View Full Version : A large thank you

08-02-11, 03:20 AM
To the people of PNG for getting me out of engine troubles which struck at the worst possible time.

Simps for coming all the way down from Norwich, picking up an engine on the way and helping me for 2 days to swap the engines, dropped everything and even cancelled a date when it took longer than expected! Was a nightmare at times engine wise but a good laugh company wise, hopefully can do it again on better terms soon, like when you start the nova you raging fairy.

Yes people he actually can wield a ratchet in anger when he wants to lol

Count Vaux/James for the free engine, very much appreciated and a lesser man could have easily taken advantage of evil corsa heart eating a glow plug and charged more than usual for it.

Anyone who replied to threads asking for some advice when Simps was breaking bolts or I was trying to get back to uni without killing the battery :p

And Lee, for explaining 5 ways how a clutch cable goes in and out lol Dave dead, everybody is.

Have had a pretty **** year/couple of years and it's time like this that do remind you people are around to muck in when it's really needed, so thank you those people :) :thumb:

The Simps
08-02-11, 11:22 AM
Glad you got there in the end. I'm just conerned in letting you near my car now incase the bad luck is actually your normal luck!


Count Vaux Alot
08-02-11, 11:54 AM
Glad you got there in the end. I'm just conerned in letting you near my car now incase something actually gets done!



Happy to help :)

Danny s-p
08-02-11, 12:18 PM
can we have pic of this car iv not seen it yet

The Simps
08-02-11, 01:05 PM

Happy to help :)

fpmsl lol

08-02-11, 01:45 PM
I am beginning to wonder Simps lol Although, the fact that the only bits I/we broke I had spares of sitting around, and finding that random bolt that fitted the one you manhandled and sheared in the engine mount wasn't bad luck, it could have been a lot harder to start and gone a lot worse in the end really :)

I was actually witness to a phone call about a welder, it might have been set up, but it goes some way to proving he's at least trying to do something lol

No pics because there's not much to take pics of lol Imagine a 3 shades of white SRi, a rusty O/S arch and a soot black rear lol

There's a couple pics from when I bought it assuming they're still hosted on PH and one from a while ago if you search through my started threads.

Count Vaux Alot
08-02-11, 02:17 PM
MK for all we know you could be in on the act to on Simps's behalf....

08-02-11, 02:19 PM
MK for all we know you could be in on the act to on Simps's behalf....

Rumbled, there isn't even a design, I did it on paint.

The Simps
08-02-11, 04:42 PM
Rumbled, there isn't even a design, I did it on paint.
