View Full Version : sell the nova?:(

19-02-11, 05:32 PM
Dont know what to do anymore, im having a bad time of things lately with problems at home amongst other things and losing my job:(.

I bought the car with the intension of making it a nice little first car but it seems everything i do on the car goes wrong and im fed up of not being able to find the parts i want to finish it. Got an insurance quote yesterday on compare the market and the cheapest was 8 and a half grand which i refuse point blank to pay to insure a 1.2 its just crazy.

With any luck wich atm i doubt i will get il be getting a cancelation to take my test within the next couple of months, i bought the car in september last year deleberatly early so i had time to finish it before it was time for me to start driving but now it looks like it wont be ready:(.

Its gotten to the point now where im making myself ill, all i do is worry about things on the car getting it finished in time where im going to find the money to buy the parts i need so on..

Maybe if i get another car i might have a bit better luck? obviously the insurance wont change as if i did get another car it would probibly be a corsa b fiesta mk3 or a polo ect.

Sorry to waste your time by you reading this but i thought it might make me feel abit better getting it all off my chest and hearing maybe what some of you would do in my situation:(

19-02-11, 05:45 PM
Best not to give yourself any 'deadlines' as such; with the car anyway - as its normal for costs and deadlines to go way over initial thought in anyone's project.
I think ide: if the car has around £1000 value or over then selling will give you some cash to live on whilst your looking for work. If you need it..?
If its only really worth half that, then it'd be more inclined to keep it, at least for a bit longer; just waiting in the wings when the opportunity arrives again..
Unless you think its not that special, and wouldnt mind a different one once your back again able to buy and mod a nova again, anyway.

19-02-11, 06:00 PM
Compare the meerkat is bollox lol was qouting me £387 a year for liability insurance where as Directline do it for £67 a year for 1mill cover & about £160 for 2mill cover lol lol

19-02-11, 06:04 PM
I agree with Mike, you'll be able to find insurance alot cheaper

What parts can't you find for the Nova ?

.... I do feel that MP's at Westminster want to make it impossible for young drivers to be on the road by making insurance companies raise premiums so they're totally unaffordable tho :( glad I passed 16 tears ago lol

19-02-11, 06:17 PM
Don't sell it mate, you'll regret it! Even if you keep it like peester said and see what happens in time. I've just turned 17 and am looking at insurance for my 1.2 Nova and was quoted £3,800 fully comp with LV. Suprisingly, fully comp was cheaper than TPFT :confused:.

19-02-11, 06:25 PM
Put project to one side (sell if you really need to) and concentrate other things, then come back to it or buy another later.

also some bigger cars can be cheaper to insure than the typical boy racer, joy riders cars.

19-02-11, 06:33 PM
Suprisingly, fully comp was cheaper than TPFT :confused:.

yeah thats been happening a while now: i think the stereo-types that play a part in insurance quotes; TPFT is synonamous with youth; where as fully comp was more with experienced drivers so asking for fully comp maybe kinda fools-the-system into thinking 'ah, grown up man'.. hence the saving ; for better cover.
It is really unfair these days with these quotes you hear; the banks got a bit of a slap for unfair charges/fines with late/overdrafts/fees - perhaps the same may happen with car insurance one day..?

19-02-11, 06:54 PM
Plus not all TPF&T policies come with an excess.

Don't rely on insurance comparison sites for quotes, they're daft most of the time. Is the car modded?

19-02-11, 06:55 PM
Peester- I bought the car for 90 pound spent about 200 on parts and about the same for the respray its not the money really that would stop me selling it its more the centimental value of it iv spent alot of time getting it to where it is now and everything i do on it my grandad helps me with as he used to be a mechanic and did a fair bit of body work aswell and touch wood he will be around for a few years yet but it will happen one day and i think it would be a good memory with him and when it gets finished il be doing it for him.

Mike- My dad did some shopping around today and even with the car in hes name with me as a named driver it only takes a few houndred off and hes 41 and has alot of no claims:(.

Edd- I need front seats as i threw my old ones away thinking i would have had the car done by now. I had my heart set on two recaro seats on ebay to that id been watching for about a week but i got outbid in the last few seconds which is just my luck atm but hopefully if all goes to plan im getting a gsi rear bench deliverd to mine saterday and same with my bumpers really i threw my standard ones away thinking id have my gsi ones by now but still havent:(. Thats all i need to get the car road worthy apart from tax and testing it.. but i wanted to get it finished really before i start driving and i still need gsi dash some sr steels i want banded and a few other little bits.

Liiam- Il give them a try tomorow hopefully il get it as much cheaper as you did.

Keith- I wouldnt be able to keep my car and buy another one i dont think id be able to go to a completly standard car and have to start all over again and i feel more in controll in smaller cars when driving mates cars i only like driving the corsa's and my mates polo and im doing my lessons in the new corsa and i feel comfotable in that.

