View Full Version : de cluttered engine bay

08-03-11, 11:06 PM
I was just wondering how hard this look is to achieve ?

any tips?

08-03-11, 11:11 PM
Talk to benn lol

09-03-11, 12:15 AM
Hide it all in the scuttle and behind the wings.

Extend and reroute the looms, flush the bay seams. Self explanatory really - but a lot of work.

09-03-11, 06:27 AM
Makes sense really think I need to stop posting when tired lol

09-03-11, 07:29 AM
just stop opening the bonnet at shows.

09-03-11, 01:39 PM
This is my attempt at smooth and de-cluttering the bay, the car isn't done yet so use your imagination


To hide the loom I cut a hole in the inner wing where the slam panel mates up to it, the loom for the headlights etc will be hidden under there and the engine loom will come through the bulk head behind the engine and routed from there.

Smoothing the bay wasn't that hard just time consuming, I used body filler and a few extra pairs of hands.

09-03-11, 01:41 PM
i see so you throw all the rubbish behind the fire wall haha

09-03-11, 02:06 PM
They are go faster bits!

09-03-11, 02:28 PM
lol yeah I ran out of black bin liners.

09-03-11, 02:34 PM
bathfart, why did you leave the bracket for the washer bottle on?? its pretty much the easiest thing to remove from the engine bay & hide behind the scuttle panel

09-03-11, 02:39 PM
probably the best decluttered bay ever! cant find a head on shot so here is the best i could find...


09-03-11, 02:46 PM
^^^ who's is that ?

09-03-11, 02:50 PM

09-03-11, 02:51 PM
bathfart, why did you leave the bracket for the washer bottle on?? its pretty much the easiest thing to remove from the engine bay & hide behind the scuttle panel

Never thought about removing that.

09-03-11, 04:19 PM
^^^ who's is that ?

Yeah Austins, awesome car and build thread!

09-03-11, 10:01 PM
probably the best decluttered bay ever! cant find a head on shot so here is the best i could find...


not sure i have the skills to reach this level

09-03-11, 11:13 PM
not sure i have the skills to reach this level

Not sure I'd want to if I'm honest, it puts all the focus on the engine and exposes any bits that may not be done to a high standard. I'd rather have more to focus on.

10-03-11, 12:13 AM
like an oasis botttle full of nos:thumb:

10-03-11, 06:50 AM
Lol just want it to look tidy

10-03-11, 06:58 AM
a dizzy-less small block 16v engine, with its o.e plastic engine cover retained, and the main nova loom for lights and engine ran behind inner wing(s) should end up with a realistic, cheapish way of an fairly spartan looking engine bay.
The o.e engine covers are quite big - hiding all the top of the engine from just in front of the cylinder head to over the inlet manifold/t.b so most wiring cant be seen behind it. Only seem to be on small-block though..? (Big block engines dont seem to come with these covers so its all exposed... bar the 'turbo' cover on LET's but thats just the inlet/t.b)
If you have the recent total vauxhall with the 1.4/1.6 16v buying/tuning guide at the back - the first large pic is my nova's old x14xe engine bay - looks alright and didnt at that stage have the loom ran behind the inner wings..

10-03-11, 07:23 PM
Yeah Austins, awesome car and build thread!


10-03-11, 07:48 PM
a dizzy-less small block 16v engine, with its o.e plastic engine cover retained, and the main nova loom for lights and engine ran behind inner wing(s) should end up with a realistic, cheapish way of an fairly spartan looking engine bay.
The o.e engine covers are quite big - hiding all the top of the engine from just in front of the cylinder head to over the inlet manifold/t.b so most wiring cant be seen behind it. Only seem to be on small-block though..? (Big block engines dont seem to come with these covers so its all exposed... bar the 'turbo' cover on LET's but thats just the inlet/t.b)
If you have the recent total vauxhall with the 1.4/1.6 16v buying/tuning guide at the back - the first large pic is my nova's old x14xe engine bay - looks alright and didnt at that stage have the loom ran behind the inner wings..


Shame I never actually finished it lol, Planned to move map sensor, remove the T in the header tank hose, and tidy lots more of it.

11-03-11, 11:17 AM

the search button will be your friend!

11-03-11, 11:44 AM
Ben, to think originally he started with this lol Here's Austin's build thread >LINK (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77587)< ;)


11-03-11, 01:03 PM
list what you have and what to remove, the go from there. Its easy when you start, just working out where to run stuff.

11-03-11, 01:06 PM
only coolant bleed pipes will be a head scratcher.. cos an airlock will murder the engine, everything else isn't dependant on gravity.

11-03-11, 05:40 PM
Sorry i'll add in to my first post.

All the tanks can be moved. The header tank can be a night mare, as it must be the highest point(above the engine) of the water system. For it all to bleed right, then you need to be able to get to it to fill with semi ease.

You'll find you'll need "custom" read as well modded hoses for water and air.

Hiding the wiring loom is easy, as long as you can solider. Luckily that very easy to do. Then its a matter of plugging in the loom then working out when you want it to run to be hidden then where it will re enter the car.

How crazy do you wanna go??? Is the real Question.

Weld and plate every hole, seam, join and gap. Get them as smooth/to shape as you can, so you use the smallest amount of filler possible.

Everything can be done with a lil planning.

12-03-11, 04:59 PM
i'm not looking to go extreme just get rid of the mass of wires etc, i'll probably leave the header tank (prob get a Bailey one) there, i will remove washer one though unless i can get one that looks good. Thanks for all the pics and advice people and Benn your right mate its all about planning so thats what i'll do.

thanks all

12-03-11, 05:01 PM
one thing though if i am going to extend the wiring i'd like to use the same colours where would be the cheapest place to get wires of the same colour or is it going to be better to try get a second loom?

12-03-11, 05:18 PM
Big way to cheat here.

Get a loom from another Nova, cut it off where it re enters the car, then you can plug it in to place in your car, run it where you want to hide it then join your loom too it. All the right colours and plugs that way.

12-03-11, 11:43 PM
Big way to cheat here.

Get a loom from another Nova, cut it off where it re enters the car, then you can plug it in to place in your car, run it where you want to hide it then join your loom too it. All the right colours and plugs that way.

cheers Benn

13-03-11, 09:40 AM
yeah i was going to say the same find a nova in a scrappie and use the same wires.

13-03-11, 02:01 PM
im sure colin could chop the front end off the many looms he must have if you get stuck as well