View Full Version : Baxter, Mowgli did you know this guy? (R.I.P)

26-02-11, 12:09 PM
or hear of the accident?


I never met this lad in person, but he was a well liked RR member and built some awesome cars. Such a shame!

26-02-11, 12:18 PM
Jesus, bad days :( feel very sorry for those that have lost him!

Did get a right lump in my throat reading that, I know some one called Si who goes by the user name hong kong phooey although he drives RWD Toyota. Cacked myself for a minute there!

Pistol Pete
26-02-11, 12:21 PM


My mate was showing me this just the other week. He wants to get one as a project when he sells his R33.

Sad news.

26-02-11, 12:21 PM
Jesus, bad days :( feel very sorry for those that have lost him!

Did get a right lump in my throat reading that, I know some one called Si who goes by the user name hong kong phooey although he drives RWD Toyota. Cacked myself for a minute there!

I assume you mean he doesn't drive RWD Toyotas Mike? As you have read the thread you will have seen that these were some of Si's cars. :(


I love the SR20DET TA22.

26-02-11, 12:23 PM
I assume you mean he doesn't drive RWD Toyotas Mike? As you have read the thread you will have seen that these were some of Si's cars. :(

He does drive RWD Toyota, albeit Rev3 MR2 Turbo & a MRS Roadster. Not any tasty classic's like those in the RR thread.

Got me a bit worried for a minute TBH.

26-02-11, 12:26 PM
Ah. Got ya! Bet that puts the sh!ts up him too if he reads it! Some scary similarities there!

Pete, we posted his car at the same time. They are great cars, and if you don't mind a bit of work you can pick them up for reasonable money (for 70's Jap). Your mate has taste. :)

26-02-11, 12:27 PM
Ah. Got ya! Bet that puts the sh!ts up him too if he reads it! Some scary similarities there!

Put the shÃ*ts up me I can tell you that now! He lives not far from Hinckley, as Hinckley isnt far from me either.

General Baxter
26-02-11, 12:38 PM
**** me :(
Last Login Date:Yesterday at 2:56pm

or hear of the accident?

i can find out, as my sisters boyfriend's dads the cheif fire officer around here, but im not going too!

26-02-11, 12:40 PM
Never nice to hear about, even if you don't know them :( thoughts are with his family and anyone who knew him

26-02-11, 01:15 PM
It's a real shame R.I.P

26-02-11, 01:18 PM
horrid :( poor bloke and his poor family!

the time of his last login just brings the scary reality that your life can be gone within a second! its even weirder when you think 24hours ago he was still alive!

26-02-11, 06:03 PM
Thats Mr Bishi on CCUK :(

Sad news indeed.

26-02-11, 06:36 PM
i heard about a road closure last night, but no other details.... the hinckley paper comes out on a thursday so details will take a while to come thru..

i didn't know the chap, but the cars do look familiar.

it always saddens me to hear something like this.

update... it appears the accident happened on the smockington junction with the a5 south of hinckley. it is a notorious accident spot, and lots of people have been killed there over the years.. there is a staggered junction where a B road crosses the A5 on top of a hill. at rush hour, people can end up stopped in the main carriageway, then something piles in from behind.

26-02-11, 08:53 PM
I hate reading threads like this, puts life into perspective a little so live it to the max IMO.

Condolences to his family & friends.

27-02-11, 05:23 PM
Just reading the latest posts on Si's R.I.P thread on RR. It is being said that he was driving his Celica at the time.

I wonder how much of the end result had to do with him being in an older car (70's). Rather a lot I presume. Given how far modern cars have progressed in terms of safety cells, airbags, crumple zones etc it makes me wonder how much of an incident like that (what Mowgli mentioned) would have been absorbed by a modern car.

We all love our older cars, but it's something I am always concious of when driving.

27-02-11, 05:46 PM
/\ if a wagon hits you at any decent speed, modern car design is no better than an old one... that much force will mangle it..... there have been no local details published yet

27-02-11, 05:50 PM
Aye, I wasn't thinking of a wagon. Dunno why.

27-02-11, 06:40 PM
Old TA22 like that would have been built like a brick outhouse front and rear, must have been a hefty whack :(

27-02-11, 07:52 PM
the trucks are usually on their limiter thru there, as in 56mph.

01-03-11, 07:25 PM
been past the scene of the accident today.. i will definitely have to get the local rag as the lorry was heading south on a straight piece of road & ended up in the hedge on the left, and it was a long way from a junction... from a local perspective, nobody in their right mind would overtake where it happened...

10-12-11, 08:37 PM
right people. the inquest findings were published this week..

1. his car was heading north & crossed the carriageway into the path of an oncoming wagon, killing him instantly.
2. they found no fault with his cars brakes & steering
3. they did find some issue with the rear axle mountings.
4. apparently this car was very well modified, and was used regularly on track days, and the driver was considered to be an excellent driver.
5. the coroner could not make any conclusions from the evidence other than to list it as an accidental death.

11-12-11, 04:50 PM
How could they find a fault if the steering etc was smashed up after the accident anyway?

11-12-11, 05:13 PM
because they actually employed forensic scientists, and crash investigators..and they used eye witness accounts
this crash was a big deal in our area because it was so strange. the bloke was coming off the end of a dual carriageway onto single carriageway, it was dead straight, and he veered over onto the opposite carriageway & into the path of a wagon, on a dry day in broad daylight.

11-12-11, 07:54 PM
Could the rear axle mountings have caused it? I'm sure there are many questions being asked, he could have had a random blackout or may have been depressed and down enough to end it.

Endless questions and a real shame.

11-12-11, 08:01 PM
That doesn't sound good Mowgli.

As for the rear axle mountings causing it, I would be very surprised, because as mentioned in the report, his car was built to a very high standard.

Who knows! :(

11-12-11, 08:52 PM
could it be possible that there could have been something medically wrong with him? to go across a straight road with no steering problems is very odd.

11-12-11, 09:42 PM
having seen the crash scene, one thing was blindingly obvious. he was going fast at the time of the crash.

11-12-11, 09:52 PM
I don't know Mr Bishi personally, but afaik he was in good health and from what I gather not the sort to just rag the sh!t out of his car in that fashion.

11-12-11, 09:59 PM
Who knows a rAbbit, deer or similar could have ran out in front of him, he could of had hay fever and had a sneezing fit ANYTHING could of happened all we will know it was tragic!

11-12-11, 10:07 PM
the stretch of road is well known to me, and it has seen a lot of deaths over the years. its a section of A road dual carriageway, that is fast, then it goes over the brow of a hill, and becomes single carriageway, then at the bottom of a dip, there is a B road that comes in from the right with a large central refuge area, it is common for people coming out of the B road to get into the middle, wait for a gap & then finish their turn. the big problem is that the road is then steeply uphill, and the b road is also an official route from a large stone quarry, so you get quite a few slow wagons on the uphill. watching out for wagons is easy, but to compound the problem, at the top of the hill is a right hand turn with a tiny centre refuge, so the traffic can suddenly stop if 3 or more cars want to turn right, which is very common, so suddenly you have traffic slowing to 60mph passing slow lorries, then suddenly having to stop rather quickly...this could have been sorted out years ago, but the road is also the county boundary between leicestershire & warwickshire, and any road improvements take ages.

12-12-11, 07:34 AM
I don't know Mr Bishi personally, but afaik he was in good health and from what I gather not the sort to just rag the sh!t out of his car in that fashion.

i guess theres only one person who actually know why then.