View Full Version : Why are there

10-02-11, 05:17 PM
so many time wasters, messers, anything you want to call them.

it seems in the vauxhall scene, there are so many wasters.

i have had a many when breaking a few novas.

with me - if i need it i buy it.
if i know there is going to be a problem i will let the person know as soon as.

proper fooks me off.

some of the bigger sellers on here must of experianced it.
and colin must have the patience of a saint.

rant over lol.

10-02-11, 05:23 PM
I think you get that wherever you go tbh, not just the GM thing. Its just thats what we (well most of us) have first hand experience of mostly.

10-02-11, 05:24 PM
Cash dreamers lol

I'm the same, if I want something after pics and info then I'll buy it

The bits I've sold on here I always had messers, really hate the pm's of 'what's your best price mate ?' lol WTF is a 'best price ?' lol

10-02-11, 05:28 PM
I have had some messers, but not many.

Acouple of well known members have messed me around in the past.

Unless something drastic happens (I blow an engine, or loose my liscence) Then ill do my best to keep to a deal, I have been to aberdean, and to kent for parts and cars, and bikes lol

People just dream they can afford stuff"will you hold it till payday, in 6 weeks" Well obv not you retard lol

10-02-11, 05:37 PM
Its the same in any "scene", Selling anything.

Yep you get time wasters but thats life.

10-02-11, 05:44 PM
I agree with Colin must have the patience of a saint, the amount of forums he uses he must get 10 messers per day.

Sad to say I let someone down recently, promised to buy something, promised a few times, then couldn't :(

10-02-11, 05:58 PM
When buying I always try get a bit off the price but if seller won't budge on price I usually just pay the full price (being from Yorkshire i have small arms and deep pockets lol) and when selling I price stuff slightly above what I want to compensate for buyers like me

10-02-11, 06:01 PM
lol i would rather price something higher and then take offers. im very open to a deal.

and if i need something gone quick it will be cheap lol.

Pistol Pete
10-02-11, 06:10 PM
Comes with the territory!! But yeah, its bloody annoying.

10-02-11, 06:30 PM
Have to admit Colin is pretty good with stuff. Never really had a problem with him. I guess patience comes with the job lol

vx kev
10-02-11, 08:02 PM
Yup, they are out there like :tard: Is rather annoying especially when you'e been asked to hang onto something for someone and then never hear from them again. Just plain ruid! :wtf:
IMO, you either want and can afford something or you dont. SIMPLES!!!!!

10-02-11, 08:11 PM
Don't even get me started on this best price bollox....

10-02-11, 08:12 PM
Don't even get me started on this best price bollox....

What is your best price on bollox these days?

vx kev
10-02-11, 08:19 PM
How much for cash lol lol

10-02-11, 09:07 PM
Don't even get me started on this best price bollox....
lol it is fooking annoying.

tbh now, i say the first one with a deposit (even that isnt idiot proof) or the full amount.

for example, the other day i had 3-4 people pm'img me about the SR steels. about delivery, postage, other useless ****.
mini burgo and his missus yorkie came over with the cash and they were sold. simple.

10-02-11, 09:09 PM
Best price? What's the lowest you'll take? All really piss me off. It's seems the art of haggling really is lost on some people.

Another one that winds me up when selling a car is, the text message haggling , before they've come to look at what they have offered £xxxx for.

10-02-11, 09:13 PM
lol i had matt brown haggling the other night drunk.

the best buyers are the racer boys. they say they want it. and they turn up. simples.

10-02-11, 09:18 PM
Best price questions are funny if each time you actually increase the price.

"The wheels you have for £100 mate, whats your best price on them?"
"£120, thanks" lol

10-02-11, 09:32 PM
It always amuses me when you put no offers, and everyone simply ignores it lol

10-02-11, 09:38 PM
Best price questions are funny if each time you actually increase the price.

"The wheels you have for £100 mate, whats your best price on them?"
"£120, thanks" lol

Flol! Definatley doing this next time !

I would also like to know why people say that they will definitely come look at at something, you phone back later to make sure, they say they are definitely coming, they don't show up. This has happened alot to me and one fella even phoned back the next day to come see the car... I told him to get fcuked and kept the car for another 6 months!

I hate the hassle of selling stuff!

10-02-11, 09:48 PM
Works the other way to, was a bit p!ssed off to have done a 5 hour round trip and waste £30 of fuel to go and see a 'totally mint and original' Nova which turned out to have been painted down one side with various areas of grot sprouting up including what looked like two bunches of brown broccoli sprouting in the corners of the boot!
Thing is I was going to continue for another 2 hours to see another one but ran out of time and that was probably no good aswell.

10-02-11, 09:52 PM
as regards the 'best price' question, I dont think thats so bad. If you want something but its say £50 over your budget, if you know they will come down to your budget you can go and view. If not you can say thanks and not waste each others time.

10-02-11, 10:39 PM
lol i had matt brown haggling the other night drunk.

the best buyers are the racer boys. they say they want it. and they turn up. simples.


How do you know is was drunk? lol

I actually was iirc lol

10-02-11, 10:46 PM

How do you know is was drunk? lol

I actually was iirc lol

because you text me the next morning asking why you wernt scary or something lol.

11-02-11, 12:57 PM
Don't get me started on this whole subject..........

It goes with the territory, and it's certainly not an exclusive Vauxhall phenomenom, or even just a car related thing.

I've got a friend who is selling his printing business and he's just had one dreamer after another.

But what I just don't understand is why people haven't just got the courtesy/guts to just be honest and tell you;

a. I've pissed all my cash up against the wall so I can no longer afford it
b. I've changed my mind
c. I've found the same thing cheaper from someone else
d. I never actually had the cash in the first place but I really would have loved a 250bhp XE engine, Escort Cosworth rally car etc. etc. so I wasted your time pretending that I could own it

It's the not bothering to let you know which is so irritating.

I guess it's a reflection of the 'Internet' culture we live in now, where good manners have gone out of the window.

11-02-11, 01:20 PM
This is why posts nowoften start with


No packhorse, sherpa, mule, donkey, ass etc etc.

Still get the pratsasking how much delivered.

11-02-11, 06:54 PM
This is why posts nowoften start with


No packhorse, sherpa, mule, donkey, ass etc etc.

Still get the pratsasking how much delivered.

Last time I saw that I did sit and try and think of some other way it could be delivered, didn't come up with anything though lol

11-02-11, 08:21 PM
How much for cash lol lol

This really annoys me. wtf else are they going to pay with? ****ing magic beans? :tard:

But if I'm honest, I've had absolutely no trouble buying or selling on here. I have had loads of morons on MIG, and even more on ebay. I will definitely be trying Jacks method of increasing the price though lol and if they question why its gone up, it goes up more lol