View Full Version : urgent help!!

14-06-03, 02:56 PM
about a month or so ago car wouldnt start, just went 'PING' when i turned the key as if battery was dead or sumthin, so i put it in gear an started it again, it gradually built up power an started, no realy prob since, until 2day. Just got bk from work, went inside, neighbour asked me to move car, and it wouldnt start again! so got bro to push it whilst i tried to start it in gear again to get it goin,it burbled a bit but then smoke came out of the dashboard!! so i stopped. I think it is the started motor, an i phoned an old neighour whos a mechanic, an he said that it sounds like the most likley thing. wot do u guys think? its a real c.nt! because i wanted to go to PV 2morow :cry:
so also if anyone in the cambridge area is willin to giv me an my younger bro an his mate a lift that would be wicked, wed pay for petrol an all
all help is much apreaciated, need car for eveyting!! aaaaaaaahh!
P.S if anyone is willin to fix a new starter motor on for cheaper than the garage, then id pay for that as well, i live in Papworth just outside cambridge...

14-06-03, 04:11 PM
well if it clicked and nout else that usualy the starter unit fecked, but if smoke coming out then either bad cable or something else is wrong with it, like wire is short circuited :S

14-06-03, 05:45 PM
will be burned out black cap.... remove cowling and replace

14-06-03, 05:49 PM