View Full Version : custom install

15-06-03, 12:38 AM
has anyone made a custom boot install but still cept theis spare wheel? i'm comin up to the end of my exams and want a project to do over the summer. if ther is anyone out there could you send me some pics to give me ideas as i dont want to get rid of my spare.

15-06-03, 01:20 AM
What my mate did was:

Take carpet out draw round that on a piece of wood you want in ya boot, then around 2/3s of the way to 1 side slice it in 2 so one side has the wheel well. He then bolted his amp to the smaller side of the wood and the sub to the larger side of the wood. This way if he needed to access the wheel well he could un-wire the sub (only +ve & -ve connectors) and access his spare wheel.

Personall I've got like a 'trap door' with hinges so all ave gotta do is drop the back seats and open up the door to the wheel well. Works well.

Hope this helps, (if its the info your after).



15-06-03, 05:01 AM
the boot install i had, we just made a wooden floor, to the shape of the bodywork, and laid carpet over top of it! screwed the amp dwn, not sub tho (and it got nicked) for easy access reasons. ob in this case to the thieves.... DOH

15-06-03, 10:44 AM
my install is the kinda the same as Robhardy's// except i bolted me sub(inside) to the wooden floor and then bolted the wooden floor to the base of the boot! theif proof! i hope :?

i dunt even bother carrying the spare wheel. just throw it on the back seats if i go on a long journey.

15-06-03, 02:11 PM
cheers for that i'm gonna give it a go in a couple of weeks when i finish my exams.