View Full Version : Off for breakfast...

27-02-11, 09:04 AM
... to Maccie D's to get rid of my damn hangover.

That is all.

27-02-11, 09:12 AM
At work today after a late one last night :(

At breakfast now :d

6 White toast
5 hash browns
4 bacon
4 sausage
Scrambled egg
2 cans of Lilt

All for £3

Subsidised canteen FTW

Should keep me going for a few hours lol

27-02-11, 09:17 AM
Bring me three breakfasts over Dave lol lol

27-02-11, 09:22 AM
At work today after a late one last night :(

At breakfast now :d

6 White toast
5 hash browns
4 bacon
4 sausage
Scrambled egg
2 cans of Lilt

All for £3

Subsidised canteen FTW

Should keep me going for a few hours lol

Are you really hungry or is this a snacklol

27-02-11, 09:31 AM
Normal Sunday at work breakfast tbh lol

Did get hammered last night tho :roll: hoping I'll feel better soon as I got till 7pm before I can go home :(

27-02-11, 10:31 AM
Love maccy d's for hangover cure. Or down the local caff for massive breakfast.

I managed to drink a small bottle of Vodka last night, but not too bad this morning. Was lovely weather this morning, so dragged the girlfriend down the market at about half 8, she wasnt ammused.

27-02-11, 10:58 AM
As much as i don't mind the food from the golden arches, i do find anything breakfast related is swimming in grease.....but highly tasty...lol

As it happens i'm offski to get dressed and take myself to the supermarket for full english ingredients!!..

Edit....This is Hoochie as stupid face finds it too difficult to log out of my computer!!!

27-02-11, 11:07 AM
Edit....This is Hoochie as stupid face finds it too difficult to log out of my computer!!!

You should just swap accounts, you never seem to post on your own anyway somehow, always each others lol

27-02-11, 01:14 PM
You should just swap accounts, you never seem to post on your own anyway somehow, always each others lol

or just check the top right corner where it says "Welcome, Sturge/Hoochie" before posting?

27-02-11, 01:17 PM
Greasy spoon cafe full english for a hangover cure ftw :thumb: :p

27-02-11, 01:18 PM
Ive just had my breakfast, carvery and a pint at the pub nextdoor to mr fusions house lol

27-02-11, 02:21 PM
she's put the whole house on a diet........(except flower the dog)

so i had bran flakes for brekkie..... they've all gone out for a few hours, so i've been & got 4 chelsea buns & woolufed them.... & put the wrapper in the street bin.. as she has been on a diet since i first met her (mar88), i've learnt loads of food tricks off her....

but i get my pork based food fix tonight... gammon & jacket taters...

27-02-11, 02:24 PM
bacon and egg sandwich, 3 slices of bread, 4 bacon, 2 eggs, some baked beans 2 bananas and a cup of tea :)

27-02-11, 02:25 PM
but you are a scrawny youth... i bet you look preggers now..

27-02-11, 02:26 PM
Metabolism of win :d

27-02-11, 02:36 PM
i used to have one of them....... wait till you are 30....

27-02-11, 02:42 PM
i used to have one of them....... wait till you are 30....
Very very true

I have been 12 and a half stone from 16 to 30, in the last few years since 30 it's started to increase lol

2 plates of fry up this morning haven't helped lol

27-02-11, 03:50 PM
But atm, I am not 30 :) Jealous much? lol

27-02-11, 04:01 PM
I've still got the metabolism of a teen even though I'm 34 :d

Btw that maccies I had early didn't agree with last nights ale, why does food never taste as good the second time around lol

27-02-11, 04:06 PM
i think its for justice reasons....

on an evolutionary note, the fry up has been round way longer than the maccie d, so your body will be more used to it, hence... you rarely eject a fryup.

27-02-11, 04:06 PM
No not jealous at all, all I did in my 20's was waste money on cars........

....... Uh oh hang on a minute :( lol seem to be still doing that in my 30's lol

27-02-11, 04:08 PM
They're just not as quick as they used to be due to extra weight... :p lol

27-02-11, 04:11 PM
with advanced years, alcohol tolerance goes up, yet metabolism rate goes down.....its a tradeoff, i'm happy with

27-02-11, 04:13 PM
with advanced years, alcohol tolerance goes up, yet metabolism rate goes down.....its a tradeoff, i'm happy with

So you get fat and it costs more to get drunk?! I might just take up a deadly sport at 30lol

27-02-11, 04:14 PM
more like i eat healthily, and don't fall over at 10pm

27-02-11, 06:37 PM
Cookies for breakfast.

LOL @ your sig mowgli, good point lol

27-02-11, 07:49 PM
At work today after a late one last night :(

At breakfast now :d

6 White toast
5 hash browns
4 bacon
4 sausage
Scrambled egg
2 cans of Lilt

All for £3

Subsidised canteen FTW

Should keep me going for a few hours lol

and a partridge in a pear tree lol lol lol

28-02-11, 08:26 AM
Donuts for breakfast yesterday...pork scratchings and a wispa this morning lol

28-02-11, 08:57 AM
i hope that is a craving & not your usual brekkie

28-02-11, 09:28 AM
i hope that is a craving & not your usual brekkie

Just cravings :thumb: I was never a junk food person really until being pregnant.