View Full Version : Wonder how much...

04-03-11, 09:46 AM
...fork handles cost? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12643966) lol

04-03-11, 10:19 AM
pah.... just imagine what it costs to fit them then......i bet that, as with every other form of military procurement. that the light bulb actually has to pass some useless 50 year old standard & be sent with a testing certificate too.....

my biggest gripe at the moment with the military is those road calming convoys that they send up the m1 with some school leaver leading in a lhd landrover at 30 mph, followed by 6 transporters with tanks, then another with a spare tractor unit on..... so the rest of us have wagons that will easily do 100000km a year without skipping a beat, yet the army stuff is so bad, they have to carry a spare truck.......... these tractor units are some stupid great american thing too, and i bet that scania couls easily do one that would have cost less than athird & not break down......