

11-03-11, 04:52 PM
paintball gun with frozen paintballs ;)

11-03-11, 04:58 PM
paintball gun with frozen paintballs ;)

ohhhhh that would hurt lol lol

11-03-11, 05:39 PM
there would be no difference. the air resistance & impact would heat them up..... thank mythbusters & the chicken gun for that snippet.

11-03-11, 06:33 PM
im sure ive seen frozen paintball bruises....and they a HUGE....failing that just use marbles :p

11-03-11, 10:03 PM
how long have you had the car for did you buy it locally ,they may regconise it from the previous owner
have you had any road rage incidents / dabbled any birds
for them to do it twice it seems like you have upset them

11-03-11, 10:23 PM
I don't think he has upset anyone as he's sound :thumb: my guess is he has the boy in a head lock right now lol

12-03-11, 04:07 PM
I don't think he has upset anyone as he's sound :thumb: my guess is he has the boy in a head lock right now lol

Or himself in the lock up because of said headlock lol