Cheers for all he replys

19-02-11, 06:56 PM
Plus not all TPF&T policies come with an excess.

Don't rely on insurance comparison sites for quotes, they're daft most of the time. Is the car modded?

Yes but only wheels backbox lights and a few other little bits but iv got a system which cost me about 5 times more than the car cost me so im unsure wether to declare that

19-02-11, 07:02 PM
stick with it mate. they are getting harder to find at a good price now if u sell it u will regret it after getting a corsa or fiesta ect. as for parts put a wanted post up.

19-02-11, 07:09 PM
im in a similar situation, unemployed atm and jobs around here are thin on the ground. I was lucky my parents bought my a corsa b to use if and when i get work and up intill this morning had 2 novas. One was rotten so sold it on to a boy to use as a stock car. I would like the nova done for summer but wont be happening :(. So instead of getting down about it ive just legt the nova on hold and do bits if and when a can. At 17 with my first nova 1.2, gsi kit etc insurance was 1300 TPTF. So look around mate you will find it cheaper.

Calamity Josh
19-02-11, 07:12 PM
Elepahant is good for cheap car insurance

19-02-11, 07:15 PM
Sell the exhaust for a start... no need to spend that much cash on it :confused:

Try ringing individual insurers for quotes rather than relying totally on price comparison sites. I have used Direct Line in the past
and found them good on price but its different for everyone. Currently I'm with Admiral and went through GoCompare. Was just
going to have TPFT but when I rung them up they sold me Fully Comp for the same price and threw in National Breakdown cover
and Windscreen cover. But beware, your excess will go up :thumb:

I've lost count of the number of 'deadlines' I set myself for the Nova, all it does is frustrate you when things aren't done by then.
Take your time with it, get it how you want it. I got myself another daily and the Nova can take as long as it likes now lol cash
availability and dry weather are the two main factors in determining how long a project will take... but don't throw all your money
into it!! Leave yourself some cash to enjoy other things!!

I hope you can keep it pal, as much as it is frustrating you now you will probably regret it if you sell... best of luck with it, I know
exactly how you feel and a lot of others on here will too!! :)

19-02-11, 07:16 PM
if the car is hardly worth anything/owes you minimal outlay then keep it but dont touch it for a while. save up and hit it all at once.

thats what im doing with mine, i bought a decent shell 4years ago, bit'd and bob'd and never got much done to it aside form all the repair work and strenghning, ended up buying another (ex rally car) shell a year and a half ago and did EXACTLY the same lol the first shell was given away recently to a banger racer. ive decided to leave the other one in my lock-up while i sort my living arrangements out then ill get a lump sum together and hit it over the course of a few weeks

19-02-11, 07:38 PM
Chambers- Iv put wanted threads up for the bits i want but nothings really come up.

Moffat- Thats the thing mate i need my car for my independence and was looking forwad to having it for summer which probibly isnt going to happen now and got a few more places to try now so im going to have a ring about tomorow see if i can find it cheaper.

Josh- Cheers mate il give them a try tomorow aswell.

Rich- Moneys not that much of an issue really as iv got enough for the bits i want so i dont need to sell anything. I cant afford to keep my nova and get another car firstly id have to save and buy another car which would take me probibly as long as finishing mine will. I love spending money on it tho id prefer to spend money on that than go out and buy a new pair of trainers a month and other bits like that but i do spend some money for myself lol.

Draper- I cant really do that not that i have much choice now really but i need the car ready for when i pass my test but if things dont start improving it looks like i wont be driving for ages yet:(

19-02-11, 07:39 PM
so why not have it ready as a standard car for when you pass your test ?

19-02-11, 07:40 PM
so why not have it ready as a standard car for when you pass your test ?


tidy standard Novas are becoming a rare thing, and its nice to see one :thumb:

19-02-11, 09:18 PM
at the moment mate i'd woudn't worry about the nova
if it doesn't stand you at much leave it to one side.

first thing is to pass your test!

when you do pass your test, you don't need to be
on the road the same day, think about how long
you have been waiting.

don't sell the nova, spend the cash you do have
on getting through the driving test,
then sort the car out
one thing at a time

ohh and get some sleep
and don't worry :thumb:

+ rep

19-02-11, 09:35 PM
when i passed i didnt have a car for months as i was still sorting the work it needed

19-02-11, 09:43 PM
I feel for you, sounds like your worrying too much about it though.

Try and get some other insurance quotes once you've passed your test because insurance companies cannot give you an accurate quote and the prices do change monthly anyway.

Out of interest try getting some quotes on random cars through compare, you'll be surprised what silly quotes you get even on budget Corsas.

Finally be patient, it's not worth getting all worked up about over a car, I'm sure most on here did it when they first wanted to drive there first car but no matter how long it is you'll still enjoy driving.

Chin up, be strong and relax and don't rush getting the Nova on the road, oh and don't sell it you'll only have to buy something else to insure :)